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  1. eg. z for zoom and b for vector brush. The affshortcuts is from 2015 AffinityShortcut.affshortcuts
  2. Thanks again, it works. But some of my shortcuts are changed, tried to load a .affshortcuts to fix it, but that didn't solve it. Any ideas? At this time I've changed the most used ones, so don't stress.
  3. The file size is 2,01Gb. There is 3 files with brushes, that takes up the space (1994Mb) Can I leave them out?
  4. Thanks @Sean p It worked Do you want the new folder designer created, or the old one, or both?
  5. After the 1.7 update, I can no longer open Designer. Photo runs fine.
  6. Affinity made a video a year ago on their vimeo channel https://vimeo.com/134838293
  7. I'm waiting on my copy, hoping that it covers 1.5 features :unsure:
  8. It doesn't crash when printing on my machine.
  9. dang I searched the forum and found no results before posting.. :wacko: But it sure is a lovely feature to have ;)
  10. Hear me out.. Why not let AD do the work for you.. So instead of the user having to find layers and groups by scrolling, it should just jump right to the selected object/group in the Layer PaneI. I mean AD highlights selected, but it could just as well jump to it. I would LOVE to see this added :wub:
  11. Yes you can solo object, but you can't alter it. Once you start to add objects to it, or change the nodes, all other objects will appear. You can change the color of the solo object, add gradient and transparent tool though. So I guess you can't really call it a useful solo option.. At least not in my opinion.
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