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We've got Mavericks machines too and it isn't showing that behaviour? You wouldn't be able to make a very quick movie showing it would you (just incase there's something we've not realised!) Thanks! :)


Here is Matt.

It works fine on Yosemite for me, but not on Mavericks.


[EDIT] I discovered the source of the problem on my system. It has nothing to do with Affinity Designer.

The strange behaviour was due to a windows management app that i installed a couple years ago called HyperDock.

I use it so frequently since then that i forgot it's not part of the system. I've changed its config and everything is working as it should both in Mavericks and Yosemite now.

I'm sorry for the trouble Matt.


I was talking about the brush in Draw Persona (not working) but in Pixel Persona, the shortcut rocks !

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