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DXF or DWG file import in Affinity Designer

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+1 for DXF support. For workflows where I'm exporting drawings out of Fusion360/AutoCAD to laser cut, this is essential. Inkscape doesn't work well on a Mac, and I was ready to go all in with Affinity... but this is holding me back. I can see myself either going with Corel, or virtualizing Windows to use Inkscape, but my future with Affinity's not looking too bright with the current roadmap/dev priorities.

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37 minutes ago, lukepighetti said:

This is clearly very popular. What's the hold up? I also need this.

Programming resources. Affinity Publisher being readied and the others being made compatible, perhaps? 

And there are other much longer request threads than this one as well. And they too are clearly very popular. 

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22 hours ago, lukepighetti said:

Off topic but I wish Designer were like $3 a month and they dedicated more resources towards features.

Couldn’t disagree more. I understand the frustrations with late feature updates but I believe this way of pricing is one of their selling points. 

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On 7/23/2019 at 7:45 AM, Eddy-2 said:

Serif's DrawPlus does open DXF and DWG files and they seem to copy and paste well into Designer.

Assuming there are no unforeseen snags (Serif could advise if there are) and given that DrawPlus does other things as well, would it be worthwhile paying the £19.99 for a copy to supplement Designer?

Link: https://www.serif.com/en-gb/

You would think that if they could import DXF into DrawPlus, then the transition into Designer wouldn't be all that hard since they have done it before and have the code / specs. I mean, if they can do EPS / PDF it can't be that hard. 

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18 minutes ago, Aaron Martin said:


Affinity, export to pdf/svg, open in ai, export to dwg, use in cad. Open for a better workaround suggestion

The whole reason why i bought Affinity Designer was so that I didn't have to pay $60 / month for Adobe CC lol.  I suppose I can just export out of AutoCAD as PDF and just open it in Affinity Designer as PDF, but I would prefer to import it directly from AutoCAD to save some time.

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13 hours ago, dan325013 said:

The whole reason why i bought Affinity Designer was so that I didn't have to pay $60 / month for Adobe CC lol.

Don't get me wrong. Since i’ve been using affinity, my life has gone so much easier. I believe they’ve pretty much did what they aimed for, which is very good imho. The thing is i’ve kinda got spoiled and that has risen my expectation from the affinity team to deliver perfection to my workflow. I believe at some point, they will also add this feature. Since its pretty obvious from the demands. 

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On 3/23/2015 at 6:54 PM, MEB said:

Hi redline.wolfgang,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Some users already requested support for DXF and/or DWG files.

We are considering adding support for these kind of files in the future.

You have been "considering this" since the first requests from users began back in 2015, maybe even earlier. Its been an export option in Illustrator and CorelDraw for ages, even Inkscape does it. I would just like Affinity to come clean about it. Is it even on the roadmap? Do they acknowledge that any modern vector application should be able to export to the most broadly adopted file format across digital production machines? Why has something that seems simple, an export option, taken so long to implement? Is it a royalty issue? 

I just want some answers since I've been awaiting this since I first bought Designer back in 2015. 

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Come on Affinity. Moment of truth. AD is a vector software. DXF / DWG is the most used, recognized, and shared vector file format across the globe. No excuses at this point. I work on CAD at work and Affinity at home (only because I can't afford an AutoCAD license for home use). I'm about to jump ship, although you probably don't care now that you've gotten my money. It's been "considered" for years. At least tell us why it hasn't been implemented.

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3 hours ago, PrinceCorwin said:

DXF / DWG is the most used, recognized, and shared vector file format across the globe.

? Doubt this. Working with media for 30 years, DWG or DXF were nearly non-existent for my daily routine. Freehand files, EPS, AI were the file types I had to use. 2ct

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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  • 1 month later...

+1 here too, and gotta say I have not been impressed with feature updates for AD since I bought it.

Publisher has some okay things going for it, but in the end I don't think it was worth pulling the resources away from AD and AP at least from an outside point of view who is not impressed enough with publisher to bother buying it. Would be cool to see sales number comparison of it vs AD and AP to see the real facts. For all I know it was a major success, but from all the people I know it was a major flop.


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