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On 16-12-2017 at 0:40 PM, Tia Lapis said:

So another half year longer wait? This is far beyond ridiculous now... We were promised the beta 3 years ago so this is a whopping 3,5 years late - IF it comes in summer.

Better wait and have a decent tool then publish too soon and everybody is complaining about it's lack of features or stability!


There is always something to be desired! You gotta have a stanrting point and I for one are very pleased with a date...So we can target to that.

On 16-12-2017 at 0:40 PM, Tia Lapis said:

So another half year longer wait? This is far beyond ridiculous now... We were promised the beta 3 years ago so this is a whopping 3,5 years late - IF it comes in summer.

Better wait and have a decent tool then publish too soon and everybody is complaining about it's lack of features or stability!


There is always something to be desired! You gotta have a starting point and I for one are very pleased with a date...So we can target summer for the beta.


Very impressed! Lots of good stuff in the preview.


I have some questions though:


will it be possible to begin typing anywhere on the canvas or do you need to place a text box/container.

Will it support all types of fonts? Like TTF, Opentype and Type 1 fonts?

Can you correct errors in a table by dragging them left to right and up and down? So you can put the tables in the correct order?



On 15-12-2017 at 1:17 AM, Bri-Toon said:

I've never used Quark so I don't know how it handles this, but how many times have InDesign users experience missing fonts and other program errors because they didn't embed their links or package their file? These are very easy things to miss first time on the go. And so, I am curious to know what Affinity's approach will be to keep everything linked together without errors popping up.

you have preflight for that, to check if everything is included for the document. I would certainly think Publisher would have such a tool to test if all elements were there.

On 15-12-2017 at 8:27 AM, MikeW said:


Usually this only happens once...then the person has learned to package if moving a publication and/or to keep publication resources in a relative path beneath the publication path and move/copy the whole shebang. Q is the same as ID. As is PagePlus, Viva Designer, or any other layout/design application that can link resources instead of just embedding them. The same will apply to APub and, if linked resources make it to AD, then to it too.


There are plug-ins/XTensions for ID/Q that can assist in relinking missing resources or using it to move/gather assets and relink the publication to them. And they work great. But APub/AD as of yet doesn't have hooks for plug-in developers to build widgets for them so I think we'll be stuck using what appeared in the video to be an asset panel. Which is akin to ID's & Q's libraries. And I don't use them, either.

In Indesign there is an option to package everything necesary for the file/publication. If people fail to do so and something is missing, that is NOT the fault of the software. Preflight is there!

On 16-12-2017 at 1:52 AM, Scungio said:

Was it just me or at the beginning of the video, didn't it look like there were three personas? But the two Personas to the right of Publisher, those look like the icons for Designer and Photo, no?




So, are we literally going to have access to ALL of the features and functions of both Designer and Photo within Publisher?

I guess/suspect the same integration as Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign have...

1 hour ago, Tourmaline said:

Adobe has another tool for that called Dreamweaver or if you wish flash pro. But flash is being substituted with fully html 5 applications.

No, my question for Serif is Will publisher be able to create websites thus replacing or superseding Webplus. Yes there are a lot of other tools out there


Affinity Designer 2.2.2075 & beta Affinity Photo 2.2.2075  beta Publisher  2.2.2075 & beta

Windows 11 Pro Version    22H2
OS build    22621.1928
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz   2.90 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


1 hour ago, MEB said:

Hi Rick G,

No, If you need a previous software as a reference it would be PagePlus not WebPlus.

Affinity Publisher is not designed to develop/build websites.

Thank you sir. That answers the question


Thumbs Up 5.gif

Affinity Designer 2.2.2075 & beta Affinity Photo 2.2.2075  beta Publisher  2.2.2075 & beta

Windows 11 Pro Version    22H2
OS build    22621.1928
Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz   2.90 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor


17 hours ago, Gilescooperuk said:

I will be looking to move to this when it comes out, in the meantime those on a Mac could have a look at swift publisher, it is cheap and subscription free, although not as easy as the new affinity publisher looks 


Thanks for the tip Giles, Swift does look interesting, by the way, the Swift app is cheaper on the BeLight software page than the Apple store if peeps are interested in it.


Please don't mistake my opinion for expert comment :) for no way no how am I an expert on anything. However I am curious and willing to learn. 


