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Welcome to the forums @Scott Townley😊

24" iMAC Apple M1 chip, 8-core CPU, 8-core GPU, 16 GB unified memory, 1 TB SSD storage, Ventura 13.6.7.  Photo, Publisher, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.5.5.
MacBook Pro 13" 2020, Apple M1 chip, 16GB unified memory, 256GB  SSD storage
,  Ventura 13.6.7.   Publisher, Photo, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.1.1.  
 iPad Pro 12.9 2020 (4th Gen. IOS 16.6.1); Apple pencil.  
Wired and bluetooth mice and keyboards.9_9


Hi, I'm Ravi. I have started using Affinity products very recently, mostly Publisher and Designer.

I'm a long-time user of InDesign and Illustrator (& other Adobe products as well).

It's wonderful to see this vibrant community of Affinity users.

Hope to learn how users use these tools in their day-to-day workflows.

Thank you.

Posted (edited)

Hi all, I'm Roy from Fresno California. I ran across Affinity Publisher the other day and I am impressed with all the professional features  that are available. Much improved over Page Plus that I used for a year or two about five or six years ago. 

I have not had a publisher program that I have really like for years now. Back in the early 2000s I used Microsoft Publisher 2003 and like that, but disliked the direction it went over the next few years and quit using it. I dabbled with inDesign but did not want to pay the monthly fee. Used the old Page Plus from Serif but didn't find it worked well for me. For the last few years I have been using Libre Office Draw as my publisher platform, but it has it's limitations. I am excited to have found that Serif has total revamped their offering. I think I have found my new page design program.  


Edited by royphotog

Hi everyone,

I'm Phil from France. I'm new in publishing, but I want to improve my skills.

I'm reading a lot of documentation, watching a lot of tutos, but nothing's better than an forum and experienced users.

Hope to find good help here, hope to be able to bring it myself one day soon.

Have fun

PS: I try to drive Affinity Publisher/Designer/Photo


Hi, I am Lars Nordberg and live outside Gothenburg, Sweden. I am new to the forum, but have been using Affinity Photo since 2015. My interest in photography started in the late 1950's, mainly in portrait and landscape photography and has evolved over the years to also include close-up photography. In Affinity Photo I mainly use the Develop Persona and Focus Merging, which have added a new dimension to my close-up photography.

In the forum I have found loads of tips and tricks. Eventually I will also contribute.



Hello All,


I'm Jeremy from Auckland New Zealand and I'm a designer. I've been using the Adobe applications for a long time, but switched to the Affinity apps as soon as they were out of beta. I've used these forums many times and thought it was high time that I created an account. 😁


Hi everyone. I'm Valerie-June from Nova Scotia, Canada. Up until last fall, I was using GIMP photo editor, and didn't know how to do much in it. A friend of mine told me about Affinity. I got the free trial, used it for ten minutes and was hooked. I learned how to do more in Affinity in three months than I did in nine years of using GIMP. 

I use Affinity Photo for book promotional posters and banners, custom bookmarks, business cards, and any other swag associated with authors. I started my own graphics company recently, specializing in author swag and promotional items, and I just ventured into creating book covers, premade and custom. I'm also an author and I do all of my own promotional graphics, minus the book covers - my publisher does them - although I did the cover for my lone Indie Publication... Which I may update, now that I have much better skills in Affinity. 

It's great to meet everyone. I'm hoping to learn as well as pass along any knowledge in here. 


Hi, my name is Ernie, and I am brand new to the program and forum.  I find it a bit overwhelming, but I am sure with time I can figure out what I need from AFFINITY  I however I do need immediate help with how to add a small transparent logo to the bottom corner of a photo.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


I'm Conal O'Neill from the Los Angeles, CA area. I am a photo hobbyist and a long time user of Paint Shop Pro and I am trialing the current version of Affinity Photo. I like what I see so far but there seems to be a pretty significant learning curve due to some differentials in workflow to what I am used to. Spent some time over the past few days watching Youtube tutorials but still have a way to go. .

Hope every one had a productive weekend!!!

On 3/7/2021 at 7:17 PM, ernsol said:

Hi, my name is Ernie, and I am brand new to the program and forum.  I find it a bit overwhelming, but I am sure with time I can figure out what I need from AFFINITY  I however I do need immediate help with how to add a small transparent logo to the bottom corner of a photo.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the Forums @ernsol.    It would be a good idea for you to post your question regarding the logo in the Forum category for Affinity Support and the subcategory for Support for Desktop.  You will probably get help much faster there!!   Be sure to give your post a meaningful title  such as How to add a small transparent logo to a photo.   Hope you get help soon!

