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Since the name of your program is Affinity Designer, maybe you could have another name that is in direct parallel and synonymous with the word affinity.  Like bond, engage, tie, tie-in, union, unite, link, marriage, or connect.  Just a thought.


Hey didn't we used to have a hold a button and click layer way to zoom to selected. I don't mean ⇧⌘0

or am I dreaming again?..  :unsure:


C4D uses bake (mostly) to refer to processes that cache calculations for faster rendering. The C4D command equivalent to Bake as applied to corners is Make Editable. That said, Bake seems just fine to me although I would hope any further application of it would refer to the same process of converting parametric objects to basic splines with nodes.


A further advantage is that if you were to implement, as one contributor suggests, an option to only convert certain corners, you could call it "Half Baked".

iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)      iOS 18.2.1         iMac 24-inch, M1, 2021   macOS  13.4.1




Matt's corner tool is going to take some time to master.  I've never used anything like it before.  The basic operation is fine but...  If I turn a rectangle's corner into a rounded corner I can't do any more to it.  Is that because it doesn't really have corners after that?  On an ellipse it looks like it's trying to do something but nothing happens.  Can't wait to see some instructions.



Yes it needs an angle to work.


First few moments with the corner tool and path text are pretty sweet, nice implementation of both. Love the slider for the baseline adjust and the way the feature it just overall feels logical, simple and easy to use.  Is this final or are you still tinkering?


Only thing to complement this for down the road might be some preset effects, flag, rise, arch, etc...


One little thing on the corner tool... I'm finding the smaller red circle around the selected nodes are sort of in the way for seeing the curve underneath... otherwise, I'm loving it. 


+1 for Bake corners...


I'd like to see the Corner tool integrated into the Shape tools... while still retaining edit-ablity... 


Only bake when you have to spit out to "dumb" formats like PDF, and leave as much live/interactive features in the native Affinity format, making it another compelling reason to switch...


The "Baking" feature could become an automated step of the Export process when exporting into "dumb" formats...


This ought to be applied across the board to as many features as possible, for example in APhoto, using the transform tools is never a final operation unless the user selects to Bake the transform... 


These new tools feel amazing! Hats off, guys, it's REALLY slick!!


Here's a video, the performance is great, even on my 2011 Hi-DPI MBP...

2021 16” Macbook Pro w/ M1 Max 10c cpu /24c gpu, 32 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1

2018 11" iPad Pro w/ A12X cpu/gpu, 256 GB, iPadOS 18.1

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One of the planned things with the corner tool is the ability to specify corners non-destructively on a shape - so that it remains a shape and is fully editable until you bake things... This is just an interim solution to make it work. Also, the performance should improve significantly over time (again, it's the slowest it's ever going to get right now - I have a dramatically fast code path that is not stable at present so I can't use it, but over time I can improve both the accuracy and performance substantially)...


There's an update that should be coming in the next few hours that makes the UI much more simple and unobtrusive, so hopefully you'll like that :)


I think I need to detect when there is no 'corner' to apply to and not offer to set the radius - I agree that the rounded rectangle is confusing, but it's because the points it offers are cusps so I allow the user to set a radius on them - try moving the handles around afterwards and you'll see that your corner radius is correctly set and working, but with the original shape's tangential continuity across the node there is nowhere to put a corner, if you see what I mean! :)


Sorry for my posting above. I have simply the tool Bake corners overlooked. It was not in the Tool Palette.


This tool is GREAT indeed!!!



WOW, Corner + Shapes are COOL! I like how the Corner tool automatically converts the Shapes into Curves and the Corner tool's nodes are silky... Damn, this is a KILLER tool! Home run guys! Thanks Alex. The tools just got faster too... 

2021 16” Macbook Pro w/ M1 Max 10c cpu /24c gpu, 32 GB RAM, 1TB SSD, macOS Sequoia 15.1

2018 11" iPad Pro w/ A12X cpu/gpu, 256 GB, iPadOS 18.1


Seeing that a new beta that includes the corner tool is live, literally gave me nerd-chills. I've been playing around with the tool for 2 days now and gotta say that with a few improvements, this tool in itself is going to convert me to a hardcore Affinity Designer evangelist. 


