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Louise Cloutier

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  1. Thank you so much for your generous help! I will get back to this, after a meeting I need to go to. Crossing my fingers that this will help me get this image finished up soon.
  2. Wow, you've got three times as many tools visible in your left column as I do! In particular, that square with the dotted line. I don't have it, so I'd have to add it to my toolbar and no identifying text shows up when you click it in this video. I've tried to find it in Customize Toolbar. Select All is a dotted square and so is the Space tool. What is it?
  3. I did. See the comment above. When I draw a vertical line through it, then select one half of it, the whole image moves around on top of the vertical line, which stays put.
  4. Sigh.. I don't know how to do that. Yet another thing I'd have to google and learn how to do. "Convert to curve" is not grayed out in your video. I thought perhaps there's a setting that I had in place that messed things up when I was poking about trying to figure this out on my own. So I shut down Designer completely, started from scratch. Created a new document, pasted the double face image on top of it. Right clicked on it and... Convert to Curve is still grayed out. Then I decided to Google that specific problem. I'm not the only one struggling with this. https://www.google.com/search?q=affinity+convert+to+curve+grayed+out&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=556573016&sxsrf=AB5stBi73uT7M1BIKKtQDXRjGhFdNDWnTw%3A1691953150679&ei=_ifZZM77KNWeptQPpPuYoAY&ved=0ahUKEwjO8pbUqNqAAxVVj4kEHaQ9BmQQ4dUDCA8&oq=affinity+convert+to+curve+grayed+out&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJGFmZmluaXR5IGNvbnZlcnQgdG8gY3VydmUgZ3JheWVkIG91dEgAUABYAHAAeAGQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQzIAQDiAwQYACBB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
  5. I tried clicking the grayed out "convert to curve" just for the heck of it. Then I drew that vertical line and tried to separate them. But now that line is apparently attached to the background, because if I drag and drop, the faces move all together on top of a stationary line.
  6. Thank you! Convert to Curves is grayed out, no matter where I right click in the image. The white background, the faces, even clicking outside the image entirely. Nothing gives me the option to click Convert to Curve.
  7. Anto: I'm looking EVERYWHERE, and I can't find any menu that includes all of these commands: Cut, Copy, Group --and Convert to Curves. Cut and Copy are under the Edit drop down menu, and Group is in the Layer menu. How did you get them all in the same one, and where the heck is Convert to Curves? I have played that little segment of the video a dozen times now, watching for your cursor to see how you got that menu. But every time, the menu with all those items just pops out like magic. Sigh... I appreciate the time you're taking to help me. I just can't figure out how to get that menu to show up.
  8. Ohhh, I'm supposed to start with a larger blank image and put the picture inside it!! I didn't know that. Okay.. gonna try it.
  9. I've followed the steps you described. But when I paste the man's face back in, I see the original image, both faces close together. Whatever I do to grab his half of the image moves the entire image, including her face. Clearly I'm missing the step where I expand this image to make space between them.
  10. Okay, I haven't managed to "cross the Rubicon" here. I got as far as the second step: "Select the rectangle selection tool". Hmmm.... I guess you're not talking about the tool that creates a rectangle. Perhaps that's part of the Marquee tools? (see my responses about that in previous comments). These wonderful suggestions have shown me that I need to spend some time with Affinity tutorial videos. But I don't have enough time to do that today. Hoping the Divide tool suggestion will do the trick. That one has a video (hooray!) although the steps go by so quickly, I've had to play it over and over again. Waiting to hear an answer from Anto, to get past where I got stuck with that one.
  11. I lost you at "Marquee the man". Clearly I need to spend some time learning how to use basic tools in Affinity software. That would be great, but I don't have time to do that before this finished image is due today.
  12. I'd like to try your suggestions, however... I'd rather not use the lasso tool, since it never accurately selects all the stray hairs in an image. I've spent far too many hours manually repairing that. Tying to draw in stray hairs, painting in between them to match the background color, etc, etc. I'm not at all familiar with the marquee tool. All the directions for using that look like it would take a while to master. Hoping there's a solution that doesn't require that learning curve.
  13. Hello, Anto: I'm really intrigued with your suggestion and I'd like to try it. FYI, I'm working in Designer and this video demonstrates it in Publisher. I've drawn the vertical line, no problem. It took a while to find the Divide tool, added that to my menu bar. Hunted around to find the Lyr option (I usually stay in the Character option). Okay... I was all set to try and assign one half of the image to one selection in the Curves menu, and the other half to another. But I confess, no matter how slowly I play your video, I can't figure out how to do that. Whatever I click, the Curves in the right column menu just continues to display black boxes. Please advise --with idiot-proof directions
  14. I've got an image with two faces, closeup and in profile looking at each other, with a white background (see attachment). I'd like to insert a lot more white space between the two faces, in order to put some text between them. This is what I've tried: Cropped the left face to remove the one on the right. Then I expanded that canvas (am i using the right term?), and filled the empty space with white. Then I cropped the right face very tightly, copied and pasted that onto the enlarged canvas of the left one. And here's the problem. When I look at the right face in Affinity Photo, it is tightly cropped, exactly the size I want. But when I go to Affinity Designer, superimpose that right face onto the expanded left face image, I see the whole original image with both faces, slapped on top of the expanded left face. So.. I went back to Affinity Photo. Expanded that right one the same way as the first, filled the empty space with white to cover up the left face, then cropped it tight. But then again, when I copied and pasted the right face image onto the left, I see the right face with a whole lot of white paint, slapped onto the left face. There has *got* to be a better way to do this, LOL... Here's an attachment with the original image.
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