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Feedback & Suggestions

Discussions about things you think will make Affinity even better. Any suggestions about the software go in these forums

Suggestions, Discussions & Ideas

If you have any suggestions about how to make our apps better, please post them here. We read every idea which is posted, and in fact since launching Affinity we have added 100s of new features and improvements based on customer feedback

Just a few things to bear in mind:

  • Please search first, it may well be that you have a suggestion that others also want. If so add your feelings to their thread.
  • If you cannot find your idea, make a new post. Try to keep your post as concise as possible, and for the title of your post to describe the request as best you can.
  • Please just do one suggestion per thread. If your post title is “Here’s a few ideas to improve Affinity Publisher” you’ll be asked to split them up.
  • Please understand we can’t possibly do everything which is requested, but we try to make the best calls we can in terms of prioritising our work. Constantly nagging or being overly ranty that we haven’t implemented one of your suggestions will not help your cause, and such posts will be deleted.


  1. Feedback for the Affinity V2 Suite of Products

    Discussions about features that you think will make Affinity even better. ALL suggestions about the software go in this forum

    Please search first, it may well be that you have a suggestion that others also want. If so add your feelings to their thread.

  2. Feedback for the Affinity V1 Products [ARCHIVE]

    This forum is closed to new threads. Development of the V1 range is now complete.

    Many of the posts made in these forums are still valid suggestions for V2, so the threads are open to continue those conversations.

    Please make new threads in the V2 feedback forum for the suggestion you have, but search first.

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