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Welcome, @Bobanian!   Just in case somebody else doesn't help first, there are a few things to do first before you can cease being a "giant B."   Affinity waits until a new forum member has at least 3 or more posts, and 3 or 4 days before this is permitted.   That was established to prevent spammers from taking advantage of the Forums and new members.   Once you have passed that stage, you can then sign in and click on your giant B at the top right of any forum page, and you will arrive at your own page.   Then click on the little square icon inside your giant burgundy B on the left, (see picture below) and you will open up the area where you can upload a photo, resize it, etc.  Hope this helps!


24" iMAC Apple M1 chip, 8-core CPU, 8-core GPU, 16 GB unified memory, 1 TB SSD storage, Ventura 13.6.7.  Photo, Publisher, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.5.5.
MacBook Pro 13" 2020, Apple M1 chip, 16GB unified memory, 256GB  SSD storage
,  Ventura 13.6.7.   Publisher, Photo, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.1.1.  
 iPad Pro 12.9 2020 (4th Gen. IOS 16.6.1); Apple pencil.  
Wired and bluetooth mice and keyboards.9_9

6 hours ago, Bobanian said:

Greetings to all who dwell here. Went seeking refuge from the cult of Adobe and found Affinity. I'm in heaven! Love the software, looking forward to using the tablet versions, especially. Now can anyone tell me how to add and avatar? I really don't want to be a giant B forever ;-)

Post a thank you to @jmwellborn and you may just be able to unchain the giant B.


iMac Retina 5K, 27”, 2019. 3.6 GHz Intel Core 9, 40 GB Memory DDR4, Radeon Pro 580X 8 GB, macOS,iPad Pro iPadOS


Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection 

21 hours ago, jmwellborn said:

Welcome, @Bobanian!   Just in case somebody else doesn't help first, there are a few things to do first before you can cease being a "giant B."   Affinity waits until a new forum member has at least 3 or more posts, and 3 or 4 days before this is permitted.   That was established to prevent spammers from taking advantage of the Forums and new members.   Once you have passed that stage, you can then sign in and click on your giant B at the top right of any forum page, and you will arrive at your own page.   Then click on the little square icon inside your giant burgundy B on the left, (see picture below) and you will open up the area where you can upload a photo, resize it, etc.  Hope this helps!


Thanks for the instructions, @jmwellborn I'm now the B I want to B


Hi. My name is Pat (Patricia) and  I'm new to the world of photo editing.  After reading reviews about Affinity Photo and not wanting to pay rent to Adobe for the use of their editing software, I decided to add Affinity Photo as an extension to my Mac.  I've watched several videos, but quite honestly, I'm not learning very well with them.  I hope by following along and doing the projects in the Affinity Workbook from beginning to end, I can master this program.  If I have questions, who do I ask?  

I love photography and started as a child with a Brownie box camera, progressed to a 35 mm fixed lens, then to a couple Nikons, had my own darkroom, bought a couple of small compact film cameras, then a Canon DSLR (T2i) which I still use, and finally a Nikon Coolpix P900 which is OK, but doesn't quite meet my needs.  I worked as a portrait photographer and as a free lancer.  Got a full-time job as a Budget and Finance Tech with the Dept of Veterans Affairs and finally retired 5 years ago.  Now I have the time to learn Affinity Photo and can hardly wait to get my workbook so I can begin to learn. 

11 hours ago, Pat A said:

If I have questions, who do I ask?  

Hi and Welcome Pat. Ask in https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/forum/5-affinity-on-desktop-questions-mac-and-windows/ 

You would start a new topic with your question, first though try searching to see if you're not the first one to ask.

Aside: Ah, the old Brownie, loved the two viewfinders for portrait and landscape. I never thought Kodak would become a memory.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I'm just another happy Affinity user, and over the past few years I browsed the forums and found useful info, just never signed up until today. Anyway, glad to see so many useful discussions and support threads, I definitely am happy with my purchase (only Photo so far) especially with the latest updates which fixed a couple of crashes/inconveniences for me.


