Dave L Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 Hi, My name is Dave, I'm using a very old version Photo Shop. I'm just getting into infared. To upgrade it would cost me twice as much. I found Affinity so I thought I would give it a try. There is a learning curve but that's ok, there was with Adobe also. This does just as much and more, plus adobe just to pricey and there greedy. So I'm very happy with Affinity, so i'm sticking with it. Thanks for contacting me, Dave L jmwellborn and MarkPrima 2 Quote
P_Monty Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 On 12/9/2020 at 7:10 PM, P_Monty said: Hi all. New member here. I downloaded a trial version of affinity photo and was very impressed. Hoping to find an envelope containing an unlock code under the christmas tree in a few days. Paul And I wasn't disappointed. Just going through the online tutorials now... jmwellborn 1 Quote
jmwellborn Posted December 29, 2020 Posted December 29, 2020 Welcome again, @P_Monty😀 The tutorials are excellent, and the online Help is really useful. And any time you come upon something that still has you confused, or that isn't working the way you thought it would, do post here in the Forums. (Be sure that in the block called "Title" you enter something descriptive of your issue.) There are so many people here to help and to teach -- they have certainly rescued me over and over again!! Happy New Year! Quote 24" iMAC Apple M1 chip, 8-core CPU, 8-core GPU, 16 GB unified memory, 1 TB SSD storage, Ventura 13.6.7. Photo, Publisher, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.5.5. MacBook Pro 13" 2020, Apple M1 chip, 16GB unified memory, 256GB SSD storage, Ventura 13.6.7. Publisher, Photo, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.1.1. iPad Pro 12.9 2020 (4th Gen. IOS 16.6.1); Apple pencil. Wired and bluetooth mice and keyboards.
weegiegrum Posted December 30, 2020 Posted December 30, 2020 Hi everyone, Although I've been using Publisher since October, I realise that I haven't done the introduction thing.... I bought Publisher primarily for producing books; I mainly self-publish stuff and am thoroughly fed up with jumping through the hoops required to get Word to produce something resembling print-ready copy. Publisher seemed like a better option. Having now produced a book with it, how does it compare to doing it in Word? Well, the learning curve was quite steep as there were so many new options to explore and figure out. The video tutorials are great, but there was still a great deal of trial and error to get things to work. I had lots of bizarre glitches and odd things happening, like pictures moving out of alignment when updating the TOC, fonts seeming to change from their assigned format, and so on. Then there were the unexplained crashed to desktop and (sometimes) complete corruption of the file, to the extent that I learned to keep two copies on the go at all times. On occasions, the glitches were so frequent and random that it was impossible to replicate or even explain the sequence that led to their occurrence. However, I'm pretty sure that most of these can be put down to not understanding how to properly work with the program. The tutorials lack instruction on some important points, such as detailed working with layers, how to organise the TOC and Index, and the finer points of formatting, particularly regarding indents and lists (another nightmare to do in Word!). So, will I use it again? Definitely! The finished product is much better than anything I've created using Word, and I think the next book will be much quicker to do now that I have a better idea of what I'm doing. My copy of the Publisher workbook has just arrived, so I'm going to be diving into that for inspiration. I've also purchased Designer but haven't had a chance to play with that yet - the workbook awaits! I wish you all a happy New Year. Here's to more productivity in 2021! jmwellborn 1 Quote Grahame AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-core 3.6GHz CPU, 32GB RAM, 500GB SSD, 2TB HDD, GeForce RTX-3060ti GPU, 64-Bit Windows 11 Affinity Publisher/ Designer/ Photo and 2.5.6 "I don't do fruit-based technology."
jmwellborn Posted December 30, 2020 Posted December 30, 2020 @weegiegrum I am so sorry that you had so many ups and downs and ins and outs with your first book using Publisher! Hopefully it will be like learning to ski -- many slips and slides (first book) before slaloming down the Alps (the books to come)! Designer is wonderful too. And then there is Photo (😀) once you have Designer figured out. And then you will be up and running with StudioLink in Publisher. The sky is the limit! With best wishes for a Happy New Year! weegiegrum 1 Quote 24" iMAC Apple M1 chip, 8-core CPU, 8-core GPU, 16 GB unified memory, 1 TB SSD storage, Ventura 13.6.7. Photo, Publisher, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.5.5. MacBook Pro 13" 2020, Apple M1 chip, 16GB unified memory, 256GB SSD storage, Ventura 13.6.7. Publisher, Photo, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.1.1. iPad Pro 12.9 2020 (4th Gen. IOS 16.6.1); Apple pencil. Wired and bluetooth mice and keyboards.
