Ernst R. Posted May 18, 2020 Posted May 18, 2020 Es freut mich, dass es auch einige deutschsprachige User hier gibt. Ich dachte schon, ich wäre der einzige. 😂 Aber im Ernst, ich habe mir die komplette Palette von Affinity geleistet, weil, ich auch die Programme grandios finde. So wie George Gibson/Markus bin ich auch seit den Anfängen de C64 dabei, allerdings immer nur als Hobby und alles was ich kann habe ich mir selbst beigebracht. So bin ich auch der Obmannstellvertreter des CFFC, Computer-, Film-, und Fotoclub St. Marienkirchen bei Schärding. Wir waren mit die ersten in Österreich, die mit dem C64 Bilder digitalisierten und mit einem Star LC10 7-Nadeldrucker ausdruckten. Nun seit ich Affinity Foto kenne, gibt es für mich auch nur dieses Programm zur Bearbeitung und FastStone für die Verwaltung. Affinity Publisher möchte ich dazu verwenden ein Buch - 25 Jahre Creaktiv international, Jugendchor mit Band und humanitärer Verein für Kinder in Not zu schreiben. Mal sehen was daraus wird. Quote
tomson569 Posted May 19, 2020 Posted May 19, 2020 Hi, I'm Tomson, professional graphic designer and frontend designer / developer from Canada and I've just quit my private Creative Cloud subscription after extensively testing Affinity Designer. Really great job everyone! jmwellborn 1 Quote
anuruddha Posted May 19, 2020 Posted May 19, 2020 Hi I'm Anuruddha. I'm new to Affinity products and to this community. Today I bought Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer and Affinity Publisher in this current 50% off sale. It's a fantastic opportunity to try these tools. Actually I'm not a graphic designer but a software engineer who like to work on every part of my projects 😎. Currently I'm working on my abandoned website I hope affinity products will help me to do all designing parts of the website. Affinity products are on a par with Adobe products for just fraction of a price. I'm really happy to be a part of Affinity community 👍🙂. Thank you very much for Affinity team for their effort to make those wonderful useful tools 🎁. jmwellborn 1 Quote
madPXL Posted May 20, 2020 Posted May 20, 2020 Hi all! I'm madPXL, a French game artist working in the mobile game industry for 15 years (yes, before the iPhone!). I launched Affinity Designer for the first time in 2016 with the surface pro 4, but I lacked a lot of features to switch from Ph... Since the Covid-19 episode, I use it for my last game project with the iMac and it's much better than 4 years ago. I can create all of my game assets with incredible speed and efficiency. So thank you Affinity for the discount and for what you bring to the market, I bought Photo and Designer jmwellborn 1 Quote
jeffreydevey Posted May 21, 2020 Posted May 21, 2020 Hi, I'm Jeff. I'm a graphic designer specializing in logo design. I've been an Illustrator user since version 9 (!), but have become increasingly anti-Adobe since they introduced their subscription-only model. I'm still hanging onto version CS6, but I'm determined to only use it when I absolutely have to, and have been trying to use Affinity Designer as much as possible in my workflow. I have to say I'm impressed with the entire Affinity suite, and at how much the software has improved since it was first released. I have each of the Affinity apps installed on my desktop as well as iOS devices, and I look forward to what the future holds for the software, and will do whatever I can to support its development. jmwellborn 1 Quote
Chapit Zulkefli Posted May 21, 2020 Posted May 21, 2020 Hi, I'm Chapit. This is my first time using Affinity after trying the beta for long time ago. I am an Adobe user since 2009 and now shifting to Affinity since it is on sales. jmwellborn 1 Quote
unni Posted May 22, 2020 Posted May 22, 2020 I am an existing user of Affinity Photo. I just purchased Affinity Designer and Affinity Publisher to have the complete suite. I do not have immediate requirement for AD and A.Publisher as I am not into such professional work. However I would like to learn those areas more as a hobby which may come of use later. Also it feels good to have the complete trio package from Serif , a great company providing products at unbelievable prices. Best regards, Unni jmwellborn 1 Quote