Hi, I'm a new Affinity user, but an old hand (30+ years) at image editing, vector drawing, and DTP along with traditional processes (some hot-metal printing and 55+ years of film photography). After a decade in the software business (feature designer for Macromedia FreeHand) I've semi-retired and now work at an art gallery doing all the image work for an art photographer. I still use the Adobe CC suite for my day job, but I'm now migrating away from Ps, Ai, & CorelDRAW for my personal work.

My wife is an old Mac user but has migrated to Windows in recent years. When she bought a Surface Notebook 3 last fall I recommended she get Affinity Publisher to replace her ancient QuarkExpress. She bought Photo and Designer as well. A few weeks ago I bought the 3 Affinity apps (Windows) for my use and have begun the adaptation progress. I'm quite happy with what I'm finding in the Affinity apps.


Posted (edited)

Hi all, I'm also new Affinity user. I'm a graphic designer, illustrator. I work with print and illustration. My passion is vector drawings - and I always focus on right software for my purpose. I used Illustrator and other Adobe apps a long time. I'm OK with Adobe software, and Illustrator, but I'm very tired with subscription model,  it's very expensive and not flexible for me (for example, I don't need full package of adobe, I need few of them, but should pay for all- it's not fair for customers). At the same time I was not happy with pen tool in Illustrator. I wished to draw more smoothly and seamlessly. I bought iPad last year and searched a lot of vector apps for iPad. I heard about Affinity Designer some times before, but didn't used it. I downloaded iPad version and was very excited with possibilities to create great vectors. I created a lot of great vectors on iPad for my work. It was great! 

But the real start to use Affinity software was this month, then I downloaded Designer/ Photo and Publisher to my Mac. I explored Designer and Publisher (absolutely new for me) as much as I can, I try to find what I can do with apps, and found that i can do a lot of my daily things. I was very happy with Publisher. I had  big project recently with outdoor advertising this month, I created huge amount of banners and posters, and was so happy with unlimited width of sizes!!Thank you!! It was so easy to create and export 15meter - wide banners! No adaptation, no 1:10,  equal tiff as it should be! It helps me lot to create my job very quickly in great quality in very hard deadline and I'm very grateful for this technical opportunities. Affinity Designer is my favourite application for making vectors. Great application with such amazing tools. Some tools I really want to see there (Eraser tool in Designer Persona for example, more boolean tools...) but I work here more smoothly, very quickly, and my vectors much better then was. I think I will transfer to Affinity from Adobe soon. I'm very happy with Affinity apps) 


Edited by Giza1980
3 hours ago, Dwig said:

feature designer for Macromedia FreeHand

Hello @Dwig. Welcome aboard.

I used FreeHand quite a lot in its heyday before it was culled by Adobe. So it's nice to have someone here who participated in the development of this incredible product.

2017 27” iMac 4.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 • Radeon Pr 580 8GB • 64GB • Ventura 13.6.4.

iPad Pro (10.5-inch) • 256GB • Version 16.4


Hi I am Jillcb, I love creating graphics/wallpapers. I started on Gimp which I still use from time to time, but decided I wanted to try Photoshop. But after looking at the prices, I found out about Affinity Photo and decided to try that out instead. So far, I haven't regretted it and look forward to finding out more about it. As well as fan art, I have started to do some wildlife graphics as well which I am really enjoying. 


Hello, I am Wayne and I just joined. I recently discovered Affinity and I am a user of Adobe CS however I have been wanting to transition away from them but could never find a suitable alternative until now. Ive done some self publishing and Im really looking forward to changing over all my desktop publishing apps to a new platform. My immediate desire is to replace InDesign (with AF Publisher) so I will like to learn more about how to create interiors and covers in AF Publisher. AF Photo looks really good too. AF is the first tools that I've found (I actually gave up looking 3 - 4 years ago) that have actually motivated me to want to learn new apps again! 


Hello Everyone...I am looking to walk...more like run....from Adobe. I am fairly comfortable with LR, but know nada about PS. I signed up for some online classes...and...well...PS is a slow, buggy often complete failure in anything I do. I was on the Adobe forum, reading thru all the threads about folks having the same issues as I am...and seen some one mention Affinity. I am hopeful that I can figure out the few things I need to do in PS, one of them is creating watermarks...which was very simple to do.