Carlo58 Posted January 1, 2021 Posted January 1, 2021 Ciao Sono Carlo, e da sempre sono fortemente appassionato all'hobbi della fotografia. On 28/6/2014 at 21:21, peacockprinting said: Ciao a tutti, sono Erica, con sede a Rochester, NY, USA e utilizzo Serif da 4-5 anni. Mi piace che i programmi facciano tutte le cose che vorrei da Photoshop, ecc. Ma senza l'enorme curva di apprendimento! Ho una piccola attività di cancelleria da casa e utilizzo principalmente PagePlus per questo scopo. L'ho eseguito tramite Parallels sul mio MacBook Pro nell'ultimo anno e funziona bene, ma rallenta un po 'la macchina. Entusiasta di sapere che ci sarà una versione per Mac !!! Mi piacerebbe avere la possibilità di importare PDF nel modo in cui è attualmente possibile tramite PagePlus: sarà qualcosa da cercare nel rilascio di Designer o Publisher? Sembra ora che Publisher sia probabilmente il migliore per quello che farò con esso, ma non ne sono sicuro. Comunque, piacere di conoscervi tutti e attendo con ansia i nuovi programmi! Erica Ho una buona manualità con altri programmi di fotoritocco e ora sono passato a Affinity Photo. Quote
DesertDenizen Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 Hi I'm Ian and I'm new to the Affinity product suite. I am a somewhat recently retires software product manager, who has founded an independent book publishing house. We have so far published 11 titles. . I am most familiar with Photoshop and am trying to find my way with the Affinity suite, including Affinity Publisher. I am wondering if anyone has used Affinity Publisher to do print book layouts, particularly when it comes to some more advanced book needs such as footnotes and endnotes. west1849 1 Quote
weegiegrum Posted January 5, 2021 Posted January 5, 2021 On 1/3/2021 at 12:51 AM, DesertDenizen said: I am wondering if anyone has used Affinity Publisher to do print book layouts, particularly when it comes to some more advanced book needs such as footnotes and endnotes. Yes! I've just done a book using Publisher for the first time, and I had the same question about footnotes and endnotes. There is quite a lengthy thread on the topic elsewhere, but the short answer is that there currently is no facility for footnotes. I got round it by using custom text frames on the relevant pages and basically formatted the footnotes by hand. Hopefully something better will be added in future releases. Quote Grahame AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-core 3.6GHz CPU, 32GB RAM, 500GB SSD, 2TB HDD, GeForce RTX-3060ti GPU, 64-Bit Windows 11 Affinity Publisher/ Designer/ Photo and 2.5.6 "I don't do fruit-based technology."
petercowlam Posted January 16, 2021 Posted January 16, 2021 Hi I'm Peter Cowlam, an indie book publisher. I have been a long time user of Serif PagePlus , and am keen to know what features of that software are also available in Affinity Publisher. Serif PagePlus is able to import Microsoft Word and RTF files, complete with index tags, from which PagePlus can generate an index. That's the kind of feature I will need with Affinity if I am to upgrade to it. Feedback would be appreciated. Thanks. Quote
Davidecameli.it Posted January 18, 2021 Posted January 18, 2021 Hi! I am Davide Cameli, i am an Italian Graphic Designer and i use Affinity Designer since 2015 (i think... i really don't know). Since the last three years is the software i use for my works and i love it. I come here because i was searching for info about WEBP format. Nice to meet you! Davide Quote
George Gibson Posted January 21, 2021 Posted January 21, 2021 On 1/16/2021 at 10:00 AM, smithn said: hi Nice to know you smithn. Welcome to the community. Quote *********************************************************************** Vacuum designer, troubleshooting expert of - Vacuums Advisor "Save a Tree - Save The Environment - Save Your Life ". =================================================
David Parkes Posted January 25, 2021 Posted January 25, 2021 Hi I'm Dave Parkes I'm an avid PaintShop Pro user, but I've just purchase Affinity Publisher, Designer & Photo along with my recent upgrade/acquisition of Paintshop Pro 2021 Ultimate & Corel video studio 2020 Ultimate. bit of a software spending spree. I've chosen Affinity mainly for the Publisher, I've been checking it out over the past few weeks and like what I see, the day I went to purchase, I got lucky with a 50% discount online, so bought all three packages, which I probably would have done anyway. I'm quite confident with my Corel packages and using them, I am really looking forward to learning and using Affinity and love the way the StudioLink brings Affinity packages together. I work in sales and have a need for publisher but also run my own web design business https//:ashparkdigitalservices.co.uk. Here's to learning new software. jmwellborn 1 Quote
Simon Haynes Posted January 27, 2021 Posted January 27, 2021 I'm Simon Haynes, and I've been using Indesign CS5.5 and Photoshop Elements 9.0 for some years now. Before that I was a keen Corel Draw user, going all the way back to Corel 2.0 on Windows 3.11. I bought Affinity Publisher/Design/Photo last week, after trying the trial version for about 30 seconds. It's great so far, although there are a few tiny annoyances - mostly to do with importing and exporting. I don't think this is the place for suggestions or bug reports, but every other time I go to import a file it defaults to showing text files only. The irritant is that it doesn't remember the last-used import or export folder per document. This is a huge time saver in Indesign, and is sorely missed in Affinity Publisher. Quote
Kahlua Posted January 28, 2021 Posted January 28, 2021 (edited) I'm KD. I grew up using Adobe and I stopped using it in 2013. I have too many hobbies and too many professional licenses to renew on biannual time frames... What I'd like to see: e-book versions of your textbooks (I carry my GoPro, my drawing tablets, and my laptop... I don't need to lug around 3 books too) Animation timelines in Affinity Designer. (Not that important, I can just use Clip Studio Paint EX) If Affinity suite ever goes to a cloud subscription model, then I will drop it pretty quick. A rather steeply priced lifetime pass would be attractive. Buying software makes me feel good. I still prefer it without subscription models, and I don't want it to feel like I need to buy a new version every 6 months. (See: Call of Duty or iPhones) Right now, Affinity's payment model is fine how it is-- but consider offering a lifetime pass for a lump sum. I dropped Adobe, Ableton Live, and most subscription software because of the cloud subscriptions--- Yeah, I pay for Netflix and streaming services, but do I really have a choice? I already have subscriptions in my profession--Don't want any more. Solution? Lifetime passes. Edited January 28, 2021 by Kahlua Quote
Brazos Posted February 10, 2021 Posted February 10, 2021 Hi everyone. I'm Michael. Amateur photographer since the 70's. Can't wait to learn more of these pkgs. They look great! Quote
Old Bruce Posted February 10, 2021 Posted February 10, 2021 10 hours ago, Brazos said: Amateur photographer since the 70's. Times and techniques have changed a bit since then. Do you remember a company called Kodak? [nostalgic face emoticon] jmwellborn and PaulEC 1 1 Quote Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear. I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.
