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    Animation; sci-fi & mystery books; UI design; physics; craft beers (consumption, not brewing); puns & dark, ironic humor; jazz & blues music; other stuff.
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  1. That does not look the same as in the PNG you first showed us, but for me it doesn't matter if I select either the rectangle parent or its curve child or neither one -- if I click on the canvas anywhere inside the rectangle with the Vector Flood Fill Tool, all of the rectangle is filled with the current color & it becomes selected in the Layers panel. So I do not know what you mean about not being able to fill both sides of the rectangle.
  2. Duplicate of first post of https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/218758-imposition-and-accounting-for-the-fold/#comment-1288923 Please don't duplicate topics in the future. It makes it harder to follow things if different people start replying to one or the other.
  3. Same for me in all 3 apps, so it seems likely that the problem is with that file ... or somehow with how the OP is getting these files from the iPhone into the Mac.
  4. No, we would need to see the actual Affinity format file, not a PNG.
  5. Please upload the file here so we can see how it is organized.
  6. I assume that by "selection rectangle" you mean a 'marching ants' selection like you can make in AP with the Rectangular Selection Tool. If so, select any of the 4 marquee selection tools, the Freehand Selection Tool, or the Move Tool & the Transform Panel will show the X,Y, W, & H values. Note that with any of these tools except the Move Tool selected, you can change these values to move the selection around on the canvas without affecting any of its layers.
  7. Can you upload one of your HEIC files from your phone so we can see if we get the same not supported message? FWIW I downloaded sample1.heic from here & it opened without issues on my iMac.
  8. Considering that Apple is now one of the most valuable companies in the world, with a current market capitalization of 3.45 trillion USD, I think it is safe to say he did!
  9. Well, that comment made me feel positively ancient -- I was well into my 40's before Power Computing became a clone maker.
  10. I know that. But my point is not everybody uses the Character and/or Paragraph panels in every project they work on in APub, particularly in ones started in AP or AD & switched to APub to, for instance, organize it into pages.
  11. Are you sure about that? EDIT: What I mean is do you think everyone using APub is using it to make books? Also, consider that many of us use all 3 apps so in the other 2 would you want the same menu structure or what?
  12. But for some users other items like the Text Style or Typography panels, or several of the References ones might be considered just as important or frequently needed so there is likely to be no consensus about which of them should be delegated to a submenu. Besides, any of them can have keyboard shortcuts so it is not always necessary to open a menu to access them.
  13. By "lines inserted inside a shape" do you mean curves that are child layers of a parent shape layer?
  14. OTOH, very long menus that you might have to scroll through to get to any of the items that won't all fit on your screen at the same time is also not ideal.
  15. Slightly related, in V2, the Angle: value will not change via either the scroll wheel or by scrubbing back & forth on the Angle text. Not sure if it was the same in V1.
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