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    Dədicɐtəd Usər

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  1. Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, @Planet. Do you have a particular reason for considering a move away from PagePlus? As far as I’m aware, even the most recent Windows 11 update (widely reported as being quite troublesome) hasn’t broken anything for PPX9 users.
  2. In addition to Garry’s observations, there are stray line breaks (most noticeably after the words ‘eerie’ and ‘style’) in the block of text at the bottom of the poster.
  3. I doubt that this is relevant. PostScript Type 1 fonts were introduced by Adobe in 1984, but the OP specifically mentions Lucida Handwriting, a TrueType font which dates back to 1990. The fact that the OP is getting gibberish instead of the correct text displayed using a fallback font suggests that something else is going on here.
  4. You posted that four hours ago. It’s now shortly after 6:42 AM BST (i.e. 5:42 AM GMT/UTC) in the UK, so four hours ago it would have been shortly after 1:42 AM GMT/UTC.
  5. <pedantry> *complements* </pedantry> ”Those designs are very nice indeed. Please accept my compliments.” ”The Modak typeface complements the style of the coloured shapes.”
  6. Priority will be determined, at least in part, by the ‘severity’ of the issue, but I think the choice of whether to classify it as a bug or not is a separate matter.
  7. Known “issues” can be bugs or improvement suggestions, but obviously bugs should generally be given higher priority. However, that’s a tricky one: you and I might think a usability issue has such a high impact that it should qualify as a bug, but QA and/or Dev might see things differently.
  8. You’ve posted to a thread from nearly a year ago, when the Affinity apps didn’t support variable fonts. As of version 2.5 you should be able to use the variable fonts that you were unable to use then, but please make sure to uninstall the static versions first (and preferably reboot your system, although strictly speaking that shouldn’t be necessary).
  9. I strongly suspect that you would be wasting your time: “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”
  10. Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, Nicolas. If you had done a quick search for posts about Linux you would have … er … quickly(!) discovered that there already many threads on the subject. Having yet another one merely serves to fragment an already fragmented discussion even more.
  11. I don’t believe it’s Serif’s intention never to support RTL. You probably read something about its not being included in the initial release.
  12. One major thing missing from the Inpainting Brush Tool is the ability to restrict the source of the pixels used. In a case like the one currently under discussion, it would obviously be really useful to be able to ignore the people on either side of the guy whose torso is partially obscured by the milkshake cup
  13. The best artists are usually the most self-critical. That drawing is superb!
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