artistmikejay Posted February 13, 2021 Posted February 13, 2021 Hi my name is Michael, and I have a goal of becoming a full time independent graphic designer using the affinity programs. Right now I am a graphic designer by trade and have to use adobe daily at a production/manufacturing company. But with that knowledge, I want to differentiate my art by developing on the affinity platform. My goal is to become versed in the affinity programs and later be able to help others who will need it in the future with these programs. jmwellborn 1 Quote
nobeeldg Posted February 14, 2021 Posted February 14, 2021 HI, I am a professional Digital Marketer & lead gen Specialist at Digital Express. I am passionate about all the latest trends in digital media & marketing and love to try out new things in life. My creativity and unique approach reflect my ability to take digital marketing in an all-new direction Quote
travelbug Posted February 15, 2021 Posted February 15, 2021 Hi All I am new here, had been using adobe illustrator when i need it, but keen not to pay though the nose and still get something i can understand and do the odd drawing with. I think i have found it..! Also liking the look of the desktop publishing package too. I am sure i will be asking lots of questions from time to time. Thanks very much for producing such a great package. Bobanian and jmwellborn 2 Quote
FIRCYK Posted February 17, 2021 Posted February 17, 2021 Hello everyone, I am FIRCYK. I was born to provide free & paid materials for graphic designers that are using Affinity Software. Available very soon in resources forum section. Quote
AEliason Posted February 18, 2021 Posted February 18, 2021 Hello, I'm Tony, an artist living and working in Vermont. I am new to Affinity and looking forward to learning the software. peace, Tony jmwellborn and west1849 2 Quote
Gilbert Josse Posted February 19, 2021 Posted February 19, 2021 Hi, I’m Gilbert. I live in Brittany. After a long career in finance, I return to my first loves, photography, and I discover the digital processing of my images. Quote
Staff Patrick Connor Posted February 19, 2021 Staff Posted February 19, 2021 @David Parkes, @Simon Haynes, @Davidecameli.it, @Kahlua, @LacieSmith, @Brazos, @artistmikejay, @nobeeldg, @travelbug, @FIRCYK, @AEliason, @Gilbert Josse Hi May I welcome to each and every one of you to the Serif Affinity forums Quote Patrick Connor Serif Europe Ltd Latest V2 releases on each platform Help make our apps better by joining our beta program! "There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self." W. L. Sheldon
aps2011 Posted February 21, 2021 Posted February 21, 2021 I'm Andy from south-east Suffolk (England). I have been interested in digital image adjustment for many years, starting with Photoshop Essentials 3 (I think) and then various versions of Paintshop Pro up to PSP2020. Whilst I like a lot of PSP, there are various things in the development that have started to irritate. I won't go into the detail! I was attracted to Affinity Photo from various reviews and favourable comments about the more sophisticated layer adjustments and focus stacking. The excellent video tutorials were an unexpected bonus. The extended 90 day trial of version 1.9 got me hooked and the half-price offer landed the catch! As may be expected, there is a learning curve to climb, partly as there is a different design philosophy to that of PSP. I look forward to learning more. jmwellborn and affinityfan 2 Quote
Scott Townley Posted February 22, 2021 Posted February 22, 2021 Hello, I'm Scott Townley, and live in Ottawa, Ontario in Canada. I have been using Affinity Photo for Windows since 2017 although I am new to the forums. I am a photographer and find Affinity to be a relatively manageable program to learn and use. My photography and Affinity Photo skill level has grown such that I produce professional quality photos to sell. My interests in photography include, street, portrait, architecture etc. The admins may find this little piece of information of interest. I have seen a steady growth of users in the camera club I attend. From 2018 until 2020 the number of users has grown from two (including myself) to eight at a very rough last count due to covid. Great to meet users with a similar interest in learning and growing their abilities in AP. Scott Quote
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