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Affinity Designer Customer Beta (1.5.2 - Beta 3)

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Status: Beta

Purpose: Stability & Critical fixes

Requirements: Purchased Affinity Designer

Mac App Store: Not Submitted

Download: 1.5.2 Beta 3 Here


This beta is intended to fix any critical issues found in the current App Store version and should be considered to be more stable than the App Store product.


To use this beta, simply download the file from the link given above and double-click on the file to open the installer. Follow the instructions to install the beta version. The beta sits alongside the Mac App Store version and will not interfere with it.



  • Resolved Font enumeration crashes at startup, including utterly broken fonts that trigger a system refresh of the font list when enumerated!
  • Fix for Mavericks issue with the new Export Persona
  • Fix for Assets being dropped into the Asset Panel even when it is collapsed - which explains why some people are seeing an inability to move objects to certain areas of the screen (it's because the panel is still getting tested as though it was not collapsed and you're creating assets every time you move!)
  • Fix for crash seen when creating Assets from objects like Masks that perhaps have no dimensions by themselves
  • Fix for renaming Assets causing a crash
  • Fix for inability to change paragraph leading
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What about the other critical bugs such as copy/paste, grouping etc. ? :)

I suppose they will be addressed as time allows. Despite your smiley face enlightening the question it still kind of comes across as ungrateful. You might want to think about how to phrase requests like these.

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Hi everyone :)  I explained before that there are certain critical issues that are actually causing crashes for users and we wanted to concentrate on getting everyone up and running first before looking into other things - I think we're there now (with the exception of one Mountain Lion issue with the Export Persona) so hopefully we can look into the other bugs that have been brought to our attention.


Thanks again for everyone's patience - there are always wrinkles at every major version launch, and all we can try to do is learn from it and change some of our methods...


Hope that makes sense? :)


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Thanks—we appreciate all the work that goes into creating & maintaining the Affinity eco-system. Truly can't wait until the system is complete. 

15"-inch MacBook Pro, 2017, 2.9GHz Intel Core i7 | 16Gb

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Dear Affinity Team,

first I have to let you know, that I am really happy about AD and AP, since it is the first really alternative to Adobe PS and AI. I am working as a UI- and Graphic-Designer for more than 10 years now. In the last years I tried many alternatives, but none of them really hit the fence. So I am doing the switch today and from now on I will work with AD on a daily basis. I know that many details will not be perfect, they have not been perfect in PS or AI as well. But since AD is newly developed from ground up and it was fitted to the current needs I am very happy with how far you developer have come. Great Work and Thank You.


However there are a few things that bug me and that slow the creative process down. The first things I have noticed so far:

1) Magical Repositioning when copying a group of text objects

If you have a few text objects selected and you move them around (align them for example). Then you drag copy these objects (ALT-Key+MouseClick+MouseMove). The selected text objects get copied and moved to the new position. BUT: When I also hold the SHIFT-Key to align the copied text objects to the original ones, the already existing text objects magically move away. IMPORTANT you have to move the original text objects with the cursor before copying. I suppose the movement before the copying process is being reverted.


2) Rasterizing Layers doesn't work on selected layers

If I select several layers and hit Layer / Rasterize only the last selected layer gets rasterized. I have to group all selected layers to have them all rasterized together.


3) Text to Path

Really annoying is the Converting to Shapes function (CMD+ENTER). Before exporting a print document I want to convert all text to path. So I hit CMD+A, everything gets selected. Then I hit CMD+ENTER but all Text that is grouped or hidden in other layers doesn't get converted. So I have to open every group and sub groups, select any text layer and do the conversion again and again. This takes way to much time, if you have to produce every day.


4) Exporting blended layers to PDF will cause wrong color

Attached please find two Screenshots. No1 is from AD, No2 is from Preview after exporting to PDF/X-3. I used different blend modes on the cars, this is probably causing the wrong color. Maybe the rasterizer on the PDF export can be reviewed. If I rasterize the blended objects including the background before export, everything is fine.


If I can provide more information, please let me know.






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3) Text to Path

Really annoying is the Converting to Shapes function (CMD+ENTER). Before exporting a print document I want to convert all text to path. So I hit CMD+A, everything gets selected. Then I hit CMD+ENTER but all Text that is grouped or hidden in other layers doesn't get converted. So I have to open every group and sub groups, select any text layer and do the conversion again and again. This takes way to much time, if you have to produce every day.



Theoretically, you should be able to select the "Text as curves" option for the fonts in the actual export setting rather than to have to manually convert all text to curve before export.


But, I agree - I've been there too - there should be some kind of "apply to all embedded/included in selection objects/texts" option when performing actions.

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Oh no, Crash! 


Copied a symbol from one doc to another, then pressed detach in the symbols panel. Then I unchecked the vertical scaling constraint - KA BOOOM! 


I've attached the crash log and it reliably crashes every time so I could supply the file if required? 


Happens in this beta and MAS version 1.5.1


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Theoretically, you should be able to select the "Text as curves" option for the fonts in the actual export setting rather than to have to manually convert all text to curve before export.


But, I agree - I've been there too - there should be some kind of "apply to all embedded/included in selection objects/texts" option when performing actions.

Thanks for the hint. I didn't see that option in Export. This helps a lot. Nevertheless an "Apply to all ..." option / check box, as you already mentioned, would be wonderful.

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Geometry and expand stroke not working with text in Beta 3


1. Create Text using artistic text tool (T)

2. Give the Text a stroke (I do this many times to either make a font thicker or thinner depending on the font I'm working with).

3. Convert the text to curves

4. Select each letter within the Group

5. Expand Stroke


In MAS version, you can expand the stroke and select the stroke and letter and use geometry on each object.

In Beta version, you can not expand the stroke or use geometry on the objects.


EDIT:  Closed Beta and restarted with new document and it works now.  I'll keep an eye on this and see if I can duplicate the issue.

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sorry, es funktioniert doch nicht, es kann ja nicht im Sinn des Erfinders sein, erst die Librarys (Aperture, was extrem dauert bis der Pfad gefunden ist und Foto, auch hier dauert es eine Ewigkeit ) nach dem Programmstart jedesmal „händisch” in das Fenster des Medienbrowsers zu ziehen...

That is just still the most absurd component of the affinity suite, I would not bother two seconds with that hack which is just the preview from apple bundled into a cheap UI (can´t even natively preview it´s own file format)

Sadly their giraffe team did not get engaged with it yet https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/5336-file-system/?p=34546


Better get a proper file viewer like adobe bridge or just drag and drop from your filesystem/ finder



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