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  1. Hi Twila, in addition to the info GarryP has asked for above does this happen with any file you try to export to PDF or just one? If its all files reinstalling the app may solve this for you. If this only occurs with one file would you be able to upload a copy of it to the following dropbox link so I can try exporting it here at my end? https://www.dropbox.com/request/BhgG525LElsLQ7dbsAs1 Thanks C
  2. I'm not aware of any known bugs that sound like what you are describing if possible could you provide a screen recording demonstrating the problem behaviour so I can look into this further with you? Thanks C
  3. Hi All, I have logged this to be fixed in a future update, I'll update this thread once I have more info. Thanks C
  4. Walt is correct in that this is currently a known issue I've tagged this thread in the report so once we receive an update regarding this issue we will post it here Thanks C
  5. The Windows Limit for file paths is 256 characters so its strange to me that this path is longer than this but id imagine this is almost definitely the cause of the problem its possible that as this is a network drive its easier to create a file path that exceeds the OS character limit. If you move one of these files into a location that causes the path to have less than 256 characters (including the file name) does this issue still occur? Thanks C
  6. Hi All, I beleive this is an instance of the previously reported bug I'll add a report to the existing log. Thanks C
  7. I'm not sure wether this is being caused by the font table being setup incorrectly but I have logged this with our devs for further clarification so I'll update this thread once I have more info. Thanks C
  8. Hi Hangman, Me and a QA agent have both tried replicating this using both Light and Dark UI with the panel docked and undocked and aren't having any luck at all. Could you confirm if you are using the app store version or the version from our site just so I can rule this out?
  9. I can see that you do have a V2 licence please could you confirm that you are logging into your Affinity account when prompted and aren't entering your old V1 activation details.
  10. Hi Hunter_sk, I have spoken with our QA team regarding this and we have decided that this is likely by design however I will move this to the feature requests section to see if we might be able to add something in the future that prevents this behaviour. EDIT: If you double click the gradient gizmo does it reset to the circular shape of your object? Thanks C
  11. Hi Richspez, If you save a copy of any files you currently have open on the apps home screen and then try reinstalling the app does this issue persist? Thanks C
  12. Hi Kate, If possible could you provide the file in question so I can look into this further with you? You should be able to upload it to the following DropBox link: https://www.dropbox.com/request/15MkB5SAgU1tX74CC1oX Thanks C
  13. This is working fine for me here, which version of the app is it you are using?
  14. I have now merged the two topics together to avoid any confusion. I would agree with Walt and Paul here that this is likely down to a monitor profile etc.
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