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  1. Your file and the file from Lulu is CMYK. While it looks to be grayscale it is made up with all the colours in CMYK. I converted it to be a true grayscale, so only using black ink in the file I have attached. Not sure what Lulu is doing with their printing, if this was me and you came in for printing I would be converting to be 1 colour black aka grayscale. This is cheaper to print for me and you. If might be worth while connecting with a local print shop for pricing, this will allow you to work with the shop to get a print you are happy with as well as supporting a local business. My original - true grayscale.pdf
  2. you could just export the page that has the picture. Under export there is an option to select the page, instead of the whole thing.
  3. can you upload the picture that printed darker in the same PDF format that it was sent to Lulu as? I am wondering if your one image was CMYK and then converted to grayscale on their end. CMYK is full colour printing. If you sent as RGB it is going to get converted to CMYK for print. Grayscale is going to just print 1 colour black, which can be in shades of grey. For printing, it is cheaper printing 1 colour black/grayscale then it would be if the book was full colour.
  4. weird problem. I installed the front from Adobe and tried in Publisher V2 and just like you I get the different "s". I tried the exact same thing in the latest version of Indesign and it displays properly. A weird little glitch.
  5. I have never run into this with our RIP's. but then 99.99% of files we push through are all saved as PDF.
  6. do you have some reference images for what you were trying to mimic? Honestly it looks like just a bunch of foliage in an unnatural way to my eyes. Can't make heads or tails of what is up and down.
  7. Cut lines would be used for wide format which are cut on a flat bed printer, but then this is simply a box made around what you want cut that is a spot colour labeled for the RIP to know not to print it but to use it for cutting. For our flatbed it is just labeled "CutContour". Other than that I guess it would simply be for amateur home use without a guillotine. Doing it this way brings about its own problems as well though, you would actually need to cut just inside the lines so they do not show up on your print so you are still going by eye a little as you go just a little bit away from the line.
  8. Sounds like what you actually want is preflight. This is under Window>Preflight. It does not look as refined as Indesign, but if you have your colour profile correct for your document it will check and point out anything that does not match the documents colour profile, ie rgb if you have a CMYK document.
  9. This is why there are demos and this forum, use them in tandem! Take your hardest tasks and figure out how to do them in Affinity Photo and see if you need Designer for it as well and if it all works right through to the end, don't leave any portion out. If you are sending to a print shop for print send one out, make sure the results are what you expect from the files you create.
  10. Just saving as a PDF works for me. I just drag and drop where I want it to go and that is it. It is nice with Illustrator being able to use a native AI file in Motion, but not the end of the world to need to save as a PDF.
  11. I was expecting answers on how to open V2 files in V1, this whole threat is a scam!
  12. gives me an artistic Star Citizen vibe. If you are not familiar Star Citizen is a hugely ambition open universe project with real time everything.
  13. I started in my family print shop just when we were beginning to make our own film. So I spent countless days and evenings stripping film, masking and burning plates just so we could get a 32 page magazine on press the next day. The work that would sometimes take all day, not including hotspots or any other reason to remake plate now takes a fraction of the time. I could whip out plates for that same 32 page magazine in less than 2 hours now, and also not use any chemicals at all. AI is doing the same thing on the creative side, making tasks that took a lot of work super simple now. It really is amazing how quickly you can fix up and clean up a photo.
  14. There are free online sites that will convert a CDR file to another. I have used this before to create PDF's of old Corel files and then just take them apart in. Illustrator. This should work in Designer as well when taking apart a PDF in the app. Just google free online CDR convertor and you will get some options. No other apps needed and no trials required.
  15. Is your document colour mode in RGB? When I did a test the Black swatch you are talking about has a CMYK value when looking at the makeup, but only when it is in an RGB document colour mode. If I make a new document that is CMYK and use the black swatch, it is 100% K.
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