24" iMAC Apple M1 chip, 8-core CPU, 8-core GPU, 16 GB unified memory, 1 TB SSD storage, Ventura 13.6.7.  Photo, Publisher, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.5.5.
MacBook Pro 13" 2020, Apple M1 chip, 16GB unified memory, 256GB  SSD storage
,  Ventura 13.6.7.   Publisher, Photo, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.1.1.  
 iPad Pro 12.9 2020 (4th Gen. IOS 16.6.1); Apple pencil.  
Wired and bluetooth mice and keyboards.9_9

On 10/6/2014 at 15:05, MattP said:

Hola, soy Matt Priestley y soy uno de los desarrolladores de Affinity. Trataré de ayudar en cualquier tema, pero particularmente en todo lo relacionado con herramientas, vistas y dibujo de documentos, ya que son las partes de las que soy principalmente responsable de escribir.


¡No dudes en unirte a mí y presentarte también! :)

Hola mi Nombre es Javier, estoy realmente fascinado con Affinity y estoy empezando por Designer, querría saber si puede ayudarme a solucionar una de mis grandes inquietudes en las tres aplicaciones y es el hecho de poder plegar las vistas de estudio y que quedaran como Photoshop, perdón por la comparación, reducidas al margen del programa. mando una captura, que una imagen vale mas que mil palabras, GRACIAS POR SU ATENCIÓN



Hi, I am Trevor From Kloof In Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa. I was a user of Paint Shop until recent but had issues. 

I found out about Affinity Photo From the Photo Plus The Canon Magazine. I first tried the 90 day offer and quickly committed to the full version. It will be a sharp learning curve 

but i am sure with the help i see available I can look forward to producing some great Photo's

One question The Canon 850  (T8 ) is not registered any idea when it will be?


Hi all, I'm Martin from the North East of England. I've been working in graphic design for some 30 years now, originally starting in traditional pasteup, good old spraymount and rotring pens before I eventually moved onto computers using Ventura and Aldus FreeHand before eventually switching over to another well known developer. Recently found Affinity Photo and Designer through an ad and was that impressed with them I ended up buying both products for my wife who was wanting to get into digital art on her mac and as such I have essentially been learning both programs through teaching her how to use them.

I'm currently using the trial versions myself on a PC but hoping they're still on offer by the time I can afford to buy them all for myself, although I have to admit that even at full price they are ridiculously good value for money considering the quality of the tools.  


Hi my name is 2020photovision. I’m a new guy. I am looking forward to learning all of the products and helping if I have the opportunity. I am very use to Apple as I currently own pretty much all of their products. I want to thank you all in advance for organizing this forum. Hopefully I will not be to much of a pain and at some point I will be beneficial to the forums. Thanks for giving me thre opportunity to introduce myself.


Hi, My name is Graham and I have just downloaded the trial version of Designer and have been 'playing' for a day or so. I am a Cartographer of quite a number of years and started using Macs in April 1992 using Macromedia FreeHand for about 10 years before being forced to move to Illustrator when Adobe shot down FreeHand 😞 also being Freelance my clients all moved over to Illustrator. needs must!

I dislike the subscription model for software and have ditched all the Adobe CC files (which seem to be planted all over the Mac) I have been looking at various Vector based packages and Designer seems to be my favourite so far. It is very much like Illustrator which helps with the learning curve greatly, particularly key commands which I use all of the time. I have attached a file of a trial map that I created using Designer in half a day, now I know its not a patch on the artwork displayed on some of the pages but I was quite pleased that the program basically did what I wanted. I'm also amazed at the speed and response of the program, wow!

Now I know I might be asking too much and appreciate that I may have to work with some tools slightly differently but is there any way of turning off the selected item 'bounding box' (that's what its called in .ai) I do wish to select items individually not just by selecting its layer. Also, is there a way of 'cutting' a line to create just a segment of it? and finally, the Artboard seems to rotate ever so slightly and I'm not sure how this is happening, as far as I know I'm not rotating it! I would love to be able to lock it in place.

Many thanks in advance for any feedback. I will be purchasing this later by the way.


Latest iMac using 11.1  -  3.2 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7  -  16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4  -  Radeon Pro 560X 4 GB  -  1TB Apple SSD

previous Macs.... llci, 7100, G3, G4, Cube, iMac, Mac Mini, MacPro.