My images consist of basically 3 things. Our 5 dogs. Sunsets/skies and clouds. And drag racing....lots of drag racing images....

On 6/10/2014 at 3:24 PM, Andrew Tang said:

Hello all, I'm Andy Tang and I'm also a Affinity developers. I will also try to help out when I can and I look forward to seeing your feedback and work created using our product. :)

Hi Im back after about 20 years I used page plus so all my saved files or in PPP files how can I update the files in Affinity Thanks

  • Staff

Hi notrub Bill,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
The Affinity Suite is entirely new, developed/coded from scratch. It's isn't an update to the legacy Plus line. Affinity apps do not support any of the native formats of the legacy Plus line. We advise you to continue using the PagePlus for editing existing PPP files projects or if they are relatively simply and you do want to move them to Affinity Publisher, export them as PDF and open/import them in Affinity Publisher. Note that since there's no feature parity between the two applications there will be some loss when opening the PDF in Publisher.

Posted (edited)

Hi All,

My name is Ignacio, and Affinity products are all new to me but I'm very happy to have switched from Adobe's subscription. I'm still adjusting to the learning curve, but from what I've seen so far it's definitely worth the switch.

I'm a Freelance Graphic Designer based out of the United States (New Jersey), and looking forward to sharing thoughts, ideas, and our challenges to help each other grow and improve our skill set.

Looking forward to what's to come, and help to improve the entire Affinity line. Let's do this!

Edited by IgnacioG

I’m new from Melfort, Saskatchewan Canada. I’m very interested in Affinity products and signed up to learn more. I’ve been a photography and website designer for a number of years, and now have much more time now in retirement. I’m going to start with the Affinity photo and hope to move along to the many other suite components. I have a background in most other major drawing and web tools. 



You will find the english version of my presentation further down in the article:

Hallo zusammen,

mein Name ist Markus, ich bin derzeit 52 Jahre alt und ich komme aus Deutschland.

Eigentlich bin ich kein Grafiker oder Künstler, ich bin selbstständig, programmiere Software und biete IT-Dienstleistungen an.

Ich war lange Zeit so etwas was man einen Computerfreak oder Nerd bezeichnet. Das fing in den 80ger Jahren an, wo ich die Welt der Computer für mich entdeckte (Commodore VIC 20, C-64, Amiga).
Ich war damals auch schon sehr neugierig auf die multimedialen Dinge, die man mit einem Computer tun konnte (Grafik, Musik, Soundbearbeitung). Ich habe mich aber nie zu einem echten Grafiker oder Musiker entwickelt - was mich auch nicht gestört hat. Für mich stand immer das Programmieren und Hardware-Basteleien im Vordergrund. Trotzdem war ich immer mit den adäquaten Programmen zur Erstellung von Musik und Grafik ausgerüstet. Zum einem machte es mir Spaß und zum anderen konnte man in dem ein oder anderen Programm auch mal eine Grafik oder die Oberfläche für eines meiner Programme gestalten. Ich habe diese Programme schon oft genutzt, mich aber nicht zum perfekten Künstler entwickelt.

Mittlerweile hat mich das echte Leben (die reallife.exe ;-) ) eingeholt und auch meine Interessen haben sich verschoben. Trotzdem bin ich noch immer neugierig was das Thema Multimedia angeht.

Die Affinity Produktreihe habe ich Ende letzten Jahres entdeckt und mir hat es ehrlich gesagt den Atem verschlagen, als ich gesehen habe was für leistungsstarke Funktionen dort integriert sind. Am meisten beeindruckt bin ich aber von der Einstellung und dem hohen Qualitätsstandard, den die Entwickler an sich selbst legen. Das gefällt mir, denn auch ich bin so ein kleiner Perfektionist, wenn es um die Entwicklung von Software geht. Von daher war mir das Produkt vom ersten Augenblick an sehr sympatisch.

