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  1. The original JPG file that fails has a mask layer on it, open it in APhoto to see it Disabling it shows the original image You may be able to write a macro to effectively do that and attach that macro to the batch job
  2. It's very nice but it's hard to determine how much is AI generated content and thus what work you have done It would be nice to see a base starting image and the finished product for these sort of image compositions The only thing that immediately grabs my attention is that the light beam from the torch does not appear to be at the right direction/angle compared to the direction the torch is being held
  3. Hi, it can be done in APhoto using the Links panel. Just link the Fill attribute (only) and changes to the bitmap will be reflected across all objects that are linked to the "master" fill bitmap Not sure if there is another way in Designer, I would need to play around with it for a while
  4. Which of the 3 Affinity apps do you own? (just one or more)
  5. Can you upload the Affinity file to the forum
  6. Where are you trying to save to, a local (internal) or non-local drive?
  7. It's only available in Publisher and APhoto not Designer
  8. When you click on Save as Package, you should get the screen shown below, which will list anything missing You can then click on the Font & Images options which will tell you what is missing With the original Affinity document you tried to package, can you package that again to see if it identifies what exactly is missing
  9. If you make another package, do you still get the message? Or was this just a one-off glitch?
  10. Have you looked at the package to see what it contains and if something is missing?
  11. Try... Edit > Settings > Performance Switch off Hardware Acceleration (if enabled)
  12. Did you also try the 572.60 game ready driver, as advised
  13. It's a raster brush not vector, switch to the Pixel persona, you should find it there
  14. You can enter isolation mode to hide all objects on the page except the image you want to edit then switch to the Photo persona Hold the ALT key down and click the Layer's thumbnail in the Layers panel to activate Isolation mode From the help file: "Isolation mode temporarily hides all layers apart from the selected layer or layer group. This allows you to focus on editing a selection without any distraction."
  15. You have "Show Clipped Tones" selected in the Toolbar Second from last icon, top-right of screen
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