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    prophet got a reaction from Scouser in Copy text between files   
    Without seeing the full workspace, I'm just guessing, but I think you've used the Text Frame tool. A text frame can be resized using the "detached" bottom right handle. Or you could set your text using Artistic Text tool instead, which I find more versitile for short, headline type text pieces.
  2. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Dazmondo77 in Preflight pdf - Output Preview (Separations and Ink Total Area Coverage) and Preflight (Gloss, Newsprint)   
    Happy to help.
    I'm lucky enough to qualify for PACKZVIEW which is adequate for my pre-press needs. I have an old laptop with Acrobat X for the rare use case, but actually haven't needed it for many moons.
  3. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Hangman in Unexpected object movement when clicking into the inactive window   
    The History would show if the object got moved.
    But we can also see the coordinates of the object in the Transform panel when it is selected. As near as I can tell, the are the same at the beginning of the video and the end. No movement.
  4. Thanks
    prophet got a reaction from carl123 in how do I change background fill on text box?   
    Testing on Mac…
    After Text Frame exists and has text, when clicking the VFF tool, the Text Frame is deselected.
    As I hover the VFF tool over the text frame, the text and counter spaces inside letter forms are highlighted indicating they can be filled, but the frame itself is not highlighted.
    But, I can click where I know the frame exists and it will fill!
    Now the frame gets highlighted on hovering with VFF as expected(?) and I can choose other colors and click again to fill per normal operation of the VFF tool.
    A brilliant work around. Let's hope it doesn't get "fixed"
  5. Thanks
    prophet reacted to Callum in I can't get the black of the shadow to print properly.   
    Hi All.
    My apologies for the delayed response to this thread this has now been logged with our developers to be fixed in a future update. I'll update this thread once I have more info.
  6. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Ditto Bird in Hexes Made By Pen Tool Accidentally Filled - Is There Any Way To Remove The Colour & Leave Hexes?   
    Ah yes, I see you are using vector, but then at some point converting to pixels. Whatever works for you of course.
    What benefit does this technique provide?
  7. Thanks
    prophet reacted to Old Bruce in Hexes Made By Pen Tool Accidentally Filled - Is There Any Way To Remove The Colour & Leave Hexes?   
    The only benefit is that we don't get overlapping curves/edges/lines as would occur with closed shapes. And  as I am frequently lazy so there are a few fewer clicks to create the initial shape.
  8. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Ditto Bird in Hexes Made By Pen Tool Accidentally Filled - Is There Any Way To Remove The Colour & Leave Hexes?   
    Maybe I'm misreading what's going on in your layers panel, but it looks like everything is pixel layers.
    To me, and no offense, it would be much better to approach this project using vector objects. You could make a hexagon shape and repeat/align to your hearts content while they all stay live and can be colored or not as needed.
    Once everything is flattened to pixels, you lose a lot of flexibility.
  9. Like
    prophet got a reaction from thebodzio in Color Separations View   
    That is a brilliant idea. You could see separations, overprint, even preflight could move there.
  10. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Bilbo Bowman in Layer Comps use-case workflow   
    Layer States might be equivalent to Layer Comps?
    https://affinity.help/designer2/en-US.lproj/index.html?page=pages/ObjectControl/layerStates.html&title=Layer states
  11. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Bilbo Bowman in Layer Comps use-case workflow   
    Maybe not a single step, but with the Export Persona, it should be relatively simple to achieve.
  12. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Bilbo Bowman in Layer Comps use-case workflow   
    Glad it works for you, and good to see the promise of further developments.
  13. Sad
    prophet got a reaction from SilvRO in PDF Black Overprint "fixed" with extra Adjustment Layer   
    Revisiting this old chestnut after several software cycles and it seems we've had a reversion.
    To have a black drop shadow correctly overprint on a spot color background, one must include the extraneous Adjustment layer as outlined in my August 16, 2021 post.
  14. Like
    prophet got a reaction from occasionalpiece in Save failed because the could not be written to   
    I ran into this issue today and, using some of the hints here, resolved it by tracking down a single offending image.
    Using the Resource Manager, I selected all images. I almost always use Linked images, so I switched them all to Embedded. All but one made the change. I then re-linked the hold out image (actually linked to a new version just to be sure). Then switched everyone else back to Linked. File saved just fine.
  15. Haha
    prophet got a reaction from Oufti in Enhancement request for Affinity Photo.   
    Imagine I had a humorous cartoon of a chicken who was working as a mason.  I open that file in one of Affinity's apps and then created a particular organizational container above that illustration in the hierarchy. I  then place several illustrations of overlapping articles of clothing with which to "dress up" the character in said container and name it accordingly. If I then selected one of those clothing objects I will have chosen…
    …wait for it…
    one of the layer layer's "layers" Layer layers.
  16. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Hangman in Rotating Arrow Not Showing   
    sorry, misposted in the wrong spot
  17. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Iztok in Leading problem, Affinity Publisher   
    I'm not sure how you have things set, but for me, Return makes a Paragraph break and will use that Paragraph After setting, while Shift+Return makes a Line Bresk. This is a common configuration on most software I've ever used.
    I don't care for the default 12pt Paragraph After that Affinity sets, so it's one of the first defaults I change when setting type.
  18. Like
    prophet got a reaction from ASUNDER in Find Center Of Line   
    Another option could be rounded rectangles with corner radii of half the height of the rectangle. 
    Or even a single line with very large stroke width and rounded ends, then outline the stroke. 
  19. Thanks
    prophet got a reaction from myclay in Use Photoshop .PSD as default save method for Affinity Photo   
    There is a section on Filters.
    I'm not connected to the project and obviously, it's a work in progress, I just found it interesting and thanks to @myclay for posting about it.
  20. Like
    prophet got a reaction from 2112st in Teaching Myself Affinity Photo-Steel Mill In A Thunderstorm   
    Oh, sorry about that. Muscle memory took over and I didn't "show my work". @carl123 is right, but I did it with the shortcut of Option+click on the Mask layer.
  21. Thanks
    prophet got a reaction from walt.farrell in Use Photoshop .PSD as default save method for Affinity Photo   
    There is a section on Filters.
    I'm not connected to the project and obviously, it's a work in progress, I just found it interesting and thanks to @myclay for posting about it.
  22. Thanks
    prophet got a reaction from Old Bruce in Use Photoshop .PSD as default save method for Affinity Photo   
    "OpenRaster is an intentionally simple file format, similar to the Open Document file format: a zip file with an xml document describing the layer structure and a png image for each raster layer or an svg image for each vector layer."
    The .ora file format looks interesting. Would love to cure the industry of the assumption that .psd is a "universal" format.
    Or .ai for that matter. My favorite thing to do when conversing with some middle-man lackey who insists my flattened/outlined vector PDF is not ok since the production team requires an AI file…"just change the suffix from .pdf to .ai and see if that works for you."
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    prophet reacted to G13RL in Redraw the Apple logo!…   
    Finally, I tried and obtained eight nodes

  24. Like
    prophet got a reaction from Glennsart in Modify a Gradient?   
    There's the issue. A pixel layer is raster and thus the gradient, when released, will just be pixels.
    The solution could be create a vector shape and use the gradient fill on it. That way it will remain "live" for further editing.
  25. Like
    prophet got a reaction from ronnyb in Redraw the Apple logo!…   
    Challenge Accepted. How about 9 nodes?
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