Ja, ich weiß, dass ich vermutlich nur einen Bruchteil der Funktionen nutzen werde :-), aber aus diesem Grund habe ich auch auf die nächste Rabattaktion von Serif gewartet. Jetzt war es soweit und ich habe mir vor wenigen Tagen Affinity Designer und Affinity Photo zum halben Preis zugelegt. Vielen Dank, Serif, für diesen großzügigen Rabatt.

Alle anderen Grafikprogramme (Krita, Gimp, Inkscape) werden nun von meinem Rechner gelöscht. :-)

Die nächsten Tage und Wochen werde ich mich mit diversen Tutorials und dem Affinity Designer Workbook beschäftigen, welches ich mir vorher schon zum Geburtstag habe schenken lassen. :-)

Es gibt wenig gekaufte Software auf meinem Rechner, das meiste ist OpenSource. Aber die Software, die ich gekauft habe, für die habe ich mich bei allen Titeln aus dem gleichen Grund entschieden. Die Entwickler oder die Firma geben aus persönlicher Überzeugung alles, um eine perfekte, fehlerfreie Software anbieten zu können.

Ich grüße alle hier im Forum und wünsche euch, dass ihr in der heutigen Zeit (CoVid-19) gesund bleibt!


English version:

Hello, everyone,

my name is Markus, I am currently 52 years old and I come from Germany.

Actually I am not a graphic designer, I am self-employed, I program software and offer IT services.

For a long time I was something what you call a computer freak or nerd. This started in the 80s, when I discovered the world of computers for myself (Commodore VIC 20, C-64, Amiga).
At that time I was also very curious about the multimedia things you could do with a computer (graphics, music, sound editing). But I never developed into a real graphic artist or musician - which didn't bother me either. For me, programming and hardware tinkering were always in the foreground. Nevertheless I was always equipped with the adequate programs for creating music and graphics. On the one hand it was fun and on the other hand you could use these programs to create a graphic or the interface for one of my programs. I have used these programs often, but I did not develop to a perfect artist.

Meanwhile the real life (the reallife.exe ;-) ) has caught up with me and my interests have changed, too. Nevertheless I am still curious about multimedia.

I discovered the Affinity product line at the end of last year and honestly it took my breath away when I saw what powerful features are integrated there. But most of all I am impressed by the attitude and the high quality standard the developers set for themselves. I like that, because I'm also a little perfectionist when it comes to software development. That's why I liked the product from the first moment on.

Yes, I know that I will probably only use a fraction of the features :-), but that's why I was waiting for the next discount offer from Serif. Now it was time and a few days ago I bought Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo for half price. Thank you very much, Serif, for this generous discount.

All other graphic programs (Krita, Gimp, Inkscape) are now deleted from my computer. :-)

During the next days and weeks I will work on several tutorials and the Affinity Designer Workbook, which I already got for my birthday. :-)

There is little bought software on my computer, most of it is open source. But the software I bought, I decided for all titles for the same reason. The developers or the company give everything out of personal conviction to be able to offer a perfect, bug-free, breathtaking software.

I greet everyone here in the forum and wish you all the best for your health in the present time (CoVid-19)!



My name is Mehrez, from Algeria.
I just joined and I'm very interested in Affinity products, and I want to learn how to work with Affinity products and share my future experiences with you here.

I am a novice and most of my future experiences will only be problems ........ 😅

2 hours ago, Mehrezero said:

I am a novice and most of my future experiences will only be problems

So was everyone here. + 1 for your honesty.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.



Mon patronyme est Lajeunesse, j'ai 56 ans. Je découvre tardivement la suite logicielle de SERIF. Après avoir intuitivement opté pour Affinity Designer je bénéficie d'une période de test pour les autres logiciels de la suite sur un vieux MacBook Pro fonctionnant sur un OS antique: El Capitan. Je suis admiratif et reconnaissant qu'il me soit possible d'utiliser les trois applications avec du matériel aussi ancien. L'écosystème Apple ayant eu ma préférence tout au long de mon existence j'envisageais cependant d'en changer ou même devoir me passer de tout ordinateur, tablettes, et téléphone, compte tenu de mes capacités de plus en plus limitées à m'habituer aux nouveautés technologiques trop chronophages à mon goût. Si j'écris ici, c'est que d'une manière ou d'une autre SERIF à réussi à m'en dissuader. Les présentations du mois de mai 2019 sur YouTube y sont pour beaucoup. ( surtout la possibilité de ralentir la lecture des vidéos ! Ce qui me manquait pour découvrir vos bijoux logiciels sur vos tutoriels n'utilisant pas cette option). C'est aussi une autre passion pour moi que de traduire et réaliser des transcriptions de vidéos à destination de personnes non anglophones. ( S'il y a une équipe déjà en place à cette fin, y participer serait un plaisir).
J'ai toujours eu une attirance pour les logiciels de dessin et d'animation même si professionnellement je n'en ai pas fait un grand usage.

