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  1. You should have a log.txt file in: %userprofile%\.affinity\publisher\2.0 if you used the MSIX installer, or %appdata%\affinity\publisher\2.0 if you used the EXE/MSI installer Could you share that file with us? (You can paste those locations into the File Explorer address bar, or into the Run box you'll get if you press the Windows Key + R) Also, are you getting crash reports?
  2. Yes, as I commented in my edit (after Mike's posting, unfortunately), I misread the topic title.
  3. Note, @Skykomish, that if you plan to send this off to a commercial printer eventually that this is not how you would normally do it. For going to a commercial printer you will export to PDF, using the All Pages setting not All Spreads, so they see individual pages not 2 pages per sheet. And you might send the cover page as a separate 1-page document. Having your document setup as I described it in the prior post may complicate doing that PDF export somewhat, but it should still be possible. The setup above is really only for home printing, where for some reason you want to pages per sheet.
  4. The Books panel should not be relevant to this, @Skykomish. If you want to be able to print with 2 pages per sheet, with the odd pages on the right, and have your cover page as part of the document, and print the cover with the document, I think you should set it up like this: Facing pages, starting on the left. (This is not the default setting.) Cover page as page 2 (on the right) with a blank page in front of it. Make sure page 3 is also blank. Page 4 (on the right) will be page 1 of your book. Use the Section manager, and add a new section. This section will start on page 4, and use restart numbering at 1. Then when you print, it should look like you want.
  5. Welcome to the Affinity forums. Do I understand correctly that the issue is only with opening .afdesign files? If so, where are they located? Internal disk, USB drive, local network, cloud? do they make use of Linked resources, and if so where are they located? what OS was your Mac using before you installed Sequoia?
  6. Welcome to the Affinity forums, @hellomeelllll. Which web browser have you configured as your system default browser? What OS do you use?
  7. If you Opened your TIFF file then your document probably has a Snapshot in it. You can open the Snapshot section of the History panel to delete it, which should save space, often a significant amount. Then do a Save As with a new file name, which may save more. You could then Open that newly-saved document and save that as a template. Or just rename it to have a .aftemplate extension instead of .afphoto using the Files app.
  8. "N-Up" is available. The option (in the upper Layout section) that thomaso mentioned is not, for me. Actually, neither is the upper Layout section at all. The option I showed in the Epson Printer Properties is significantly simpler and easier to use than the N-Up option provided by the Affinity apps directly in the Print dialog on Windows.
  9. I will leave that for the Serif team to request, if they need it. Thanks for the info so far. Photo will use the GPU in ways different from other apps, and can expose GPU (or GPU driver) issues even if all other apps run properly. One other thought: When the problem occurs, note what time it is. After you recover, check the Windows Event Log to see if there were application or system issues recorded around that time.
  10. I agree. With luck, when Serif gets to this topic they will agree, too, and log this for the Documentation team to address
  11. Too bad By the way, that .dmp file still seems to show something related to saving the Document History, if I had to guess.
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