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  1. Exactly. That's what I meant. Total Commander is an example of a program that has external files with a translated interface. Unfortunately, Affinity is not designed to add external files with translations, so it's an obstacle that the program was available in many languages. These .DLL files are permanently installed in the program by Serif's IT specialists and no one else can change it. So at the moment I don't believe that new languages will be added, and Serif himself once said so. It takes them too much time, so they spend it fixing countless bugs.
  2. I have the impression that Affinity programs are made in such a way that you can't add separate files to manage words in the interface, they are built in permanently. So you can't just add the appropriate files with any language, like you can do in other programs. So I don't think Polish and other lesser known languages will be added to Affinity Canva.
  3. Zastanawiasz się nad propozycją sprzed 7 lat? Nie spodziewałbym się, że Serif spełni twoje życzenie.
  4. It worked 100 percent until recently. For comparison, how it works in CorelDraw. Film bez tytułu ‐ Wykonano za pomocą Clipchamp (6).mp4
  5. This error when rotating the mouse wheel also occurs in the Radius and Miter fields in the Contour Tool and in the Corner tool in the Radius field. Beta 2.6 will be out soon, so it will not be fixed, so maybe version 2.7 in 2 years will have a chance to fix it?
  6. No scrolling of the screen when moving the mouse with the left mouse button pressed while selecting objects that are off the screen. The screen used to scroll showing elements off the screen, now it does not happen and if I want to select objects outside the view on the screen I have to zoom out the entire desktop. This bug affects all 3 programs in Windows 11.
  7. I also wanted to add my vote for this feature, but it seems to me that this is asking for a star from the sky. There are so many things to change, add and improve in Affinity that it will probably take 100 years before it is implemented. It seems that the people who worked at the beginning on the implementation of Designer and started making symbols, among other things - no longer work in Serif and many features are only started and unfinished. It has been 5 years since this request was written, Serif of course is not responsible for wishes, so it looks like I will retire sooner and stop using the program before it is implemented. Thank you.
  8. Do you really believe that scripts will be introduced to Affinity?
  9. Where is the shortcut to this function? Why isn't it possible to add your own shortcuts to many other functions. Is it so technologically advanced that you can't use your own shortcuts for all functions in Affinity? Affinity is starting to tire me out more and more. v
  10. Everyone can see that after the takeover by Canva, Serif's work slowed down. Version 2.5 was released quickly with bugs for the needs of Canva's global presentation and now everything has crashed. It seems to me that Serif no longer needs to try to attract new and old Clients, because after all, the money has been found. I have offered Serif cash many times (not as much as Canva) for improving or adding functions in Affinity. I use Publisher (3 programs) in my daily work, I have created several thousand files in this software for 8 years (I work in the advertising industry). And now I am starting to worry whether Affinity will not be abandoned as it happened with various taken over programs. No clear information about the future of Affinity, no Beta? All 80 employees went on vacation? for 2 months? As I run a business and I do not remember when I was on vacation. But if someone gave me 100 million dollars I would probably quit my job too.
  11. Serif took a two-month break, so I don't think any beta is around the corner. After Canva took over, they slowed down on fixes and updates, because why rush now when the money is already there. I think Affinity is coming to an end though. I hope I'm wrong.
  12. Can you tell me what photo editor it is? At least the beginning and end of the letters of this program. I am slowly thinking about abandoning Affinity in my professional work and looking for another alternative. Serif had some cool ideas and solutions, but most of them are just a started idea and not finished, just on the principle - you wanted it - you got it.
  13. There are two options. Either it's the summer break or Affinity is coming to an end, like any acquired company.
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