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  1. I’ve been using these forums for many years and don’t have a clue as to how they are grouped. I just list the unread topics and read the ones I’m interested in, rarely starting a new topic but occasionally adding a reply to an existing one.
  2. Run APh on a second computer running Windows? Not exactly expensive to pick up a reasonable spec and you can go small form factor if space is an issue.
  3. It’s not you. Publisher has had a bug since it was released that defaults to spreads rather than pages even if this is what you previously set. Despite multiple requests it has never been fixed.
  4. Have you tried copying and pasting text frames and images from PagePlus to APu? I’ve successfully done this a number times between DrawPlus and ADe.
  5. I am showing my age, I was looking for the EMS VCS3 which I used in the 70s.
  6. Following the above link takes you to a list of posts from which you need to select Latest Affinity V2 releases. Then you need to scroll to the bottom to get the latest post and follow the link to “Here is the change-log for the whole suite”. Again you need to scroll to the bottom to find the notes for the latest release. I agree with the OP a direct link from the upgrade notification is needed or at least a more obvious way of directly getting to them.
  7. These are the settings I use to send magazines to our commercial printers...
  8. In your situation I would arrange the pages sequentially and then export pages not spreads as a pdf. If you are uploading to Wordpress, there are a number of nifty plugins that create a flippable book.
  9. This is where picture frames and caption styles in a text frame come to the rescue. Store both as an asset and drag them onto the page for use as needed.
  10. If you are exporting (eg to PDF) or printing then you can use the drop-down in the export dialogue box and change All Spreads to Pages.
  11. A bit of a generalisation given the the forum is a community of users with a few support staff thrown in.
  12. Again as an aside to the OP, it may be accidental as unfortunately APu has always had a most annoying bug/feature that defaults to exporting spreads rather than pages. I’ve fallen foul of this with my commercial printer a few times.
  13. If you use a picture frame to hold the image, you can use the the resize tool icon that lies just beneath it to increase the size and by so doing, crop the image. This might suit your needs.
  14. In 2024 I would forget trying to develop static webpages. Instead I’d invest the the time into using and developing a cms like Wordpress.
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