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    : S.W London
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    Anything that pulls me away from the mundane, namely: computing, gaming, photography, music composition, general arts, physics and the sciences, astronomy, the universe according to Stephen Hawking, the universe according to me!

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  1. Yup, it's quite straight forward. What I normally do... 1. Create mask. 2. Use pen tool on area I'm working on. 3. Close path by hitting 'selection' then apply feathering. 4. With the mask selected - use the cut command from the edit menu. 5. Rinse & repeat.
  2. And ignoring the Adobe method and instruction - although very similar...... Any undesired effects around the outside of the subject can be removed either by eraser, or by adding a new pixel layer and painting over the areas in white. pen2.mp4
  3. Look at the history dialogue box, it will show you when the image has been inverted. pencil.mp4
  4. Please note that the desaturated layer needs to be duplicated then placed to the top of the layer stack. The top layer will then need to be inverted again - it will change to all white. That layer is then blurred to create the desired effect.
  5. 1. Use pen tool to cut around the subject as desired. I used 0.4 of feathering to reduce any hard edge. 2. Use smudge brush to paint over any pixelation on the image. 3. Use the clone brush to replace any parts missing from the edge after cutting out with the pen tool. 4. I replaced the black background to make the difference more noticeable. There are lots ways to approach something like this and each method, although a different path, will usually lead to the same result.
  6. Command + J works fine for me, but if I were to try it with an image layer it would not work - it would copy the whole layer. Try using a pixel layer - that should work.
  7. A screen-shot of what you're seeing would be helpful.
  8. Your file behaves as it should. I have no idea why it isn't doing as expected for you. Maybe someone in here can get to the bottom of it, but it's beyond me. Recording 2024-04-15 223033.mp4
  9. try using an HSL adjustment to desaturate, then use a selective colour adjustment to target whites, neutrals, and blacks.
  10. ("4 rows of 3 pictures") It sounds to me like a collage - butting together all pictures in one frame rather than a cut out composite?
  11. How strange! It would seem that Serif is in forward gear so to speak, but some aspects of their software is in reverse. 😕
  12. Affinity photo (if that's what you're using) has no such option as far as I am aware. It's been mentioned many times before, but as yet, it has not been included in any update. You have to drag each handle separately and do the best you can.
  13. Hmm... do you not think that there should be shadows present casted by the 3 new characters to help ground them to the floor? The 3 of them look like their hovering and, the figure behind is way too big to my eyes.
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