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  1. There is no august 2024 driver for intuos 3, even the intuos 4 is out of support for more than two years at this time and no recent/relevant driver came out for these tablets. Maybe it is a typo. I will check it on the other pc and update the issue later this day, and I am also going to check this problem with an Intuos pro 2013 version. Specs are Intel Core i7-10870H 2.20GHz cpu NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
  2. 2024-11-15_21h05_51.mp4 Tablet settings: high precision Wacom intuos pro M PTH-660 Affinity Photo 2.5.5 and also 2.6 beta Top menu items flashing when I click them with pen and not flashing with using a mouse. Affinity Designer's top menu items are not flashing at all.
  3. Yes but it reverts back instantly after. Thank you for the workaround tips! 😊 Now I'm going to reinstall every brushpacks manually.
  4. ... and it means that I cannot even change the smallest unimportant settings of these brushes because the edit command is greyed out, what makes all my purchased brushes totally unusable, unless I start to copy brushes one by one to another unlocked category. stupid stupid stupid thing. it is unbearably stupid stuuupid.
  5. both lines must be selected whatever operation you perform on them, either ways the commands need a cutting line. you can press ctrl A and then S to quickly select everything and switch to shapebuilder tool. or you can set a hotkey to Select all on current layer if you have a container layer. or you can just click on the layer (on layer panel) to select everything. or you can select parent with pageup key. I just don't understand your feature request, other softwares also use an eraser tool to do this job. if there were an option to keep everything selected while drawing in the same container it would be an easing factor.
  6. Thank you I didn't know it is related to a similar problem I've been already reported a few weeks ago.
  7. And empying and deleting the artboard doesn't help, the only solution is to create a new file without artboard, copying layers from the corrupted file and deleting the original file.
  8. Pixel persona brush lags in every start of a new stroke, no matter whether the input method is windows ink or high precision, and it doesn't matter if I add stabilizer or not. If I created a new empty document and started with only one pixel layer, it wasn't lagging. I created an artboard for the document and the lagging and skipping has started right at the moment. And other problem is that pixel layers didn't refresh its sizes accordingly to the artboard, so I had to 'trim' every pixel layer as a workaround unless the layers have invisible masks. 2024-08-07_16h22_26.mp4
  9. yes. what you can't do is selecting lines (not by selecting its vertices) and cutting/removing it, because object selection has no lasso mode at all, and yes you can move selected vertices but if you hit delete or cut it will remove all the preselected or pseudo-selected vertices showing up with white bezier controllers. so it is not a real selection and not a real lasso.
  10. The painted brush stroke doesn't refresh on canvas Artwork contains layers on one artboard, one layer with vector illustration (in nested layers, but the illustration is not very complex) and another empty layer. 1. I start painting in pixel persona, the assistant creates a pixel layer inside the layer 2. the stroke I am drawing partially appears partially does not. 3. after zooming in and out and panning the canvas the stroke finally appears. This problem doesn't occur if I create the pixel layer outside of the layer, on the top level without toying with zoom and pan the stroke won't appear at all, the canvas doesn't refresh. version 2.5.3 2024-07-15_23h24_55.mp4
  11. No, because the main emphasis is on the accident, and the fastness of the process. It is a fluent painting and color picker usage, not slow actions one after another. It is a process of painting and picking color rapidly with pen! And I don't need extra cursor, just a way to disable the magnifier. Accident means that the pen slides 1-2 pixels while I press the alt because that's the way a pen works, it clicks when I hit the tablet, what makes the pentip slide 1-2 pixels in the 90% of cases, it is not a mouse, it can side-slip while I am painting. In a painting process it happens almost everytime that the pen doesn't stop (- and are registering position changes) when I pick a color, because the pen default position is above the sensor board, and every click is a contact with the surface, what makes the pen tip slide a little to a direction, so I see a flashing big circle. And believe me, when I am painting for a while these flashing circles are very fatiguing, it is like seeing strobes for hours.
  12. I am talking about alt clicking and accidentally dragging brush, because I use color picker in the middle of painting, and because painting is actually dragging the pen on canvas, there are lots of accidental alt+dragging what causes lots of accidental color picker magnifier pop-ups. That's why I need a way to completely disable this magnifier glass. It is not about that I leave the tool by purpose, alternate key is bound by Windows to navigate the app to the menu, as it is the hotkey for initiate keyboard control mode.
  13. How can I disable the magnifier pop up circle of the color picker? I use color picker continuously while I am painting, so what I see is a continuous flashing of this circle and it is extremely annoying, because I can't see what I am doing. It isn't meant to be for fast painting work, it is a concept what only considers slow photo retouching works and forgets about painters. Painters use color picker for quickpicking shades. So even alt+dragging is a kind of lag here. Bounding the picker to the alt drag behavior causes that alt clicking could end up exiting the brush tool (because of Windows' accessibility, it leaves the canvas to the main menu ), what also makes flashing and lagging in the painting process. Photoshop could solve this problem, Ps also use alt key click for color picker without exiting to the menu.
  14. Also mixer brush doesn't understand opacity, so it mixes/changes semi-transparent black to full 100% cover paint black, though semi transparent black contains just e.g. 5 percent of the 'pigments', and 95% 'water'.
  15. My experiences with pixel brushes and pixel layers that if I took out the pixel layer to the root of document (so I unnested it) it almost completely stopped lagging. Something is totally wrong with nested pixel layers.
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