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About Pauls

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  1. @Mr Sinister Could we get a copy of your file please to investigate
  2. Those seem to be related to either selecting text or pasting text from the clipboard. what keyboard layout / settings are you using ?
  3. you can access any crash reports from the console app. If you can attach a few it would possibly the show what may be the underlying cause maybe
  4. Good to see you've completed the project. We'll take a look at those awkward footnotes if you could upload the package of the project here please
  5. I suspect it may a font issue and quite possibly a font which uses localised names if you could zip up and upload your fonts here we can see if we can narrow it down.
  6. Does the font manager list are missing fonts in the problem document - something must be affecting the text flow.
  7. opened the package, saved as a publisher file, then reopened the file i just saved.At this point the pages were off due to missing fonts so I had to install the ones supplied in the package.
  8. I had to install the fonts from the package separately to make the package match a saved file
  9. Those pages appear to be correct for me after loading that package file. Wonder if packaging has cured some other problem - can you try loading the package and seeing if it is better for you ?
  10. the crash appears to be related to the outlines used on the wardrobe drawer knobs in the attic. Possibly Expand Stroke was used in the creating of them ? It could be worth recreating them and seeing if the export will be happy. I'll log the crash
  11. the absolute defaults can be altered by using the save defaults feature. You'd need to set the text and artistic text tools up before saving ( and any other you want to alter) https://affinity.help/publisher2/en-US.lproj/index.html?page=pages/ObjectControl/objectDefaults.html&title=Object defaults
  12. @orangefizz - could you please provide a sample file with the brush layers you copied and pasted.
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