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  1. Hi, The problem is possibly due to default space after paragraph set to 12 pt.
  2. I suppose the fact that by default the most used apps for layout everyone use like inDesign an QXPress, and taking few pics from magazines around me this early in the morning will show clean and nice layouts, don't prove anything... but it happens we find sometimes badly done jobs, and that how I'll qualify your example. (Notice in France we rarely use small caps in the first words, but when done, they would follow the way those examples are done).
  3. Like you said, if I use artboards or pages, it's probably a document that won't fit well in AP, selecting part of of an artboard and trying to inverse the selection will add problems, etc. I won't have anymore the advantage to look at all the artboards side by side... If I just need a particular layer, I'll simply create it in another document and copy-paste it in the document open in the right app, or switch to AP and come back to the original app. Templates are usually more complexe than simple documents, that's why using them with the original apps seems more logical.
  4. I agree with @RickyO (And I probably already mention this in this thread or another similar one.) Since we use a different app to create a template, it would be logical to use different extentions: there's no way I want to use a file crated in AD or APub in AP... 99.9% of the time I would open it in the original app, and switch to another one only if needed for a specific feature, as intend by the design of the apps. I certainly never order my files by extentions or type of app to open them. In the type of documents created with APub, for example, I would use other files created by other apps, but not put those in folders depending of the original app I used to create them. The logical way is to order folders by YEAR/CLIENT/TYPE OF DOCUMENT/DOCUMENT/files This way, it's easier to backup or archive files. It's also easier to archive/zip a folder and send it to someone, etc. To find template files, the apps will scan the appropriate folder. If this one is on a server — even with the best pro Internet connexion, full speed and bandwidth—, and has a lot of subfolder, it'll take some time for the app(s) to scan those folders and list the templates, so it's faster to go to the folder in the Finder/Explorer, and click on the file... ... and that's where/when/why specific extensions for templates depending of the app used to create them would be the best. Or we need to use old tricks llike more info in the file name + right-click to choose the app to open them...
  5. If you used a Pantone and added it to the swatches panel, you can read the Pantone name displaying the tint panel (or trying to rename the global colour).
  6. I think this is a little bir too strong for whar seems to be simply an help file... that I would translate as an "anti-sèche". When students don't have a flow of answers for a question, we say they are "dry", or they dry... "sécher". It's in the commun language, a little bit familiar, when not being able to answer, answer that need to be developped or that need a little bit of knowledge. So, we call cheat sheets "anti-sèche". Humorously, the few I did while student had me reading and sumarising the lessons, and memorising what I didn't wanted to learn. Using this in our adult life is more a "clin d'œil", (a wink, to denote humour), since we have a harder time to memorize shortcuts, and the humour is also in the fact that despite the name, we're allowed to "cheat" today using those files.
  7. The problem comes mainly of having the margins the same blue as the text frame blue. If, as logical, the default color for margins was different from the start, (usually magenta), you wouldn't be confused. I put a request for this long ago, and it was in a different color at some point, but someone decided to use the same blue again, and it's confusing.
  8. It would be better if the app was able to use the last selected options for exporting this document. Perhaps you want "Current page" as default, but most of us 'd rather have "All pages" as default, instead of "All spread", since it's most usual. And if AD was also able to remember the last used options regarding Artboard, it would be nice.
  9. @VeganPete Like you, if I design an object without contour/stroke, I don't expect one being added just by switching colours. It should be done by the designer, modifying the stroke's width, and not by the apps. Especially in AP, where foreground/background are difficult to differentiate, and you can easily disregard a 0 pt black stroke, and end up instead with a real stroke.
  10. A test file (it opens with some errors, but objects and gradients are present!): gradients.psd You can also import the GRD file in the online Photopea, apply them to shapes and export to SVG or save as PSD: You can either export as SVG or PSD from Photopea (if the SVG look wrong and like a simple fill, you can see in that there's a gradient):
  11. For long, you can add a shape/path in PS, and color it with a gradient. It's what I uses long ago to redo logo in vector objects (I was never fond of AI and avoided using it). Since QXP was perfectly able to read those pathes only files, and use them as we would PDF vectors, it was a nice trick. (Sadly, ID was lacking when using those same files...) But today, you have "smart objects" or "shapes" layers in PS, and if using them is more a pain and I regret the good old ones, you should be able to use them, apply a gradient on them and open the file in AP to retrieve the gradients.
  12. It's nice of you to try to help, you can test the file if you want: for example, just add a background color in a cell style and hit "OK": tests.afpub I needed the same style in the different files with the apps shortcuts, since I wanted to translate them in French. That's why there's this file with all the needed tables I simply needed to have the same style in the original files, anddo some modifications at some points. It keeps on crashing the beta version, but not the recent 1.105.1342 release available recently.
  13. For those who found it useful, another version of the Gradient editor, with added features: position for the stops transparency repetition of the gradient SVG_gradient_editor_v5.zip
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