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  1. Sounds like an empty document, so the file size is correct. Could you upload your Affinity Photo file here? Everything else would be guessing.
  2. Could you upload the IDML? Or perhaps the text frame has a fill. Check this in the Text Frame panel.
  3. Willkommen auf den Affinity-Foren @GerhardKogler! Ich habe versucht dein Rezept nachzustellen, aber vielleicht habe ich einen Fehler gemacht, denn bei mir ist alles wie es sein soll. Könntest du vielleicht ein Screenrecording von deinen Schritten machen?
  4. Anyway this PDF seems to be a bit malformed. There are so many PDF libs out there, some good, some bad. This one seems to be generated by a bad one. Simply re-saving in Foxit Reader fixes the problem. Test Scan - 2021-12-21-foxit.pdf
  5. It is a Photoshop path consisting of a single stroke which appears as a vector crop with 0px width in Affinity Photo, so therefore the image in the background is invisible. Why this is so only Serif can tell.
  6. Perhaps it is because you are using a Type 1 font for Arial Bold! Replace that with a TrueType equivalent and you should be fine.
  7. Not missing anything I guess. The Passthrough option is meant for placing not opening. Unfortunately you can place only one page at a time.
  8. What you are looking for is a PDF passthrough option which is already implemented.
  9. You can try to install the attached files packed in a ZIP. How to install look at hyph_en_CA.dic seems to be a bit older. Maybe you can find a better version? en_CA.zip
  10. Not where I come from. You can drag the ruler to the origin you want manually or use View > Guides Manager. Unfortunately there is no option to makes this a fixed setting, but you can export your document as a template for later re-use and 0,0 bottom left.
  11. Welcome to the Affinity forums @louiserostgaard! I don't think you are doing something wrong, it could be Affinity Publisher. Best would be to upload a crash report for the developers and the IDML that causes the crash.
  12. I saved it from ID CS6 as IDML. File attached. Kochbuch_Hochformat_210x297_cs4-cs6-neu.idml
  13. Welcome to the Affinity forums @heckys_eyes! Disable hardware acceleration in Preferences > Performance and try again.
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