English version: thank or blame google translate

Hello, My name is Lajeunesse, (it sounds like a joke for Frenchees for a 56 y.o guy). I discovered the SERIF software suite lately. After intuitively opting for Affinity Designer. I have 70 days to test the other software of the suite 😀 on an old MacBook Pro running on an ancient OS: El Capitan. ( Maybe on first gen of iPad Pro too, later) I admire and appreciate that I can use the three applications with such old hardware. The Apple ecosystem having had my preference throughout my existence, however, I envisioned changing it or even having to do without any computer, tablet, or smartphone, given my increasingly limited ability to get used to it. Technological innovations are too time-consuming for my taste. If I write here, it is that in one way or another SERIF succeeded in dissuading me from such a decision. The presentations of May 2019 on YouTube have a lot to do with it. (especially the possibility of slowing down the reading of the videos! What I missed to discover your software jewels on your tutorials not using this useful option).
It is also another passion for me to translate and produce video transcriptions for non-English speaking people. (If there is a team already in place for this purpose, participating would be a pleasure).
I have always had an attraction for drawing and animation software even if professionally I have had little use of it.

I greet everyone here in the forum and wish you all the best for your health in the present time (CoVid-19)!



@Lajeunesse   Bienvenue!!  Et bonne santé à vous aussi!  En provenance des États-Unis.  (French version:  deepl.com). 😷😊

24" iMAC Apple M1 chip, 8-core CPU, 8-core GPU, 16 GB unified memory, 1 TB SSD storage, Ventura 13.6.7.  Photo, Publisher, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.5.5.
MacBook Pro 13" 2020, Apple M1 chip, 16GB unified memory, 256GB  SSD storage
,  Ventura 13.6.7.   Publisher, Photo, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.1.1.  
 iPad Pro 12.9 2020 (4th Gen. IOS 16.6.1); Apple pencil.  
Wired and bluetooth mice and keyboards.9_9

  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/29/2020 at 11:58 PM, Ger.Markus said:

You will find the english version of my presentation further down in the article:

Hallo zusammen,

mein Name ist Markus, ich bin derzeit 52 Jahre alt und ich komme aus Deutschland.

Eigentlich bin ich kein Grafiker oder Künstler, ich bin selbstständig, programmiere Software und biete IT-Dienstleistungen an.

Ich war lange Zeit so etwas was man einen Computerfreak oder Nerd bezeichnet. Das fing in den 80ger Jahren an, wo ich die Welt der Computer für mich entdeckte (Commodore VIC 20, C-64, Amiga).
Ich war damals auch schon sehr neugierig auf die multimedialen Dinge, die man mit einem Computer tun konnte (Grafik, Musik, Soundbearbeitung). Ich habe mich aber nie zu einem echten Grafiker oder Musiker entwickelt - was mich auch nicht gestört hat. Für mich stand immer das Programmieren und Hardware-Basteleien im Vordergrund. Trotzdem war ich immer mit den adäquaten Programmen zur Erstellung von Musik und Grafik ausgerüstet. Zum einem machte es mir Spaß und zum anderen konnte man in dem ein oder anderen Programm auch mal eine Grafik oder die Oberfläche für eines meiner Programme gestalten. Ich habe diese Programme schon oft genutzt, mich aber nicht zum perfekten Künstler entwickelt.

