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  1. I too have performance problems with large files, but with Designer. Document tends to freeze when changing page size, or when all pasted to new document. Generally editing object can be laggy, depending grouping/layering structure. Latest problem is that trying to export to DWG or DXF repeatedly kills app. File sizes are 3 MB and up (PDF) or 20 MB and up (afdesign). All vector. Mac Mini M1 16GB RAM.
  2. OK, there was 6 mm indent set in paragraph panel (from previous version) and zeroing it made style behave as it should. There are some unexplained interactions between settings and they easily get copied where they shoud not be. Thank you!
  3. What I should do to make tab distance the same in chapter headers? Now chapter number X.X stays close, and chapter numbers X.XX jumps to next tab. See screenshot:
  4. Most trouble was about selecting inside a group by doubleclick. Looks though modern mac can handle this kind of documents with only 16 GB RAM. About time to start looking for a new M-based mac I guess. Thank you all for testing.
  5. Would you please check if Designer can or cannot handle big vector file. I have older MBP with 16 GB RAM and lot of SSD space and handling any bigger files is very tedious. Like, select an object, wait for spinning ball to go away 90 seconds, delete the object, wait again... repeat, wait, repeat, wait. Is that NORMAL? Document is a 7 MB PDF, all vector. Saved as Affinity it is 60 MB. Spinning ball indicates it is totally a memory shortage problem. I have still version 1.xxx. Does version 2 handle it better? Is M1/M2 mac better? Or is 16 GB always too little for that kind of document? Here is a link for the document if you want to test: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mq9zzanouyyy7o5ppxicf/02-Asemapiirustus.pdf?rlkey=x48q2bs3nzefgbr9niw5ejwjq&dl=0
  6. Does it mean that the whole object will be rasterised? Instead of just rasterising the inner parts and keeping container vector as vector as would be the proper implementation? Say like in a simple object where is a simple bounding vector path with pasted inside bitmap?
  7. I just wonder. When I start a new document, units are always millimetres (as I prefer), but when I open any PDF, units are always points. Why? Can this be changed?
  8. Exposure & Brightness is weird stuff... I wonder why photographers insist on using such tools (or maybe it is just developers who think photographers want them?). Here is some explanation what is going on: https://www.lightxapp.com/difference-between-brightness-and-exposure/ I would much prefer to operate just with white point, black point and gamma. And curve when more control is needed. And hilight recovery and shadow controls :-D I guess some apps apply advanced curve controls when exposure and brightness are used (think manipulating "knee" and "elbow" points in density curves of photographic film). Anyway I do not think AP develop tools are very easily understood. I sure am not confident with them.
  9. Not commercially.. more like testing environments or hobbies.
  10. Devs should add a popup menu which remembers last entered equations/sets.
  11. It is quite quick also to place pictures manually if the images are named alphabetical order. Select all images in Place command and place 1, move to next page, place next and so on.
  12. Halftone filter can do this. It results though greyscale (or b&w) image so you have to colorize white and black to orange and red. Takes some fiddling with fill layers and blend modes. Surely there are other means for colorizing too. Text/glasses have to be separate layer as it is not halftoned.
  13. I think the core problem is that CAD software does not group or layer objects in PDF any useful way, but rather randomly. It may be because CAD developers see PDF only as delivery format, not a transfer format. I usually work CAD to PDF exports in Designer.
  14. It would be wonderful if devs would develop this kind of style automation but so far no one has implemented such. It would be a great time saver to apply rule based styles to whole publication.
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