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    Animation, drawing, video editing, you get the picture. I'm creative, okay?

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  1. That can be done with the Shape Builder Tool. It works with overlapping open paths as well.
  2. I think I see what you mean. I was confused from the video as well to be honest. It made sense up until the 0:38 mark. It looks like Prophet right clicked the “add” icon on one of nested layers, and changed it to “subtract.” I’m aware of adding and subtracting shapes, but not like that. Replicating it on the iPad, it is not clear what to do.
  3. Hopefully this helps. RPReplay_Final1721873206.mov
  4. I use a similar technique to Brian_J, but I use a black color to shade in objects. So let’s break this down. 1) Have the “Insert Inside” button selected to clip an object. 2) Draw a closed shape that overlaps your shaded area (no stroke, black fill). 3) Lower the opacity of that new clipped shape.
  5. I don’t know why that is, but to be honest, you might be better off creating a new post for that. The Affinity forum usually has one problem per post, otherwise they might get lost.
  6. Google Translate can mix up words now and then since the translation is not 100 percent accurate. The intention was to say bug. Someone should probably report this bug. If the pressure window is not on by default when brush strokes are made, there is no way to add different variations of stroke later.
  7. Es sieht so aus, als hättest du dir einen Käfer eingefangen. Wenn Sie mit dem Pinselwerkzeug beginnen, einen Strich zu zeichnen, können Sie die Strichvariablen nicht anpassen, selbst wenn Sie den Pinselstrich in einen Linienstrich umwandeln. Eine Möglichkeit, dies zu umgehen, besteht darin, Ihre Striche mit dem Bleistift-Werkzeug statt mit dem Pinsel-Werkzeug zu zeichnen. Und wandeln Sie die Striche dann in Pinselstriche um.
  8. With both strokes selected, you can use the Shape Builder Tool to subtract the intersection of one of the strokes. Do I understand you correctly? RPReplay_Final1720901316.mov
  9. With the Stroke Width Tool selected, double tap a stroke width node to delete it.
  10. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong since I don’t have version 2 on desktop, but I believe you go into View > Studio Presets > Add Preset. This was at least the case for version 1.
  11. I have a suggestion. If you use the Fill Tool and insert a PNG image, you can create a pattern over your photo. Then rotate the pattern, and lower the opacity. I’m thinking a result similar to this.
  12. I’m a little lost with your question. Are you asking to create a watermark that is not text based? And then asking what the advantages of that would be as oppose to text?
  13. There is also a Paragraph Panel if go to Window > Text, and then the panels you need for text will be there.
  14. It looks like the face object’s fill is transparent. Just to be sure, check what the what opacity is on that object’s fill.
  15. Hello all, About a year ago, I made a video on some interesting techniques on the Shape Builder Tool. Rather than adding and subtracting shapes, I teach how to create shapes from open paths, and subtract line intersections. Using these techniques, I realized that it would make cartoon creation a lot easier. Let me know what you think.
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