Mittlerweile hat mich das echte Leben (die reallife.exe ;-) ) eingeholt und auch meine Interessen haben sich verschoben. Trotzdem bin ich noch immer neugierig was das Thema Multimedia angeht.

Die Affinity Produktreihe habe ich Ende letzten Jahres entdeckt und mir hat es ehrlich gesagt den Atem verschlagen, als ich gesehen habe was für leistungsstarke Funktionen dort integriert sind. Am meisten beeindruckt bin ich aber von der Einstellung und dem hohen Qualitätsstandard, den die Entwickler an sich selbst legen. Das gefällt mir, denn auch ich bin so ein kleiner Perfektionist, wenn es um die Entwicklung von Software geht. Von daher war mir das Produkt vom ersten Augenblick an sehr sympatisch.

Ja, ich weiß, dass ich vermutlich nur einen Bruchteil der Funktionen nutzen werde :-), aber aus diesem Grund habe ich auch auf die nächste Rabattaktion von Serif gewartet. Jetzt war es soweit und ich habe mir vor wenigen Tagen Affinity Designer und Affinity Photo zum halben Preis zugelegt. Vielen Dank, Serif, für diesen großzügigen Rabatt.

Alle anderen Grafikprogramme (Krita, Gimp, Inkscape) werden nun von meinem Rechner gelöscht. :-)

Die nächsten Tage und Wochen werde ich mich mit diversen Tutorials und dem Affinity Designer Workbook beschäftigen, welches ich mir vorher schon zum Geburtstag habe schenken lassen. :-)

Es gibt wenig gekaufte Software auf meinem Rechner, das meiste ist OpenSource. Aber die Software, die ich gekauft habe, für die habe ich mich bei allen Titeln aus dem gleichen Grund entschieden. Die Entwickler oder die Firma geben aus persönlicher Überzeugung alles, um eine perfekte, fehlerfreie Software anbieten zu können.

Ich grüße alle hier im Forum und wünsche euch, dass ihr in der heutigen Zeit (CoVid-19) gesund bleibt!


English version:

Hello, everyone,

my name is Markus, I am currently 52 years old and I come from Germany.

Actually I am not a graphic designer, I am self-employed, I program software and offer IT services.

For a long time I was something what you call a computer freak or nerd. This started in the 80s, when I discovered the world of computers for myself (Commodore VIC 20, C-64, Amiga).
At that time I was also very curious about the multimedia things you could do with a computer (graphics, music, sound editing). But I never developed into a real graphic artist or musician - which didn't bother me either. For me, programming and hardware tinkering were always in the foreground. Nevertheless I was always equipped with the adequate programs for creating music and graphics. On the one hand it was fun and on the other hand you could use these programs to create a graphic or the interface for one of my programs. I have used these programs often, but I did not develop to a perfect artist.

Meanwhile the real life (the reallife.exe ;-) ) has caught up with me and my interests have changed, too. Nevertheless I am still curious about multimedia.

I discovered the Affinity product line at the end of last year and honestly it took my breath away when I saw what powerful features are integrated there. But most of all I am impressed by the attitude and the high quality standard the developers set for themselves. I like that, because I'm also a little perfectionist when it comes to software development. That's why I liked the product from the first moment on.

Yes, I know that I will probably only use a fraction of the features :-), but that's why I was waiting for the next discount offer from Serif. Now it was time and a few days ago I bought Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo for half price. Thank you very much, Serif, for this generous discount.

All other graphic programs (Krita, Gimp, Inkscape) are now deleted from my computer. :-)

During the next days and weeks I will work on several tutorials and the Affinity Designer Workbook, which I already got for my birthday. :-)

There is little bought software on my computer, most of it is open source. But the software I bought, I decided for all titles for the same reason. The developers or the company give everything out of personal conviction to be able to offer a perfect, bug-free, breathtaking software.

I greet everyone here in the forum and wish you all the best for your health in the present time (CoVid-19)!


Willkommen in der Community, Kumpel!
Ich bin auch neu hier. Freut mich, dich kennenzulernen.

Vacuum designer, troubleshooting expert of - Vacuums Advisor
                  "Save a Tree - Save The Environment - Save Your Life ".

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