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    : Praha
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    DON'T PANIC :-)

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  1. Try Contour Tool. https://affinity.help/designer2/English.lproj/pages/CurvesShapes/contouringShapes.html
  2. Very often some users here define themselves against Affinity applications in a way - that "Serif" is presented/claimed/declared that ASuite "is" an equivalent/clone/killer of some competing product - and therefore how is it possible (and it is completely unimaginable and unbelievable ), that ASuite doesn't have some of the features of a competing product, or that it does something a little differently than the "copied" product, etc. That Serif never claimed anything like that is of course clear, but if he were created some required cross-reference table comparing ASuite vs a competing product, he would thereby defacto conceding this pursuit of equivalence. Therefore, I personally think that such an explicit official Serif comparison will not be created, and that it is rather up to the users to create something like this (perhaps based on personal experience, or when they come across something like this on the Internet) - after all, that's what the Tutorials thread is for.
  3. The request to support Android tablets has been raised here several times. https://www.google.com/search?q=Galaxy+tabs+site:forum.affinity.serif.com https://www.google.com/search?q=Android+site:forum.affinity.serif.com
  4. No, my family is not insulted, but unlike you, I am not comfortable if someone constantly attacks and insults others here on the forum.
  5. Then it's strange that Undo doesn't work. What operation is displayed in the History panel?
  6. GRAFKOM had in mind the common way with an external file containing references to application texts that can then be easily translated, which is not the case.
  7. Serif has also commented on this many times - the Affinity application is not a community SW or Open Source, so they will not support this "do it yourself" procedure for understandable reasons.
  8. I assume that these tutorials and guides refer to the English application environment, so they are useful only for beginners and users who do not know the application until before switching the environment to another localization. But as I wrote in another thread (https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/210800-turkish-language-option/&do=findComment&comment=1256037), perhaps the increase in funds for the development of applications from the new company owner will be reflected in the addition of additional localizations. I just hope that in all the world's languages, so that not a single nation remains disadvantaged and discriminated against, and we don't have to read posts like "Russian is more important than Polish?".
  9. I personally do not agree with this opinion - since the vast majority of available materials (videos and text instructions), including posts and advice here on the forum, are in English, localization makes learning rather difficult, as it is very complicated to find the corresponding terms, names of functions and tools. Personally, I would never switch the application to the localized version, because I consider the use of English terms (there are really only a few to learn and understand) to be a standard - which I then use to get along with everyone. What I would like is the localization of books, videos and learning materials, but UI localization will not contribute to their creation.
  10. However, with a complex design, this method of selection is completely unusable, as many unwanted competing objects are selected. Therefore, the "whole object" option, which is unambiguous in its behavior, was apparently used as the default. The ability to temporarily change the behavior (despite using a completely unusable mouse button combination for Windows) is therefore very useful, as it allows the selection to be adapted to the situation.
  11. Is it really a part of the image being deleted, or is it just a display problem? If it's a display problem (the hole disappears by moving the viewport, changing the zoom, minimizing and maximizing the application), try turning off HW Acceleration (I would definitely try that). If it's really about deleting part of the image - see what kind of operation is indicated in the History panel, then I'd try the option in the occasional incorrect function of the Wacom pen (replace it with a mouse - if this happens too).
  12. Why are you using the Pixel Tool and not the commonly used Pixel Brush Tool? vs https://affinity.help/photo/English.lproj/pages/Tools/tools_pixel.html https://affinity.help/photo/English.lproj/pages/Tools/tools_paintBrush.html
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