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DXF or DWG file import in Affinity Designer

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As an urban planner I worked a lot with the combination Adobe Suite and CAD program. Dxf/dwg files are great file formats to transfer between different programs. I switched to Affinity Photo (amazing!) already, but I am hesitating to substitute Illustrator with AF because of the missing import/export option of dxf/dwg. So I am asking for this option, too.

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I usually do import every CAD layer as a seperate pdf.

So I can preserve the layer structure in Affinity Designer.

It works ok, when you get used to it.

Obviously dwg/dxf support or another intelligent option would be a great improvement to get data (while preserving layers) into Affinity Designer from software such as Rhinoceros.

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I use Affinity Designer for making graphics and draw 3D views in architecture & design.

Here in Italy the most commonly used databse for vectors (plants, cars etc) is the homepage archiweb.it

This homepage uses dwg only!

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Importing and exporting dxf/dwg would be the most important feature for me.  I work in architecture and furniture making, and I am still using Adobe Illustrator because I can import my linework from SketchUp and Revit.  I really want to make the switch from Adobe to Affinity, but not being able to at least import a dwg is a deal-breaker for me.

Edited by non_standard
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I import from Rhinoceros to Affinity Designer in pdf.

Directly from Layouts.

But I have to make a seperate pdf for every layer, otherwise Affinity Designer groups and subgroups the geometry randomly and you cannot maintain a reasonable layer structure.

Which CAD are you using? Have you tried to import into AD via pdf?

I've heard some CAD software is able to write pdfs with layers so it opens with layers in AD. Don't know if that is true.

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After ignoring this feature request for five years, it seems like Affinity has sent a pretty clear message that serious vector import/export is not a priority for them. It's a pity--literally the one feature that keeps me from dropping Adobe entirely and purchasing the Affinity suite.

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On 5/2/2020 at 11:12 AM, debussy said:

I import from Rhinoceros to Affinity Designer in pdf.

Directly from Layouts.

But I have to make a seperate pdf for every layer, otherwise Affinity Designer groups and subgroups the geometry randomly and you cannot maintain a reasonable layer structure.

Which CAD are you using? Have you tried to import into AD via pdf?

I've heard some CAD software is able to write pdfs with layers so it opens with layers in AD. Don't know if that is true.

Appears to be same process of rhino. Export from autocad or bricscad each layer as pdf. BuT usually cad as a lot of layer, hatches, etc. It Is painful!

Plus, the workflows of CAD sometimes demands some changes...

I saw a video where the instructor copy (Ctrl c) all the geometries From autocad model space and paste into illustrator area!

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I tried with Rhinoceros 7 WIP.

Even though not yet perfect, it writes pdfs with layers which are then read in Affinity Designer.

Big step ahead.

We need to insit on a reasonable workflow from CAD into Affinity Designer!

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Absolutely Awesome Apps you are all amazing!!! When the time comes DXF/DWG file handling will be very welcome...I am currently hitting a dead end on some project needs. I am sure there is work being done to include this functionality, so for now I will just say thank you for the affordable and well designed options to Adobe.  

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I have had this disappointing response back on Twitter. Very disappointing as this feels like a feature that would perhaps take a week for a good dev to add in as there are already code libraries that do this that would just need integrating in. As with anything I think the more people that ask for it the more likely it will be to happen. May I suggest that anyone who would like this keeps adding comments here and from time to time keep asking politely on Twitter for an updated ETA.


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Ok it seems that there are no incentives to get you to finally get this feature in, so I would like to know if making a donation of $20,000 would help change your mind and actually introduce this ability in the software stack. I understand that this is not that much money compared to to your regular expenses, but please accept my offer to show a genuine need for this. 

Just to get a little bit of a background, I have tried several several CAD programs, unfortunately they are all horrible applications, and honestly I would not be surprised if they were built all off of the same engine, because they behave exactly the same, are extremely clunky and the performance on every single one of them is horrible. (I have a 24core xeon Mac Pro with 128GB of RAM and 2 extremely high end video cards... so this is not because of my hardware, I assure you) I enjoy the affinity program and the tools it offers, but I need to be able to export my technical drawings with their dimensional information and I cannot at the moment.

To say that this is a necessary feature is an understatement, I actually NEED this to run my business and the workarounds to get this done are laughable and very cost inefficient.\

Please, at least say if you rally are going to release this and if its anytime soon, I really want to use this program.

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And Guys, just in case you didn't know, CorelDraw2020 for Mac (not CorelCAD) is that perfect middle grounds between CAD and Ai and Affiinity Designer type drawing (I wish someone would have told me this earlier before I spent way too much money and time testing out every CAD program out there).

Yes it is expensive, but trust me when I say that for the line of work that we do (which is technical 2d drawings for laser cutting and printed circuit board/gerber production) that this is the best anyone is ever gunna get. We just started investing into CorelDraw recently, and I really hope Affinity does something about this before we get too deep into Corel to want to switch back out of it.. I do not want to retract my offer as it still stands, but it won't really make sense to push so hard if we're already so far into CorelDraw.

CorelDraw is surprisingly nice and smooth, similar to Affinity, but Affinity definitely still wins as far as UI, smooth operations and handling of their toolset.
You can just tell that there is rich fluid movement in the pen tool for instance or switching an objects location, or resizing something... CorelDraw is good, but still behind AD in this matter.

Am I the only one that absolutely hates real CAD program execution and procedure?
It really does feel like I'm working while someone is choking me the entire time, feeling very constricted in my movement of tools.

CorelDraw has a beautiful set of export options that surprised me, and I was sold on the spot.

Gosh I sound like a CorelDraw salesman, but man, if only you knew how much I just wanted the dang DXF/DWG export/import handling in affinity, it would be my complete perfect solution!!



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I'll throw in 200€.

Affinity Designer NEEDS dwg/dxf import/export.

Affinity Designer is such a wonderful piece of sofware. And dwg/dxf the most used vector format in professional applications.

Here in Italy (land of design) people do exactly this kind of workflow. Draw plans, sections, details in CAD. Afterwards this documents get refinded in Illustrator (for competitions, clients, homepages, catalogues).

Once they implement dwg/dxf import/export AD will becoma a game changer. I am 100% sure. In my opinio they should get this done before someone else comes along.

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On 5/20/2020 at 9:29 AM, debussy said:

Once they implement dwg/dxf import/export AD will becoma a game changer. I am 100% sure. In my opinio they should get this done before someone else comes along.

Many other vector illustration apps on the market today already support DXF import & export: PhotoLine, CorelDraw, etc. Heck, even LibreOffice Draw will import and export these files.

Aside from this, Designer needs vector fill support for this type of work, which it does not at this time. The competition, meanwhile, do. Apps like PhotoLine and  Illustrator also support vector fills with the fill bucket tool to quickly fill areas independent of the actual vector shapes.

There is still some catching up to do for Designer before it becomes a truly attractive proposition to architects...

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42 minutes ago, Medical Officer Bones said:

Many other vector illustration apps on the market today already support DXF import & export: PhotoLine, CorelDraw, etc.

Try dragging objects from the Corel window to the Affinity window 🙂

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