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Oxygen Icons Pack


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Hi, there!

Hope you guys are doing great.

Well, long time ago I became a fan of the Oxygen Icon Pack, made for the KDE 4.0 Desktop. Sadly, it's no longer in use by the KDE Team, but its style is still one of my favorites.preview7.jpg

Now, according to this:

Anyone may, and is encouraged to, use Oxygen Icons in their applications, websites and physical artwork. Modification is also allowed. The only restriction is that you can not restrict what others then do with the artwork.

The icons are under the GNU Lesser General Public License

You can use them as long as you give credit and point to the KDE Website. Also, if icons have been modified, you should also provide a link so that they can be downloaded, making it clear they are under the LGPLv3.

So, what I did was to open all the Icons and saved them in AFDESIGN format (the icons were downloaded originally in SVG and SVGZ formats, Inkscape helped a lot), and I uploaded them here. (I also plan on including the SVG file exported from Designer, but I had trouble with some of the icons that's why I keep them in AFDESIGN).

Hope you like the pack if you didn't knew it.

Best regards!

P. S. 1: If anyone is aware of any restriction that may apply, please let me know.

P. S. 2: Some missing fonts:




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Here is a link for the original versions of the icons. This not where I got them the first time (that was long ago).


Go to the "Files" Tab and download Oxygen Icons (old) (External Link).

Best regards!

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You are welcome!


Besides exporting everything to SVG files, I'm working on putting them together as Assets.


I'll eventually finish. :P

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