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John T

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    Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK

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  1. Many thanks Mike. Still don't understand why or how the settings were changed. Have a nice day
  2. SOLVED Publisher 2.5.5 Windows 11. For no apparent reason I have lost the page numbers in my table of contents. I have page numbers on the master page and applied to all pages. All was fine in February which was the last time I used publisher. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks Like Comment Send
  3. Thank you @Old Bruce
  4. Thank you that worked a treat. I was worried the overflow text would jump over page 18. Si if a link is broken all the text is lost even though the empty pages are all still linked. I must remember that. Many thanks for your usual expert help.
  5. I was sent an article which ended on page 17, I carried on with more articles starting on page 18. I was then told the original article was not complete. I have tried to add extra pages after 17 but, the link jumps over the new pages. My problem is I can not unlink page 18 from 17 to continue the article. I select the red triangle bottom right of p17 (image 1), a red X shows but, when I try to unlink every page after p18 appears as blank pages (image 2)Windows 10 Publisher V2.3.1 Is this a bug? thanks. Screen 2.afphoto
  6. Thanks NathanC Well spotted, I must admit I did not see the overflowing text. That has fixed it Thanks for your time,
  7. I have always used the place image tool with no problem. I create the picture frame then place image tool, OK it must have been a glitch, I have deleted the picture and frame. Created a new frame and placed the image now all good. Thanks
  8. Walt to the rescue again thanks. File attached. TOC error.afpub
  9. Thanks but the section manager is all good.
  10. Not had this problem before. I created a picture frame but when I go to place image it is quite big also the image is sepparate to the picture frame. Any ideas please. Publisher v2.1.1 Windows 11.
  11. The table of contents is picking up a wrong page number. Page 2 is showing as page 1. Pages 1 and 2 are not linked. Publisher v 2.1.1 Windows 11. Any idea what is going on please?
  12. @walt.farrellMany thanks again, that has fixed it, sorry for the late reply I have been looking at my family tree as I have had some DNA matches. @CatshillThank you for the information. @anto Thank you very useful. All sorted.
  13. Ok Walt thanks still do not understand how this worked in V1, I am now totally confused. What is the best way to set the styles please? style "Main title" Times New Roman Bold 14pt centre align, "sub title bold" Times New Roman Bold 14pt centre align, "default" text Times New Roman Bold 12pt left align and "by line" Times New Roman Bold 10pt centre align. EDIT It has just come to me while in the supermarket! TEXT STYLES, that is what I should be using. The trouble is I only use AP every 3 months so with my lack of memory I forget stuff.
  14. Ok Walt thanks still do not understand how this worked in V1, I am now totally confused. What is the best way to set the styles please? style "Main title" Times New Roman Bold 14pt centre align, "sub title bold" Times New Roman Bold 14pt centre align, "default" text Times New Roman Bold 12pt left align and "by line" Times New Roman Bold 10pt centre align.
  15. @walt.farrellThanks for your usual speedy reply' I have stripped out a lot of the pages and just left one article for your kind attention. I have copied all 44 pages from V2 and pasted in V1 and all the styles are as expected. There is no rush as I am off to bed, error Vol 37 4 May 2023.afpub
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