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  1. I also see, not so much that I lose my work, so I will save every time, but leaving the app for 5-10 seconds and it restarts? It’s the equivalent of shutting the app down every time you to use another app. This clearly is an issue.
  2. So I’m working in a drawing, go to another app like social— not a long time even, media come back to my drawing, and the last things I did have vanished.VERY ANNOYING. all other apps I use do not do this. Is there an adjustment to autosave my work every minute? Or is this normal behavior?
  3. Not sure what you mean, this post was done several weeks ago. And has since been looked into by the devs.
  4. I had a file that I needed to be printed. I originally thought that it wouldn't be a problem other than the usual waiting for it to save to a pdf based on the dimensions of the doc. I needed it to be 300 ppi so I already knew it would be a beast of a file. (the file is for huge partition walls inside a big hotel). The file did save, although only 69mb so I was suspicious. When I open it in Adobe Reader it says "The dimensions of this page are out of range. Page contents may be truncated." Other PDF readers would only open a part of the whole file. After several hours of trying to do something different to save the file and get ready for print, I had to ultimately break it up into 5 parts to get it to print. I am attaching the .afphoto file to see if someone else can try and save it at 300 PPI and the dimensions are 672"x 84" finished. Face 5-6 .afphoto
  5. You may think you didn’t, but how many of us knew how to do that? You know users that know Affinity Designer well enough to do these “tricks” are not influencers or people that post tricks. Sure there are tutorials for so many things but even the age old tutorial is getting “old” - people want small digestible small videos that get to the point. That is where Affinity should be. Promoting tricks like this in small 15-30 second clips. I’m telling you this would help the new generation of users.
  6. FANTASTIC! Now how smart does one need to be to figure these capabilities out?!! Need more people like you sir to put stuff out that makes Designer shine! Thank you!
  7. Is this the kind of scripting that will be in Affinity? If so it will be awesome! https://www.instagram.com/reel/DEXpjKnvlVW/?igsh=MW5keHZpZDJ3amNl
  8. I watched this video and the author created this piece in a matter of minutes. Can Affinity Photo ever be this easy to use? I would like to know how I would arrive at this look in Affinity Photo. AfPhoto is not easy to learn to be able to do these kinds of things.
  9. What about doing it like PS does it and have the Tilde (or any key) be a switcher ? Not too sure about this but it seems like a solution? I dunno.
  10. Temporarily, you may want to to try these. Not the exact same control but it will get you by in a pinch. https://artifexforge.com/product/edge-essentials-affinity-designer-brushes/
  11. I have brushes that are assigned to be erasers only associated tools). But when I go back to regular brush that doesn't have an associated tool it stays as an eraser. Not a big deal but is this normal behavior?
  12. Sorry, this is meant for Designer for iPad beta 2.6.
  13. Why can't we have a size and opacity slider in vector brushes? Is this hard to add?
  14. Since doing a multi stroke works okay as in my earlier post, could it be that if you add an extra stroke and then trash the “bad” stroke , could that be a workaround for now? I’m my previous post I show two strokes and the inner one expanded fine. U r it the outer one.
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