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  1. It's possible the document you are working on is set to a black/white colour format If so, you can check/correct this by going into File > Document Setup Choose the Colour Tab and set the Colour Format to RGB/8
  2. Holding the ALT key will temporally switch off snapping when moving guides with the Move Tool
  3. Check your Paint Brush Tool settings Brush used Opacity Hardness Flow Wet Edges OFF Protect alpha OFF Colour of brush Alternatively upload a full screen screenshot, at the point you are trying to paint, which shows the layers panel and colour panel
  4. Please supply link to one of the videos you are trying to follow
  5. If the objects you want to select are in Groups you would (normally) need to select all the objects in that group with the Auto Select option set to Default to get anything selected Changing it to Objects may help if you are using Groups Note: There is a bug where it sometimes may say Default but it may not reflect that actual setting, so manually selecting Groups or Objects may be the best option to achieve what you want to do at the time
  6. On desktop (Windows) that file stalls at 100% for about 2 minutes then updates the Estimated File Size and Exports in about 1 minute
  7. You also have the Move/Duplicate option that gives more granular control over the distance between the lines and the scale of the size increase and allows visualization/tweaking of the end results before committing the action Additional cleanup of making all lines the same width and setting spacing will apply as in @Garryp's video
  8. Rename all the new *.jpg files to *.tiff files Rename the original *.tiff folder so it can't be found Open the document - it will report missing files Select Yes to locating them (NOT Resource Manager option) Navigate to the folder with the renamed jpg files (now tiff files) and select the file it is asking for All other files will then also be located automatically.
  9. I can reproduce it in V1 (Windows 11) but looks like a bug in V1 as it works correctly in V2
  10. The easiest way is to develop the image (using linked or embedded), add your guides and then go back into the Develop Persona This issue has been raised before and I think it was logged with the Devs
  11. The HDR merge function automatically creates a pixel layer, which is what the Tone Mapping persona can work with
  12. You can set up what different fonts (name, size, colour etc) you want to use in the table then select the cells and assign them to that particular Cell Format you have set up
  13. Text Styles for individual cells, rows, columns are settable in the Table Format panel
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