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About the bug : if you choose Brushes for Stroke and then return to Stroke Menu, icons disappear.


Text on path is infinitely better than Illustrator.


Corner tool crashes sometimes, it's a bit sensible. The circle can't grow up after a certain value.


I got a crash after using the corner tool to draw out a arbitrary radius, then trying to fine-tune the value in the 'specify radius' box - trying to edit it, gave me the spinning ball, then crash - JFYI.

  • Staff

Hi MichaelS,


Thanks for that - I think this is already reported and we're on our way to having it sorted out asap! :) We'll probably update the beta in the next day or two with this fix and a few other miscellaneous bits and bobs...





Hi Macmonkey,


Thanks for that :) Yes, I do plan on making the 'bake corners' button just do the selected ones, rather than all corners (or maybe having it as a modifier-click action?) but I also need a better name than 'bake corners'! ;)  I didn't want to use 'Fix corners' because it sounds like they're broken and had a brain-freeze thinking of anything else! So... suggestions welcome! :)


We'll definitely try to get the selection outline hiding behaviour in there - we have the facility to do it (as seen by changing the stroke colour) but have just forgotten to sprinkle the pixie-dust in the appropriate places! I'll get on it later! :)




HI Matt,


Just downloaded it today. Text on curve: Yes!


As for renaming Bake corners, here are my suggestions:

  • Bend corners
  • Shave corners 
  • Shape corners 
  • Adjust corners
  • Crimp corners 

Or simply Corner tool.



MacBook pro, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB, OS X 10.11.6




The display of (CMYK) colors in the swatch palette is still not fine enough. In the screenshot you can see two green tones with:

1)   55C + 100Y

2) 100C + 100Y

and they look nearly the same but with 45% more Cyan the lower one should look more darker, same thing to many other color combinations/nuances. And for CMYK they look very, very bright.
I don't need to see the last percent difference, but with more colors of the same base t's getting confusing.





iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017), i7 4.2, Radeon 580 Pro 8 GB, 40 GB DDR4-RAM, 1 TB Flash, macOS 10.14.6


Hi Macmonkey,


Thanks for that :) Yes, I do plan on making the 'bake corners' button just do the selected ones, rather than all corners (or maybe having it as a modifier-click action?) but I also need a better name than 'bake corners'! ;)  I didn't want to use 'Fix corners' because it sounds like they're broken and had a brain-freeze thinking of anything else! So... suggestions welcome! :)


We'll definitely try to get the selection outline hiding behaviour in there - we have the facility to do it (as seen by changing the stroke colour) but have just forgotten to sprinkle the pixie-dust in the appropriate places! I'll get on it later! :)






How about "set corners"? I agree with you "fix corners" sounds like they are broken. 






Typing 0->9 now affects the opacity of the selection. Typing ’4’ will set 40%, ’45’ will set 45%, etc. In raster tools it will set the opacity you are about to paint with.


I missed this so much from Photoshop. Thanks!

Founder & Lead Designer at Amuses Me Games


I testet CMYK colors, cause of export problems. I made a simple rectangle filled with the color 100M100Y15K and saved it. All is ok. Exportet it to PDF and importet into AD, all is ok. If I export to EPS (whatever option I use) and import it into AD the colors went totally wrong in CMYK. If I open the EPS in Illustrator all is correct. So I think the export is ok but the interpreting on the import is something wrong.


Mmh, thought about posting in the bug thread, but on the new beta is also ok?!




iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017), i7 4.2, Radeon 580 Pro 8 GB, 40 GB DDR4-RAM, 1 TB Flash, macOS 10.14.6


Wow I think this is the best update so far since initial release.  Great job team!!!


The text on a path seems to work great and will be fun to use.  Lot's of control.


Matt's corner tool is going to take some time to master.  I've never used anything like it before.  The basic operation is fine but...  If I turn a rectangle's corner into a rounded corner I can't do any more to it.  Is that because it doesn't really have corners after that?  On an ellipse it looks like it's trying to do something but nothing happens.  Can't wait to see some instructions.


Oops I crashed it after a couple dozen plays with the corner tool.  Report sent.


I had sure missed not being able to change opacity by typing a number.  This is great.  Just yesterday I was thinking it would be great if this were added.


Fantastic job AD team.  Thank you all.

iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) with macOS Sierra


(There's a little childish part of me that likes it being called 'Bake corners' because it sounds so much more fun!)



Ok, I'm Italian and my english is "engrish" so I'm the very last person able to talk about meanings here...

But... To bake in design context is pretty common.

In 3D scene rendering a "baked texture" is a term that indicates a "frozen" version of texture mapping with some lightning data, useful to shorten rendering times.

So "bake corners" sounds meaningful to me...

DAUB® Brushes making tools for artists, illustrators and doodlers


Hi Macmonkey,


Thanks for that :) Yes, I do plan on making the 'bake corners' button just do the selected ones, rather than all corners (or maybe having it as a modifier-click action?) but I also need a better name than 'bake corners'! ;)  I didn't want to use 'Fix corners' because it sounds like they're broken and had a brain-freeze thinking of anything else! So... suggestions welcome! :)


We'll definitely try to get the selection outline hiding behaviour in there - we have the facility to do it (as seen by changing the stroke colour) but have just forgotten to sprinkle the pixie-dust in the appropriate places! I'll get on it later! :)




Cheers matt,


Re bake corners, it made sense to me, but I do dabble with some 3D packages so that might be why, but I'm figuring that "freeze corners" might work or "convert to curves" the same as in your smart shapes (?!) options.

in the meantime on the selection outline hiding front I've just figured out that if you press space at any time you access move mode and the selection outline disappears. You can also do that whilst messing around with the effects sliders, which is quite a handy workaround :)


thanks again



'Bake' doesn't *only make sense for 3d... 3d apps use bake because it make sense from a functional perspective. Lots of things are 'set' when they are baked, like bricks for example.


They only reason to change 'bake' is because it might make people think of cake, and that's all we need - right? 

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