Ger.Markus Posted May 24, 2020 Posted May 24, 2020 On 5/18/2020 at 6:00 AM, George Gibson said: Willkommen in der Community, Kumpel! Ich bin auch neu hier. Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen. @ George Gibson: Ja, danke für das Wilkommen heißen, ich freu mich auch, dass es hier Interessierte aus Deutschland gibt. @ George Gibson: Yes, thank you for welcoming me, I am also glad that there are interested people from Germany. On 5/18/2020 at 7:37 AM, Ernst R. said: Es freut mich, dass es auch einige deutschsprachige User hier gibt. Ich dachte schon, ich wäre der einzige. 😂 Aber im Ernst, ich habe mir die komplette Palette von Affinity geleistet, weil, ich auch die Programme grandios finde. @Ernst R.: Auch ich überlege gerade, ob ich mir nicht auch noch den Affinity Publisher zulege, jetzt wo der 50%Rabatt verlängert wurde. Diese Chance bekommt man sicherlich nicht so schnell wieder und ich hätte dann alle drei Programme beisammen. Derzeit mache ich einen online Comic Kurs, einfach nur zum Spaß. Sicherlich werde ich die Grafiken später dann am Computer nachbearbeiten. @Ernst R.: I'm also thinking about buying Affinity Publisher, now that the 50% discount has been extended. This chance is certainly not going to come back so quickly and I would have all three programs together. Currently I'm doing an online comic course, just for fun. Surely I will later rework the graphics on the computer. Quote
drpixels Posted May 29, 2020 Posted May 29, 2020 Hi I'm Rafael aka Dr.Pixels I'm a CG artist, mostly do 3d, graphic design and motion graphics among a few more things as a freelancer you wear many caps on a daily basis l was very interested in these apps for a few years now, and pulled the trigger last week for all 3 of them, my impressions are really good about the software itself, I can translate any knowledge that I have from other apps into them effortlessly, a few tools are missing from other apps but that doesn't affect my work at all, one key thing for AD is that after been doing zbrush sculpting or motion design more than graphics for the las 5 or 7 years I fall in love again with my core career which was graphic design in first place, I feel the need to create in this app now all the time and is fun and easygoing, and the apps paid themselves in the first hour or so after purchasing them, so no risk whatsoever to switch to them permanently now since I recouped my money already. I'm excited to see how these apps grow and get getting better. Congrats as well to the Serif company for their 5 years. Hope to collab as well with other pros in this community. jmwellborn 1 Quote
PatienceN Posted May 30, 2020 Posted May 30, 2020 Hello, My name is Patience. I have struggled with using PS Elements for years. I pulled up an old photo and with in 5 minutes had the downspout from my mom's house edited out and the red bud tree in the photo was complete once again. I see great things on my horizon. As a future educator I also see amazing uses for this software that will greatly benefit my future students. I also sadly expect to be the bane of everyone's existence by asking copious amounts of questions. :) Quote
kevinvustudios Posted May 30, 2020 Posted May 30, 2020 Hello, My name is Kevin. I am a photographer. I've been using Photoshop CS6 and Lightroom 4.4 for over 5 years. With the recent 50%, I decided to give Affinity Photo a try because I dislike the way the healing brush works in Photoshop. After a 2-3 days of trial, I made the jump. The transition was seamless. I had to recreate some of my macros in Photoshop, but the process was so easy with Affinity Photo. Serif has a great product at a great price. I can't wait for more cool features. You can check out my work at I've only a couple of sessions so far with Affinity Photo, but the results are awesome!!! Quote
dkenner Posted June 1, 2020 Posted June 1, 2020 Greetings from Canada. An IT person who lacks experience in desktop publishing, but acquired Publisher to learn how to help out with our local Land-Rover club newsletter. I am pleasantly pleased so far how easy it is to get some things to go, am sure I will get confused soon enough! Quote
Paul Kealy Posted June 2, 2020 Posted June 2, 2020 On 6/10/2014 at 6:05 AM, MattP said: Hi, I'm Matt Priestley and I'm one of the Affinity developers. I'll try to help out on any topic, but particularly anything relating to tools, views and document drawing as they're the bits I'm mostly responsible for writing. I am Paul Kealy. I have been with Serif for several decades, probably one of their first customers, and have enjoyed Webplus as well as PagePlus, MoviePlus DVD Plus and all the other "plusses." I teach a lot of workshops and have created many, many publications, especially graphic arts design that I always mention as Serif as the best software, as well as professional magazines. I need to reprint and update my publications. Will this new Affinity print my PagePlus 8 files OK? I am having trouble. Feel free to join me and introduce yourself, too! Quote
Paul Kealy Posted June 2, 2020 Posted June 2, 2020 I am setting up the affinity Publisher software, hoping it will print out my PagePlus files. Quote
Delphi Posted June 3, 2020 Posted June 3, 2020 After reading and listening to praises for Affinity Photo I decided to take advantage of the low prices and purchased all three applications. I hope I too can praise the software as much and use them as my primary software for all my image editing. Quote
