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  1. You have selected text and then chosen the Kerning option. Publisher allows you to set only 0% or Auto kerning when text is selected. Place the cursor between two characters to use a different value. For tracking, it's the control below Kerning. Cheers
  2. I can duplicate this crash. Just draw a table, switch to the Designer persona, select the Contour tool, and then try to drag on one of the table. Affinity Publisher 2 Beta-2024-09-14-130614.ips Hi and welcome to the forums. You cannot format a table with rounded corners. But you could draw a rounded rectangle over top of it to provide the border you want. Then duplicate that object and using Layer > Geometry > Subtract, knock out the centre of a somewhat larger solid white rectangle to obscure the part of the table outside of the rounded rectangle. I've attached a test document that shows how to do this. test.afpub
  3. This is by design because the automatic master A has no actual name, we're just seeing "Master <x>" or its equivalent in other languages, such as Planche type <x> in French. It is only comparing the names you type to other manually-named masters. If you tried to create two masters named Master A, not including the automatic one, then you'd get the alert. I assume the developers did not consider manually naming a master with a string that matches a potential automatic name in any supported language to be an issue. If they had prevented that, then they'd have had to add an extra few lines to handle the situation of you naming a page "Master-pagina A" and then opening it in a future version that supports Polish which would use this automatic string. If it had been me, I would have avoided the whole issue and omitted the nice language-specific strings in the automatic master names, naming them only A, B, C... And then I would have prevented users from creating masters with names shorter than three characters which would have allowed for oodles of automatic master names that would never conflict with a manual name.
  4. Hi, press the Tab key to get the studio panels back. Tab is the keyboard shortcut for View > Toggle UI and you likely pressed it by mistake.
  5. You can move a text object with the Frame Text tool, Art Text tool, Move tool, and even shape tools. If you have the text ruler visible you will not be able to drag the text object from its top border when using the Frame Text or Art Text tools. But you can drag it from any other border, or drag it from the top border with a text tool. If the Move tool is selected, you can drag anywhere on a text object to drag it. If you double-click with the Move tool, it will switch automatically to the Frame Text tool for text editing. Ensure you are not selecting the Node tool.
  6. I should have noted that I was renaming the master by clicking twice on its label in the Page panel, not through Spread Properties.
  7. @Kythemaker Welcome to the forums. AFAIK, there's no way to do that on the iPad and it would be a nice improvement as you've suggested.It does work that way on desktop as Oufti demonstrated.
  8. If you rename a master page to a name already in use by another master page, Publisher will reject the change with this alert, but clicking OK will show the same alert a second time.
  9. This came up in: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/215953-initial-words-question-i-think/&do=findComment&comment=1278755 Open the attached test document It has a few lines of text each with a right indent tab to use as a terminator for initial words, although this isn't important It has a character style (for the initial words) set to Arial Regular black It has a paragraph style (with character attributes for the text after the right indent tab) set to Arial Bold Italic red with Initial Words enabled, set to the character style, and with a right indent tab as a terminating character - do not use No Change The initial words should be Arial Regular black but they are Arial Bold Italic black. The character style is definitely being applied (the initial words are black instead of red), but the font style from the initial words's character style is not overriding as it should. If I change either of the styles to a different static font family (Helvetica, Adobe Caslon Pro...) then it will work fine but it doesn't work when it's the same font. A clue to the problem is that if I use a variable font such as Roboto Flex or Archivo for both styles then it will work fine. initial.afpub
  10. The character style is not supposed to appear as the applied style in the Context Toolbar or other character style lists when it is automatically applied via Initial Words, Drop Caps, or Bullets and Numbering. You can still apply a character style the normal way, although it won't have any effect. I'll go ahead and log the bug. @Philosoraptor - Jeff H Please use the test document I shared as an example of how to accomplish what you want, but either: Use a variable font Or use a different font family for the paragraph style and the character style Thanks Bug report here:
  11. Choose Window > Text > Text Frame to see the Text Frame panel. There's also a button to open it in the Context Toolbar directly to the right of the Columns and Gutter fields you are using.
  12. You must edit a text style or use Find and Replace to change the font. The Font Manager in Publisher will not do this for you like in InDesign. Cheers
  13. In the Text Frame panel, expand the Column Rules section which I believe you've already found because that's where you set the vertical rule's width. There are options for Top and Bottom gap - set those to define how much to inset the rule from the top and bottom of the frame. You don't set the length of the rule (vertical bar), but how much it is inset from the frame. Cheers
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