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Variable Font Support - Kerning Issue

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I've noticed some issues with some variable fonts, such as Ohno Softie (Adobe Fonts) where the kerning and tracking is way off from the actual settings. Apple Pages renders the font as you would expect, while Affinity squishes everything (and often inconsistently) together.


Example from Apple Pages (above) and the same text in Affinity Designer (below).


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Posted (edited)

Sure thing @Pauls. I've attached an example file here.

FWIW The Example.png file is what I see in Designer using variable fonts (see Example_static.png for static fonts), but I have no idea what is happening with the exported PDF using variable fonts (attached) as the font is the wrong weight—but at least it's legible.

The font used is Ohno Softie Variable from Adobe Fonts.


Example.afdesign Example.pdf


Edited by Bryan Rieger
Added Example_static.png showing same content with a static font.
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  • Staff

thanks - was the font used in a previous version of Designer first (e.g. 2.4)? When I open the file the font is coming up as missing ( despite having the Adobe font installed)

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Yeah, it was originally created in 2.4. Using the static font. Disabling the static font and then enabling the variable font seems to have caused this problem.

I can see folks who have used static versions of fonts in the past wanting to migrate documents to variable versions if possible.

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