Affinity Photo (latest I promise)

Affinity Photo Beta (I have a lot of time on my hands)

Affinity Designer (Also the latest; promise)

Affinity Designer Beta (Because I like new things)

I need to get out more - Yes :)


Edited by me:  I didn't realize how long was it really what I posted (I have saved it apart in case some crazy soul was intending to read it and was in the midst of it, in case some web design info there was of the reader's interest). Summarizing: I have worked in frontend teams at companies, and I firmly believe a wysiwyg editor has not much use these days anymore, everything is done by dynamic chunks of different sources, is not about static pages (except landing ones and some super simple personal pages) you need to have at least a grasp of CSS and HTML, and still can/should make your design as a global thing in your raster or vector tool, then crop and chop graphics as needed, do the code (is a mark up language and a specification, not rocket science), helped by browser extensions allowing certain WYSIWYG-ish interactions in real time, and also helped by the pre-made libraries and frameworks available today to keep current with browsers and responsive design without killing your time in just fixing constant issues and specifications/browsers updates (also, if done well, can make easier maintaining sites and its design coherence). And also, as is mostly the only way when integrating with jQueries and a thousand other matters that are of different nature, in web development, things that and have become a must.

AD, AP and APub V2.5.x. Windows 10 and Windows 11. 


  • Staff
On 15/12/2017 at 3:38 PM, MikeW said:



I noticed in the YouTube version (which has a slightly better quality) items that bleed seem to be clipped at the page edge and there doesn't seem to be bleed indicators. 


So is the demo based upon artboards (couldn't tell in the video) or pages? If using the artboard mechanism present in AD, will it be rectified to show items off the artboard that bleed?


Will bleed indications be in the initial release?


Thank you, Mike


Bleed will be visible and working correctly for release. It will also be rolled into a Designer update.


The beta being spoken of for next Summer, is it only for MAC or will it come out for Windows at the same time? In my office we currently using In-Design and PS and AI. We are counting the days we can switch over to Affinity Products, but right now all we can do is wait... All our machines are PCs bar one.

13 hours ago, Tourmaline said:

you have preflight for that, to check if everything is included for the document. I would certainly think Publisher would have such a tool to test if all elements were there.


True on that. Affinity has proven to be much more convenient than Adobe in many areas. I guess I'm just curious with the solution after all the inconvenience I had with InDesign, but I ain't worried.


On 12/16/2017 at 1:43 PM, Rick G said:

I would love to hear from management or the developers on this

Will Affinity Publisher be able to publish web sites?


I was going to answer until I realized you received one, but heck, I would love if Affinity makes a website creation app in the some time future. Affinity Web maybe? With a red icon? I admit, I started working on a logo some time ago but never finished.


On 12/16/2017 at 4:55 PM, Rick G said:

Understood. There have been other mentions that seem to disagree with this hence my confusion.Also it is not the first time I have received a support answer that turned out to be incorrect


That's what happens when you are as wise as you are, Master Yoda! You see other people's common dilemmas. 


13 hours ago, Tourmaline said:

Adobe has another tool for that called Dreamweaver or if you wish flash pro. But flash is being substituted with fully html 5 applications.


I don't know if it's still the case, but back when I was in college, one of my professors told me that the industry standard is moving away from Dreamweaver because the ways of website creation has changed. There is also a program called Adobe Muse for web creation.


Am I getting off topic again?


The website is still a work in progress. The "Comics" and "Shop" sections are not yet ready. Feel free to connect with me and let me know what you like or what can be improved. You can contact me here, on my contact page, YouTube channel, or Twitter account. Thanks and have a great day!


Did anyone else notice in that preview video, when they were moving an image block around the document, just how quickly, cleanly and smoothly the text flowed around it real time as it was moved? With this being in only alpha mode, I would say that is already an amazing feat! However, I will say that I am NOT surprised by this at all. The reason is that I have seen just how much attention the Affinity team pays to every little aspect of the UI and how it provides such intuitive feedback to the user. We have been spoiled in their impeccable design and performance of AD an AP for the Mac, and we have no reason to expect anything different in Publisher. I will even bet that the initial public release of Publisher will be way better than the initial releases of Photo and Designer, since they will use all of the lessons learned from those applications to guide and inform their design and engineering choices. The fact they keep pushing out the expected release date tells me that they truly are exercising an extreme level of discipline by not giving in to the pressures to release it before it's truly ready.


And do you wanna know what the real irony is? If it were Adobe developing this software, the current alpha state, as we all saw it in operation, will already be good enough for them, and it would already be in general release. So kudos to the Affinity team for doing the right thing with all of their products! I am willing to wait patiently until they make it truly worthy of bearing the Affinity name, for I already know that the wait will have been worth it. Like I have shared here before, anything of exceptional quality always takes expert skill, patience, hard work, long hours and many years to produce. It is so refreshing to finally see companies like Serif that are dedicated to producing truly exceptional tools that not only work well, but they are pure joy to use!

