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  1. Go to... Document > Convert Format / ICC Profile In the top box, change that to RGB/8 if not already set there
  2. If the edits are the same for each Raw file you could create a macro to do that then run a batch job to process all files at once. The batch job supports parallel processing so it may be faster, doing it that way. Alternatively, can you upgrade your graphic card to one that supports Hardware Acceleration?
  3. Create Publisher document with a Master page Add some text to the Master page (both sides, if applicable) In Layers panel copy Master page Create new document with no Master page Paste Master page (previously copied) Results: Expand that Master page to see the text layer(s) Each will have an orange stripe Enter Designer persona Master page is now showing in Symbols Panel
  4. If it happens consistently in a document, can you upload that document to the forum We don't need all the pages, just one page with a picture frame on it and it showing a misplaced image
  5. Ah, I see what's it's doing there In that case he can Select Same Height to just target those text frames with the Fill colour and change them all to his global colour Or target another attribute unique to those filled text frames But, it's hard to say exactly what he has to do without an actual production document to hand
  6. Create a rectangle with the correct aspect ratio you want Lower the opacity of that rectangle When done turn that rectangle into a pixel marquee with Select > Selection from Layer & Delete
  7. Select Same Fill Colour will match against the Text colour and the Frame colour (2 separate colours) Changing the colour in the Colour panel will change the Text colour Changing the colour in the Text Frame panel will change the Frame fill colour
  8. I'm assuming the documents you are working on are much more complicated than the sample you showed So, I would set up a Global colour first Then use Select > Select Same... and Select > Select Object... to change whatever elements need to be changed to that Global colour Then in future you just need to change the global colour to affect all the elements that use it
  9. That's the sort of image I would hang on my wall (if I had any space left). Beach scenes always remind me of my childhood when we got to visit a beach twice a year but the ones we went to were a bit more chaotic
  10. Alas, there are certain new features that some users are desperately waiting for and having to wait for them until all "basic bugs" are fixed would seem a tad disrespectful to them. Better to have a mixture of new features and bug fixes rolling out on a regular cycle to keep "everyone" happy.
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