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  1. Hi @KarlLegion I can confirm this issue is currently logged with the developers, i've bumped the existing issue with your report.
  2. I can understand your frustration with this issue, but unfortunately it's not something we can provide a timeframe for since it's not the tech support team's direct control. I've bumped the existing issue for the attention of the developers with your report. This thread is tagged so if there are any updates the info bot will automatically reply.
  3. If you're referring to the Margins these won't dynamically update as you change the dimensions in the document setup dialog, if this is something you'd like to see added feel free to raise this over on the feedback section of the forums.
  4. Welcome to the forums @Pi0cket, Try disabling Hardware Acceleration in Photo 2 under Edit -> Settings -> Performance. Once this has been unchecked close the interface and restart the app for this to take effect and then try opening another image again, you should now hopefully find it opens as expected. This is a ARM64 Photo 2 specific issue that has come up before in thread below, I had raised this internally but unfortunately it has not been re-producible yet. If you could also provide a copy of your dxdiag.txt that would be great. Saving dxdiag: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/open-and-run-dxdiag-exe-dad7792c-2ad5-f6cd-5a37-bf92228dfd85 Thanks!
  5. Welcome to the forums @lezrob, This is something that we have had logged previously with the developers however we have been advised this isn't something that will be fixed due to the way the 'date shot'/'created at' fields are represented internally for legacy reasons. It would be better to put the date shot in a different field such as description if it predates 01/01/1970.
  6. In Windows Settings -> Installed apps you should find the .EXE version of the Affinity apps listed here, simply click on each app and then select 'Uninstall'. Once you've run through this process for all three apps install the MSIX(x64) versions which can be downloaded from the pages below. Photo - https://store.serif.com/update/windows/photo/2/ Designer - https://store.serif.com/update/windows/designer/2/ Publisher - https://store.serif.com/update/windows/publisher/2/
  7. Thanks for checking, sounds like that 2019 driver is the latest available for that iGPU then... Try removing your existing Photo 2 install via Windows Settings -> Installed Apps and then re-installing using the MSIX(x64) version of the app and see if that works. I've seen this in previous instances correctly detect the renderer. Downloads page: https://store.serif.com/en-gb/update/windows/photo/2/
  8. Hi @tres hombres, Thanks for sending those logs over which confirms that you have Intel integrated graphics. Your driver version is which is very out of date (Jan 2019) so it does need updating. I would suggest following the link below to download the driver assist tool and then download and install the GPU driver it recommends. Once you've done this reboot your device and then try opening an image in Photo 2 again. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/detect.html
  9. You may have a dedicated Graphics card. Before downloading anything open Photo 2 and go to Edit -> Settings -> Performance. You'll see your Graphics card model listed at the bottom below the 'hardware acceleration' checkbox. If it is intel Integrated graphics you can download the Driver Assistant tool via the 'Download now' button, it will then run and detect what driver you need to install and direct you accordingly to the correct driver download.
  10. Just as a quick addition I did also notice in the crash dump that 'Avira Endpoint Protection' has a .dll thats 'hooked' into the affinity apps which appears to be a bit unusual, might be worth pausing/closing that app temporarily if possible and then see if the crashes persists.
  11. Thanks for sending those over, the reports all indicate the app is crashing when accessing ‘Kernelbase.dll’ which the apps use to communicate with your drivers, but it’s a very generic error with no clear indication of the issue or faulting driver. Typically when the apps crash when opening new or existing files mostly GPU or Hardware Acceleration related, since you’ve already disabled hardware acceleration I would suggest updating your Graphics card drivers from your vendors website, I’ve linked AMD, Nvidia and Intel’s driver search tools below dependant on what you have. If you’re given the option during install check ‘perform a clean installation’. https://www.nvidia.com/download/find.aspx https://www.amd.com/en/support https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/detect.html Once you’ve got your drivers updated to the latest version available reboot your device and then try opening a new document again. If it still crashes could you provide the following: A screenshot of your in app Performance settings. A copy of the log.txt file, can be found via WIN + R and then entering: %appdata%\Affinity\Photo\2.0\ A copy of your Application and System .EVTX logs, FAQ on finding these below. Thanks!
  12. Welcome to the forums @No Land Beyond, To achieve a sharp taper on both ends you could use the pencil tool with a pressure curve applied via the 'Stroke' panel, see my example below. The main drawbacks to this is that the curve pressure is based on the pressure graph and nodes rather than the controller being the pencil pressure and only a basic solid line style can be used while drawing. The 'Abrupt' end tapers on pressure drawn curves is something that we have logged internally to be improved, Procreate does have the advantage of having it's own dedicated tab for Taper control and size. I've bumped the existing issue internally with your report.
  13. Hi @tres hombres, No problem at all, you can attach the crash report .DMP files to your next forum reply here, there is a 'Choose files...' section which will open file explorer so you can attach them. Or alternatively email us at affinitysupport@serif.com. 🙂
  14. Hi @MikeTO, I've logged this with the developers. 👍
  15. Hi @AVNSnax, Thanks for confirming, I believe this may be the result of the 'Caffeine' app essentially spamming the F15 key at set intervals to keep the screen active which is bound to 'Zoom in' in the Affinity's shortcuts by default which are used for Wacom tablet zoom keys. If you unbind these in the App Settings -> Shortcuts -> Miscellaneous this should stop if from happening even with Caffeine running.
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