5 hours ago, padre2 said:

The beta being spoken of for next Summer, is it only for MAC or will it come out for Windows at the same time? In my office we currently using In-Design and PS and AI. We are counting the days we can switch over to Affinity Products, but right now all we can do is wait... All our machines are PCs bar one.


Please read previous posts here. It says clearly that it is going to be released simultaneously for both Mac and Windows and the iPad version will follow later.


2017 27” iMac 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 • Radeon Pr 580 8GB • 64GB • Ventura 13.6.4.

iPad Pro (10.5-inch) • 256GB • Version 16.4


such a great epiphany

OS: windows 10 home 64 bits
Lenovo core I7 6700HQ
8Gb Ram
Nvidia GTX 950 4 gb Memory

SSD 256Gb

HD 1TB 5400 rpm

Il y a 6 heures, Michael Sheaver a dit:

............ j'ai vu à quel point l'équipe Affinité prête attention à chaque petit aspect de l'interface utilisateur et à la façon dont elle fournit un retour intuitif à l'utilisateur .. ................... Je parierais même que la publication publique Initiale de Publisher sera  bien meilleureque les versions  de photo et designer, les toutes ses puisqu'ils utiliseront de leçons elle informe ces applications pour guider et informer leurs choix de conception et d'ingénierie.

......... Si Adobe développait ce logiciel, l'état alpha actuel, comme nous avons vu en fonctionnement, sera déjà assez bon pour eux, et serait déjà en général disponible. Bravo à l'équipe Affinité pour avoir fait ce qu'il fallait avec tous ses produits! Je suis prêt à attendre patiemment jusqu'à ce qu'il soit vraiment digne de porter le nom d'Affinité, car je sais déjà que l'attente en aura la valeur. ........

Effectivement, l'attente sera récompensée. Soyez en certain.

Michael .... !! J'aime votre commentaire, certes un peu moraliste mais tout à fait rationnel.

  • Staff
On 16/12/2017 at 0:52 AM, Scungio said:

Was it just me or at the beginning of the video, didn't it look like there were three personas? But the two Personas to the right of Publisher, those look like the icons for Designer and Photo, no?




So, are we literally going to have access to ALL of the features and functions of both Designer and Photo within Publisher?

I just want to bring this post back to the top and dwell on it for a little while... You know I can't help but say a little too much most of the time, but I've been told in no uncertain terms that I'm not allowed to confirm or deny the function of these buttons... So I was trying to think what I could say about the subject, so: They're not there by accident. They're not placeholders. They're awesomeNobody else offers this, nor could they.


So my question to you is: What do you think they do? :D

30 minutes ago, MattP said:

So my question to you is: What do you think they do? :D


Uhmmm... They make Serif enter in World Domination Mode, perhaps?

Best regards!


Na ist doch einfach - Die sind für die 3,5 Jahre Verzögerung verantwortlich. Auf sie! =^.^=


Edit: Aehm sorry postet in german:

It's easy - They are responsible for the 3.5 years of delay. Get them! =^.^=

Mac mini M1 / Ryzen 5600H & RTX3050 mobile / iPad Pro 1st - all with latest non beta release of Affinity


It probably isn´t like "everything is in one program" solution

Either it is working like the "Edit in Photo/Desinger..." or it mimics a hypervisor and loads the needed parts of those programs into the UI and offers a vector/Draw persona and photo persona and publishing persona?


Sketchbook (with Affinity Suite usage) | timurariman.com | artstation store

Windows 11 Pro - 23H2 | Ryzen 5800X3D | RTX 3090 - 24GB | 128GB |
Main SSD with 1TB | SSD 4TB | PCIe SSD 256GB (configured as Scratch disk) |



Excited to see how this app turns out and will buy on release date. Indesign is my favourite app and use it daily. Not much seen in the sneak peak, though did look smooth. Can you please please please change the name?? Publisher is already the bane of the print industry, i.e. Microsoft Publisher. I would think just about every prepress person like myself shudders when a customer says they created their file in publisher or attaches a publisher file. 

2 hours ago, MattP said:

I just want to bring this post back to the top and dwell on it for a little while... You know I can't help but say a little too much most of the time, but I've been told in no uncertain terms that I'm not allowed to confirm or deny the function of these buttons... So I was trying to think what I could say about the subject, so: They're not there by accident. They're not placeholders. They're awesomeNobody else offers this, nor could they.

So my question to you is: What do you think they do? :D

Maybe Serif are going to release 'Affinity Organiser' (an Adobe Bridge like program) as a free download (loss leader) for anyone to install and this acts as the base for the entire Affinity Suite.  Then when you buy Affinity Photo/Designer/Publisher, they are added as modules to it which you can just switch between like you can with personas?


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