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  1. Unfortunately, the new machine learning features require Apple Silicon (M1 or later) and won't work on an Intel Mac.
  2. I didn't mean an issue with the actual characters but the formatting. I've done more testing down and determined your document's issue is related to the baseline grid but I don't know why so I'm missing the second piece of the puzzle. Here is a revised test document for anybody who wants to look into this. Note that this document is formatted somewhat differently than the original. new.afpub Open the document and choose View > Baseline Grid and deselect Use Baseline Grid - the note is split properly but this shouldn't make a difference Turn baseline grid back on Click in the left frame In the Paragraph panel > Spacing, select Align to Baseline Grid - the note is now split (very badly but that's a separate issue) but the last word before the note reference marker, which I've highlighted in yellow, isn't in the left column with the note. It's actually at the top of the right frame and I've selected it in the right screenshot. Affinity isn't supposed to allow the note reference marker to appear on a page after the start of the note so something curious is going on with the fitting of this footnote. Before and after selecting Align to Baseline Grid
  3. Interesting. I haven't seen that in my own documents in 2.6.0 or the new 2.6.2 beta. There are no flow settings so I didn't see any obvious reason why the note didn't split. I made a more extreme version of your test doc in an attempt to figure out why the note is not splitting so for anybody else looking at it, this is a good starting point. original.afpub I then tried to recreate your issue in a new document but it split nicely. So I made a document with frames of the same size as yours and pasted your text into them and got different results than you. But the results aren't perfect either, while the note is being split, it isn't being fitted properly and overlaps the main text so there's something in this text which is causing the issue. Perhaps somebody else with fresh eyes will spot the issue. recreated.afpub
  4. No, but if you click in a text frame and choose Select All, you can copy the story which will be in RTF format and paste it into a word processor and then save as docx. I realize that's not the whole document but it's the best option for now.
  5. This is a great suggestion. Including the system requirements in that message would avoid a lot of questions.
  6. Hi @TBA Unfortunately, it's not possible to do that. It's a feature others have requested.
  7. Hi Franz, yes, there's a way to do this. First, click outside the frame and select Document-Wide so you're editing the settings for all footnotes. Then from Notes > Rules > Rule Before, select Continued Note. Now you can change the width and thickness of the split note separator.
  8. @garrettm30 That approach (family=NC) doesn't work for me in the non-variable fonts I tested with, such as Adobe Garamond Pro. Maybe it works for some fonts and not others? test.afpub
  9. I meant the position of objects being mirrored about the spine, not individual objects being flipped horizontally. This new command in 2.6, which is on by default, mirrors objects about the spine when a page changes sides in a facing page document. In one of my books, I had all these objects laid out horizontally in a specific order and the order was flipped when I added a single page. Turning off this command will solve the problem for this issue.
  10. Select the Art Text object and then choose Layer > Convert to Art Text. There are some inconsistencies with the Convert To commands - sometimes the command is in the context menu, sometimes it's in the Layer menu, and sometimes it's in both.
  11. There's an easier way to do what you want. Don't add any spaces to your heading Format the running header field's bottom decoration with negative left and right indents. Try -10 mm as a starting point.
  12. Paste the image inline Using the Move tool, select the image and drag the bottom-right size handle to resize the image proportionally. You can also use the Transform panel and enter the column's width but ensure the Link icon is selected so that it will automatically change the height proportionally If the image is too tall for the frame and you can't see it, click the red eye beside the Text Flow Out control which will allow the overflowing image to be shown. Then you can resize it as above. I don'd do it this way myself because of #3, the image sometimes being too large. I place the picture on the page, not directly into the text frame. I position approximately where it will go and scale it first. Then I cut it to the clipboard, click in the text frame, and then paste it inline. This just feels cleaner to me but either way will work.
  13. Click beside the field and then click the More (...) link beside the Running Header field in the Fields panel. Select None to turn off the case change for the running header. For some reason, the default is Title capitalization instead of None.
  14. It's useful as a field because if you scale the text frame or link to another frame, the filler text will grow or shrink as required to fill the frames. In the desktop version, you can choose whether filler text is inserted as a field or as text. I don't think this option exists in the iPad version.
  15. Hi Dave, I have no problem opening your file. It's likely an iCloud glitch - Affinity sometimes is very slow to open a file if iCloud isn't responding. Try moving the document and the linked resources to a folder that isn't synced to iCloud, such as to the root of your user folder, and then opening the document. You will be prompted to relink the linked resources and just select the new folder.
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