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  1. Publisher 2.5.3 has not solved that pesky problem for me. Very annoying.
  2. Trying to update a text style by option-clicking on the name of a style defaults to the base style in the window. Tested only on MacOSX. The recording makes it clearer. Base.afpub base.mov
  3. My take on this is slightly different. I would like new features and bug fixes to go hand in hand.
  4. I've noticed that changing the Minimum Letter Spacing through the side Panel works correctly. But updating it through the paragraph Style window doesn't. Negative figures are not always reflected in the Text Styles window and the letter spacing fields do not accept any negative figures and instead default to 0. Please have a look at this short recording. Tested on MacOSX only. justify.mov
  5. Canva acquisition of Affinity Suite changed the rules of the game in my opinion and a push to support Linux makes more sense than ever.
  6. The Text Styles Window has received some love recently. But a few minor issues have escaped. Only checked on MacOSX.
  7. Thank you and just as an aside I really love the weekly beta releases. I hope this will continue for as long as possible.
  8. I can also reproduce it on my setup. Below is a screen recording of the problem Mike is talking about. icon.mov
  9. Another problem I've noticed, hopefully not duplicating another post. Trying to update a Paragraph Style of text with a Variable Font applied resets the Variable Font to the original state rather than updating the Paragraph Style. variable.mov
  10. This is probably a bug. However, in general, it's considered bad typography to leave text so close to the numbers. InDesign and Publisher have a way to define a standoff between the text and the numbers. Publisher accomplishes this by setting the Right Indent and Last Line Outdent Paragraph Options. A possible bug I discovered quite a some time ago is that if the line just fits in with the page number Publisher will try to leave it alone, irrespective of the stand off defined in the paragraph style. I've included a small sample file and a short video demonstrating it. TOC Length of Entries.afpub TOC.mov
  11. Hello @CM0, obviously this is for Tim and the team to answer but from what I understand the UI controls are going to be part of the release.
  12. I hope you are aware that double-clicking on a panel's name will minimise that panel.
  13. It's been a year since this progress report was posted by Tim. I wonder whether we could have another one soon. 🙂
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