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  1. Also when I do search free PDF manual for Affinity Publisher 2.5 I get way too many responses. Any way to narrow the search parameters? And is there an easy way to go back and and forward on pages (not with search)? No Acrobat. Is "apply color" what I what to pull in swatches from another AP and apply them to a current image?
  2. Why doesn't affinity photo 2.5 help panel work? If I use 1 word brings back tons of response, 2 words - nada.
  3. 1. Will this make all the Alt type options go away? 2. After reading @kenmcd I'd rather stick to glyphs; that's the recommendation right? Is there a way to ask Affinity developers to take Alts out?
  4. @Oufti@sfriedbergSome fonts have not alternates. Thanks for taking the time to explain.
  5. @Oufti What does "All Alternates: 4" mean or do?
  6. I duplicated the paragraph style (top Was I high…) Renamed style hashtag then applied to lower text. I then changed hashtag font from Baskerville Old Style to Adobe Garamond Pro to any other font fine. Bad settings below. What happened? Bad font? Font: Adobe Garamond Pro; Font weight: Normal; Italic: On; Font width: Normal; Font size: 14 pt; Character spacing: 0 ‰; Baseline advance: 0 pt; Default kern: on; X offset: 0 pt; Y offset: 0 pt; Scale X: 100 %; Scale Y: 100 %; Font shear: 0 °; Leading override: 0 pt; Underline: None; Strikethrough: None; No superscript/subscript; No caps; Leading override: auto; Typography script: Auto; Typography language: Auto; No break: off; Spelling language: English (United States); Hyphenation language: Auto; Character fill: R:0 G:0 B:0; Character outline fill: none; Character outline: none; Character transparency: none; Highlight color: none; Underline color: none; Strikethrough color: none; OpenType: reset; All Alternates: 4; Contextual Alternates: On; Case Sensitive Forms: On; Capital Spacing: On; Contextual Swash: On; Discretionary Ligatures: On; Historical Ligatures: On; Standard Ligatures: On; Ornaments: Off; Swash: On; All petite caps; Align paragraph: Left; Leading mode: % ideal; Start: Anywhere; Keep with previous: Off; Keep with next: 0; Keep together: Off; Prevent widows: Off; Prevent orphans: Off; Align to baseline grid: On; Auto hyphenation: Off; Hyphenate minimum length: 5; Hyphenate after first: 2 letters; Hyphenate before last: 2 letters; Maximum consecutive hyphens: Unlimited; Only between Paragraphs; Use space between same styles: Off; Use larger of space before and after; Leading: 100 %; Leading: 0 pt; Left indent: 0 in; Right indent: 0 in; First line indent: 0 in; Space before: 0 pt; Space after: 12 pt; Default tab stops: 0.5 in; Minimum word spacing: 80 %; Desired word spacing: 100 %; Maximum word spacing: 133 %; Minimum letter spacing: 0 %; Desired letter spacing: 0 %; Maximum letter spacing: 0 %; Minimum hyphen score: 0.0; Hyphenation zone: 0 in; Hyphenation zone capitals: 0 in; Hyphenation zone last word: 0 in; Hyphenation zone across columns: 0 in; Last line outdent: 0 in; Space between same styles: 0 pt; Tab stops: None; Paragraph decorations; List: None; List bullet string: "•\t"; List character style: ""; List tab stop indent: 0 in; List alignment: Left; Drop cap: Off; Drop cap height: 3; Drop cap characters: 1; Drop cap auto characters: On; Drop cap align left: Off; Drop cap scale descenders: Off; Drop cap text distance: 0 pt; Drop cap style: ""; Initial words: Off; Initial words count: 3; Initial words end characters: .?!:; Initial words style: ""
  7. AP v2>export .psd>open in"Painter 2023"> revise>open the revised psd in AP. In AP my "Painter 2023" revised psd seems duller and the strokes not as defined. Is revised .psd worse than in "Painter" true and anything I can do about it? Still can't save a revised .psd in AP as original revised psd without exporting again, right?
  8. 2.5.5 update features, bug fixes? Is there somewhere that lists new features, fixes when I get an update?
  9. Double clicking in main slice path works fine, but doesn't change sub slice paths. To change sub slice paths I have to click in sub slice path which opens variable dialog box in top box of variable dialog box I can change the name of the subslice. Despite the subslice name change when exporting I have to remove _2 which appears at the end of each exported subslice name. Interesting topic. I'm learning — I hope. Thanks for contributing.
  10. Finally figure out my workaround for smooth outlines. I make vector outline than drag all my AP painted, and vector elements into the vector outline.
  11. @R C-R, in the Path section at the top, remove both variables so the field is blank. Then type whatever you want there & that will become the new name. I give you major credit for sticking with this. IT WORKED lol!
  12. Resetting the name works, but it is tricky. Crashed my AD Mac a couple times before I could get the "thingy" (new name) value accepted and then drag "thingy" to the top. Thank you — heroic solve, @GarryP.
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