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  1. Thanks for making that clearer. I’m not entirely sure what’s happening for you – I don’t know what you mean by “margins are ignored” or “cuts margins”. Would you be able to supply two documents with which we can try and replicate the problem? One which is the document you are placing and the other being the document you are placing it into? (When I do a web search for netto I get information about a discount supermarket chain.)
  2. I can see where you are coming from, but some of that still doesn’t sound right to me either. The OP is asking about the “Join Curve” functionality so I’m thinking specifically about making a node 'join with' another curve, or joining curves, rather than how the nodes or a single curve are linked in relation to each other. Maybe I’m just getting things mixed up. A normal Saturday afternoon.
  3. Welcome to the forums @LiWei In addition to the advice above, which will probably fix the problem, have you tried a different image viewer?
  4. That doesn’t sound quite right to me but I don’t have the time at the moment to come up with a sentence which will cover all the bases. Something to do with start/end nodes can be joined but only one node to one other node, ‘inner’ nodes can’t be joined, and the ‘mix’ of Curve/Curves makes a difference, or something along those lines.
  5. Just in case I wasn’t clear, my first comment in this thread, regarding 2D/3D, was directed towards the OP. (markw: I think what you did is pretty much as good as it can be without a lot of extra work, considering what we were given to work with.)
  6. I can’t see from the original image why the “L” was different to the other letters. It’s possible that it was different for some good reason which can’t be seen from the ‘snippet’ we can see. I think there’s a good chance that letters like that (or similar) will be available as individually-downloadable images from somewhere, so it might be easier to find some and use them in an ‘unadulterated’ form rather than manipulating them.
  7. Welcome to the forums @Leah Walton If the application crashes every single time you try to open a document, how can you get to the stage where you can try printing a document? If you can’t do anything with the application at all, you can try resetting parts of it (or all of it) by holding Ctrl down when you launch the application (hold Ctrl down until the application is finished launching; if you have other windows open, the application might open behind them) and then use the Clear User Data dialog – see attached image – to try resetting some things. Important: You will probably lose some user preferences (e.g. Presets, etc.), and imported items (e.g. Styles, Assets, etc.) when resetting some of these things and they will need to be restored manually where needed.
  8. How are you “importing” the Designer document? In the title of the thread you say you are “Placing” the files. Are you using the Place functionality (ether via the File menu or the Place Tool) or something else?
  9. Rotating a 2D thing that is a representation of a 3D thing, within a 2D environment, won’t always give you a good result as some of the 3D information that’s needed – e.g. sides, top and bottom, etc. – will often be missing. Also, the lighting/shadows could be a problem when you’re trying to match the rest of the design. And, in this case, I think the “L” looks to have been given a different ‘style’ to the rest of the letters and, as such, looks strange when ‘rotated’. To put that another way, the “G”, “O” and “D” are all ‘rounded’ at the edges whereas the “L” is ‘squared-off’ which makes it look different to the other letters.
  10. @HilaryP It would have been better if you had asked this in the appropriate “Questions” section of the forums rather than in the “Share your work” section as the “Share your work” section is for people to show the things they have created with the software, a bit like a gallery, rather than ask questions. No harm has been done, but posting questions in the “Questions” section is often likely to get you an answer more quickly. A moderator might move this thread for you so there’s no need to duplicate this elsewhere.
  11. You’re welcome. Better to be cautious than not when you’re downloading stuff from the web, and that is a pretty scary message if you're not used to seeing it.
  12. If you obtained the download from an official source (Serif/Apple/Microsoft store) then it will be fine, it’s just telling you that there could be trouble with some software but not all.
  13. Quite right – earlier post has been fixed. (It's in Publisher V1 too so I must have completely missed it for years.)
  14. It would have been better if you had asked this in the appropriate “Questions” section of the forums rather than in the “Customer Service” section as the “Customer Service” section is for people asking about problems with purchasing, installation, and things like that, rather than questions about using the software. Posting questions in the “Questions” section is often likely to get you an answer more quickly. A moderator might move this thread for you so there’s no need to duplicate this elsewhere.
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