GJ map trial.afdesign


Welcome to the Forums @Jonesy21 🙂. I am an all-Apple person too, only missing the Apple Watch.  I would like to suggest that you post your “bounding box”,  line cutting, and Artboard questions as a new topic in the Forum section “Affinity Suppport and Questions” subgroup Affinity on Desktop Questions.  You should receive an answer much more rapidly there.  You may also find many topics that could interest you as you quickly find your way in Designer.   Hope this helps!

24" iMAC Apple M1 chip, 8-core CPU, 8-core GPU, 16 GB unified memory, 1 TB SSD storage, Ventura 13.6.7.  Photo, Publisher, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.5.5.
MacBook Pro 13" 2020, Apple M1 chip, 16GB unified memory, 256GB  SSD storage
,  Ventura 13.6.7.   Publisher, Photo, Designer 1.10.5, and 2.1.1.  
 iPad Pro 12.9 2020 (4th Gen. IOS 16.6.1); Apple pencil.  
Wired and bluetooth mice and keyboards.9_9


Hello, I am Peter, a german living in France near Bordeaux.

I have been a photographer for almost 50 years now and drifted over time as well into graphics design, web design, logo creation and such.

As many others here, I was fed up with Adobe, couldn't find what I need or what what would click with my brain in the open source circuit so I stumbled some time ago over Affinity. Now I'm a happy owner of Affinity Photo, Designer and Publisher (waiting for an alternative for Lightroom from Affinity ;-) ).

I am a Windows and Android guy, so sadly no mobile Affinity apps for me, but who knows, maybe some day ...

So nice to meet you all and thanks Serif!


As an adobe user since 1995 I am totally fed up with their subscription model, bad news for Adobe, great news for Affinity 🙂

I have been using Affinity Designer for a few years and I found I immediately preferred it to Illustrator, and I love Affinity Publisher too. However Photoshop its a tougher switch for me as the (Adobe) shortcuts and workflow is well and truly hardwired into my brain ...but I would love to switch into Affinity Photo (which I do own).

But as a photographer the missing link is lightroom... please can I vote for a Lightroom Affinity offering!

Keep up the good work Affinity team 🙂


Helo all, I am a photographer that has used Serif and Affinity since Adobe got gready. I am wanting to use a speech to text app to write in publisher. Does anyone have any recomendations?


Hi.  I'm Ian in the little town of Kearney Ontario.  Interested in photography for years as a rank amateur, but decided last year to go a step further and learn how to edit photos.  Affinity Photo is my choice and I am finding it a great way to improve my skills.  I just joined the forum after a year of using Affinity and look forward to learning even more!  


I'm Dwight Williams. Sometimes a writer, sometimes an illustrator and designer, sometimes an office worker. I call the Ottawa-Gatineau/National Capital region of Canada home. I bought the Affinity suite Mac version in 2020, and am finding them useful for various personal projects so far. I hope to extend that into professional work, in public and/or private sectors. If I can't do that, the suite is still useful for other things.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all.

I'm Olly. Based in the south-east of England. Getting back into design after a slightly traumatic experience at an agency that set me back a lot. 

My main passion design-wise is branding and print media. I was able to do some basic website stuff, but a few years away from that industry has me left in the dust.

Tried the trial versions of Designer and Publisher (still using Pixelmator for image work, which might well change in the future), felt right at home and bought them outright.

Looking forward to seeing where all this takes me...


Hellow everyone, i'm afdol, Works on digital printing in a small town in West Sumatra - indonesia, i migrate to affinity designer since last year, I like what I get in Affinity Designer, the features are suitable for what I'm working on, and I just entered the forum a few months ago, I think by joining this community, I hope I can add and deepen my skills.


Hello, my name is Giovanni and I live in Peru, my English is not good enough to communicate with you quickly, but... I will try.

I have been working for more than twenty years designing and creating content for private and governmental companies, I am a designer with experience in technical themes and marketing development.

My approach to Affinity is because I also design books and magazines, I was looking for a program to replace the old Ventura Publisher, (Ventura Publisher was the first popular desktop publishing package for IBM PC compatible computers running the GEM extension to the DOS operating system.) I have tried all the alternatives, like QuarkXpress, InDesign, PrintMaster, etc. I found the alternative that works best, without approaching the excellence of the old Ventura, is Affinity Publisher. That's why I'm here and I want to keep learning and improving my skills together with this interesting community of design professionals.


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