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  1. I could improve the shape of the donut. I don’t know
  2. Every time I try to delete the nodes it turns out like this.
  3. This is what I have so far? and this is where I get stuck. I know I select the two to subtract but then to delete the nodes that gets a little tricky.
  4. How do I make the donut hole that’s in the middle of the donut?
  5. How do I draw the wavy lines with the pencil?
  6. Yes I’m not sure how to do it and align them together
  7. How do I create this donut that’s in the photo using my iPad? thanks
  8. Here is what I want them to look like minus the shading the second picture is what I have.
  9. When I do the recolor and HSL adjustment in AD 2 and want to put something inside an object such as this how do I do that? Because every time it changes color on me when I do so. I’m just wanting to do the eyeglasses. Thanks
  10. I want this looking a]exactly like the photo with the hat behind the glasses but every time I do that it changes to all orange because of the recolor filter and the HSL filter. ‘So could you please show me how to do that without the hat changing color on me all the time Thanks
  11. Trying to make it look like this photo Thanks
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