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About stokerg

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    : Nottingham, England
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    Technical Support

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  1. Bonjour @alastor, J'ai vérifié le fichier dans un éditeur hexagonal et il est irréparable. Où avez-vous enregistré le fichier ? Localement ou directement sur un lecteur réseau ou cloud ? Si vous l'enregistrez sur un lecteur réseau ou cloud, enregistrez d'abord le fichier localement, puis déplacez-le sur le lecteur réseau ou cloud. ------------ I've checked the file in a Hex editor and the file is beyond repair. Where had you been saving the file to? Locally or directly to a Network or Cloud drive? If to a Network or Cloud drive, save the file locally first and then move the file to the Network or Cloud drive.
  2. Hi @Just a treeand Welcome to the Forums, I've replicated this and have logged it with the Developers
  3. Hi @lenogre, I'm not been able to replicate this and I've been trying most of the afternoon. How many fonts do you have installed? Would you be able to upload your fonts to our Dropbox here?
  4. Hi @Neal Wand Welcome to the Forums, This isn't something i can replicate. Does this happen if you start a New Document, embed an afdesign or EPS file and try to save it or does it only happen when editing a Saved afdesign file and embedding files into it? If when trying editing an already saved afdesign file, where is that saved file stored?
  5. Hi @Alfred, Not in this case as the iPad crash reports are never that helpful, which is why you won't see anyone in Tech Support ask for them, unless we are requested to by QA or Dev. Certainly is possible, thats triggering it. As test, if you could try using Affinity without the other apps open and see if you get a crash.
  6. Hi @Affinity-Inspiration, I've tracked down our iPad Mini 6 and have replicated the issue now I'll get this logged with the Developers now.
  7. Hi @qwazemand Welcome to the Forums, Thanks for reporting this. I've logged it with the Developers
  8. Hi @MikeTO, I've not been able to replicate this as of yet. I've got a saved document with no view points and another with 3 saved view points and editing and switching between them has just worked. If you can still replicate this, can you attach a screen recording and i'll see if i'm missing a step?
  9. Hi @Affinity-Inspiration, I can't replicate this on our iPad Mini 5th generation, but then i don't have any extra fonts installed, so its possible its related to the number of fonts installed. Roughly how many fonts do you have installed? Are the fonts installed as a Profile via iPad settings or directly into Affinity via Settings>Fonts?
  10. Hi @TShelton, If you follow the link that @GarryPposted and try a different installer? That should resolve the blank renderer dropdown and allow you to then open an image without a crash.
  11. Hi @daveidmx and Welcome to the Forums, Can you just try clicking Edit>Settings>Performance and untick hardware acceleration at the bottom of this window (if it's enabled) close Settings and you'll be asked to restart Affinity. Once restarted, try opening an image again and let me know the results.
  12. Hi @Uncle Geoffand Welcome to the Forums, I've had the same model iPad on my desk for the past week and can't say i've noticed the battery draining any quicker when using Affinity. For the crashes, are you editing a saved afdesign file or start a New Document? If you could try and capture the crash on a screen recording that would be a big help. To record your screen on iPad see here.
  13. Hi @NotMyFault, Thanks for reporting this. This is already logged with the Developers. I've left a link on that report back to this thread so the Affinity Info Bot can update here when its been resolved
  14. Hi @Pawwwle, I'm struggling to replicate what you show in the recording. Mainly getting the drag to select to function in the same way you show. Are you using a mouse to control Affinity or a stylus and tablet?
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