thedge Posted June 4, 2020 Posted June 4, 2020 Hi Everybody, I am a nubee. I live in Newcastle Australia. I have tried other programs in the past but I had found them intimidating. I believe that Affinity will be the program to get me started. Quote
ejw Posted June 4, 2020 Posted June 4, 2020 Hi Matt I am ejw. Fairly new to Affinity but having trouble with opening a file as the lens is being always being picked up and a massive vignette applied. I am using a Nikon Z6 with screw converter ( Sigma wide angle lens) to standard Nikon screw. I suspect this arrangement gives a false information for lens correction. I want to have lens correction switched off in preferences rather than having to do it as part of each edit process. Is this possible? Quote
Brunnian Posted June 5, 2020 Posted June 5, 2020 Greetings. I am Bob Harvey, long-term Serif user, who has decided to adopt the Affinity brand. I have been using Darktable for a while to process raw images and do other stuff, but I like to have a range of tools to hand so I have taken the 50% price offer for Affinity. I live in Lincolnshire, and most of my photos go on the Geograph Project web site, where my profile is , and where I have a number of projects, such as My ongoing Covid-19 photodiary A local photodiary Occasional Blogs I have developed an interest in Panoramas, for which I have found no software better than Microsoft ICE, but I am going to give Affinity a whirl too. Here is one of Brean Down, for example Swat and unni 2 Quote
unni Posted June 5, 2020 Posted June 5, 2020 2 hours ago, Brunnian said: AP functions very well with panoramas and focus stacking. Brunnian 1 Quote
Brunnian Posted June 5, 2020 Posted June 5, 2020 Just now, unni said: AP functions very well with panoramas and focus stacking. I'm looking at it now. Having a bit of a problem with perspective. The one called "Abbey affinity" was made by stitching 17 images in Affinity The one called "Abbey ICE" was done in Microosft ICE, which has handled the perspective far better - there is no barreling of the outline. unni 1 Quote
Sunflower123 Posted June 5, 2020 Posted June 5, 2020 My name is Marie and I just downloaded Affinity Designer and Publisher about a month ago. I'm a former AutoCad, Adobe and Corel user, though wanted to give this a chance. So far, it's amazing but I am still learning so I will have lots of newbie questions I am sure! unni 1 Quote
Simon-50 Posted June 6, 2020 Posted June 6, 2020 Hi my name is Simon - I have been using Affinity since its first release :-) unni 1 Quote
unni Posted June 6, 2020 Posted June 6, 2020 23 hours ago, Brunnian said: I'm looking at it now. Having a bit of a problem with perspective. microsoft version is not having horizontal curvature of the right half of building but full building appears to lean back compared to other image. AP version has slight curvature on right half but building is not leaning back. i think its a tradeoff between various parameters. i had used the warping tools to correct such issues in one case but the extent of correction depends on original image and number of frames. i have observed that images taken with higher focal length lens is easier to merge with lesser distortion. but if we have a panoramic nodal accessory, this issue will be further minimized. i made one at home for experimenting with 360 deg pano. Brunnian 1 Quote
Bwood Posted June 6, 2020 Posted June 6, 2020 Good Morning. Bill Wood from Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada. Moving from PC to Mac, and doing web development for non profits, animals shelters, and a country music singer. I’m moving from Adobe subs, to Mac, then picking up Mac software along the way. Retired, but learning is great for the mind. Still looking for an economical web program for my furry friends. Not sure if the forum allows, but I’d like to find some good programs for web development. Any leads greatly appreciated. ~Bill Aphil-personal 1 Quote
Blende21 Posted June 6, 2020 Posted June 6, 2020 @Bwood Hello Bill, good to have you around. Personally I use the Affinity suite for the artwork, and Wordpress for the web design. If you pick a simple Theme, and some basic plugins to improve on the security, you can build your web site on a free basis. Most offers to build "simple" websites are IMHO way too expensive, and you usually continue to pay even when the project is mainly static, and just needs a little care from time to time. This is o.k. for people who do not want to take their time, but if you are willing to invest into a learning experience, you will do fine with Wordpress. Here is a guy who writes a lot and in-depth: Then pick a budget package from a sound web hoster, since you probably do not need millisecond-response-time, and off you go. Since I am in Germany, no proposal for a good hoster near you. Quote
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