What I like to see:

  • Corner tool displays rounding values
  • Corner tool allows for the rounding anchor points to snap to the pixel grid (that might be my severe OCD though so feel free to ignore it completely)
  • Corner tool allows for 'rounding cloning' - imagine a perfect square. I use the rounding tool on the top left edge and then as I hover each of the other corners it presumes that I want to apply the same rounding. Incredibly useful when working with symmetrical shapes.
  • Corner tool allows for 'rounding presets' - let's say I apply particular rounding to different shapes. Those need to be always the same. The corner tool offers a functionality that allows me to select a 'rounding preset' and apply it to a particular corner without me trying to match the values manually. Let's even take that a step further... imagine if as I modify a rounding preset it modifies all it's instances throughout the document... even thinking about this causes me to hyperventilate. :D

Trust me I have a ton of awesome stuff in my head but I think the above is going to make the corner tool the absolute best in the industry.


Another thing I should mention - I'd like affinity designer to 'remember' my workflow layout for specific files and auto-arrange that for me as open my projects. Right now my workflow works something like this - > http://i.imgur.com/yy1gXJ4.jpg. So I have a retina view on my Macbook, this is where I spent most of my time. On my 27inch I have 100% non-retina view, zoomed-in non-retina view and an outline view. I use these for quickly glancing if everything aligns well to the pixel grid as well as to audit how things would look like on regular displays. This is priceless! It takes the quest for pixel perfection to a whole new level and if Affinity could somehow remember those project-specific layouts it would be a tremendous feature!


Huge amounts of gratitude and respect towards all the devs and designers working on the app! You got me seriously hooked. Also I should say that I'm working in a 35+ people startup and the last few days I got a lot of people interested in Affinity, without even trying. Even non-designers think certain features are rather cool.


Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for that Archmind - and wow what a setup you have there! :D  I'll definitely add your suggestions to my 'corner stuff' list - I think there's a lot of good ideas there! :)



Hey MattP! Thanks for your reply man.


Another thing - would it be possible that in the feature we'll be able to turn grid / guides on and off on selected views rather than globally. For smaller, zoomed-out canvases having the grid and guides is not necessary if the purpose of the view is mainly to 'preview' how stuff works. So basically having grid and guides only on the view I'm using for the actual drawing for example and switching those off everywhere else.  

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I can definitely see a use-case for that, so I'll certainly put it forward (it's not quite as simple as you'd hope, but it's valuable so I believe it would be worth the time taken)


When I attach a text to a curve (text along a curve), the curve looses all the attributes (width, color, etc).

Is there any way to, optionally, keep the attributes in the curve or even be able to edit the attributes of the curve without affecting the text?

As it is now, if I increase the Width, the outline of the text gets adjusted.



I've noticed that too.

In fact when you create a box and then add text to the box (flow inside if you will) then you loose all box attributes like colour, stroke, etc.

I think that one should be able to control the inside margins (standoff text) as well as other positions like top, centre, bottom and top-left, top-right, etc. of the text.

And of course its colour and stroke.

Unfortunately, this is not supported at the moment.


2017 27” iMac 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 • Radeon Pr 580 8GB • 64GB • Ventura 13.6.4.

iPad Pro (10.5-inch) • 256GB • Version 16.4


Is this a bug or intended behaviour?


When you create a text box, the box snaps to the left margin but it doesn't snap to the right if you go all the way to the right margin.

The same happens with the guides. It snaps to the left guide but it doesn't snap to the right if you draw a text box within 2 guides.


2017 27” iMac 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 • Radeon Pr 580 8GB • 64GB • Ventura 13.6.4.

iPad Pro (10.5-inch) • 256GB • Version 16.4


When I attach a text to a curve (text along a curve), the curve looses all the attributes (width, color, etc).

Is there any way to, optionally, keep the attributes in the curve or even be able to edit the attributes of the curve without affecting the text?

As it is now, if I increase the Width, the outline of the text gets adjusted.


Essentially no. The curve doesn't get drawn at all; it's only used to position the text. You need to clone the curve first if you want to still see it.


I'm used to FreeHand having an option to set the line visible when it has text flowing in it ;)


We could adjust the text parameters (even the line width and color) but selecting the text. When we clicked on the line, we could adjust the line parameters.

Having the line serve only as a structural frame is almost as the Clipping Mask in Illustrator that is sooooo annoying.

Since we can, in Affinity Designer, place shapes inside other shapes without having the masking shape disappear, we should also have the possibility of having the shapes where the text in inset or flowing to be displayed without having to clone the same.

As it is now, if I adjust the shape of the line or object that has text attached, I need to also adjust the cloned line or shape :(


Why not simply have a checkmark option to display/hide the line/shape? When it is shown, we can adjust its parameters.

When it is hidden, the parameters are not reset but the line/shape simply does not display/print.

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