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  1. I would expect it to be relatively soon, as the latest beta updates have been labeled as Release Candidates, but there's no way to know exactly when that will be until it happens. Have you tried the beta? That would let you confirm if this fix actually applies to the problem you have.
  2. Can you share the exported file with us, or another one that demonstrates the issue?
  3. As mentioned earlier (see Garry's post) there are some bugs logged in this area, and one of them has been fixed in the 2.6 beta, so you might also try it there if you haven't done so yet.
  4. At this time, if you're transferring the data in as text, about all you can do is "tag" it, using something like (for example): Here is my text and %%italic%%this part is italic%%end-italic%% and this part is back to normal text. You could then use Find and Replace, with its Regular Expression support, to make it italic. E.g., Find: %%italic%%(.*?)%%end-italic%% Replace: \1 and you could further specify, for the Replace, the use of a Character Text Style that specifies Italic. As you're a programmer, it might be better for you to produce a .rtf file or a .docx file that you could then Place, as that function could make use of an embedded Text Styles automatically. Someday there will be scripting support that may simplify this, but we don't know exactly what it will allow or when it will be provided.
  5. But I don't think that is exactly related to what @jackamus is requesting. "Set as Default" is primarily intended to automatically create a Document Palette when you use File > New and create a document with a specific color format. It is not really related to what displays in the Swatches panel by default, though if you use it, and when it works correctly (which it currently doesn't due to a different logged bug, I think), that Document Palette would be the one initially displayed in the Swatches panel.
  6. Welcome to the Affinity forums. I'm not sure what "it's not working" really means. How are you trying to import them, what kind of file are they, and exactly what happens when you try? A screen recording might help, unless the answers to those questions are simple.
  7. That's usual, I think. For example, this is what I see for your post: And when I click on Quote this is what I get. Note the cursor for typing is after the box containing the quoted text, and perfectly positioned for adding my response in a non-confusing way
  8. Thanks. I wasn't sure, as a document in Designer usually wouldn't have Artboards named Page 1 and Page 2, so it might have come from Publisher originally or it might have come from a PDF file that you Opened and Saved as a .afdesign file. (I also wasn't sure of the terminology being used in the dialog, as your UI is in French ) That's probably a difference between a document that has a Canvas and one that has Artboards. I can't really comment on your other notes about the inconsistencies between the two dialogs. I've never noticed it, but it does feel odd. @motocafe: Just a comment: Designer doesn't have "Pages", usually, that you can rotate. It can have them, if you Open a document from Publisher, but normally it will have a single Canvas or multiple Artboards, and referring to "Pages" in the context of Designer can sometimes cause confusion.
  9. There is no connection between Assets (in the Assets panel) and anything in the current document. Nor does the application know whether the Asset was created from some specific document. And you could use a Text Style named XYZ in several different documents, and it might have a different definition in each of them. Users have requested, in the context of importing .docx and .rtf files, that Affinity have an option to simply trust the Text Style names that come in, and adjust the text to match any same-named Text Styles the current document already uses rather than creating the new Text Styles. But that hasn't been done, so far. If it is, perhaps it could apply to Text Styles within Assets, too. That might make a nice Feature Request (in the Feedback forum) to go along with those older requests. (Or maybe that request already exists, too, and I just haven't seen it.)
  10. The request seems to be for Designer, not Publisher (which I think you used for your screenshot).
  11. @Wahman: For better clarity and understanding from those reading your posts, when you Quote someone, please make sure you type your response outside the quote box, not inside it as you've done above.
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