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Old Bruce

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  1. I would use Facing Pages, not single pages for the document and the Master Pages. On the Master Page make a Text Frame for the Page Numbers and another for the Title. Use the Align Away from Spine for the alignment of the Page Numbers and Align the Title in the centre in its Text Frame. Make the Text Frames big and use the Text Frame Panel to set offsets for left and right and top and bottom as needed. On the Master Pages please get in the habit and name each and every object. header and page nums.afpub
  2. Weird, when I checked earlier I couldn't. Now I can. Not sure what happened.
  3. What this is showing is the English (as she is spoke) in Canada dictionary is missing. This is weird as it is rather bog standard for Mac Operating Systems and should be installed. I don't know about Windows. I will let others more experienced in the care and feeding of dictionaries help you.
  4. I am guessing you would need to set your text caret in the beginning of page five and select the text down to then of page nine (or start of page ten) and either delete that text or Cut that text. Then put in some Page Breaks to move the text flow to page ten or unlink at page four and relink at page ten. You'll have your empty pages.
  5. We cannot. You may have to change how you work. You can set a fixed aspect ratio with the crop tool, the problem is that you cannot see the area/image outside the cropped area. EDIT: fixed a mis-observation on my part and revealed by @walt.farrell.
  6. To my eye that appears to be a semicircle with a brush applied to the stroke. You may need to make a brush but try with Inks or Oils. Here I doubled the stroke and reversed the direction of one of them.
  7. As this is a Template I would set up a Document Palette with Global Colours for that Template document. Then just change the colour from Green to Red and all your graphic elements will change.
  8. All the text from page 6 through 100 should still be there, now it should be "overflowing". link the frame on page 4 to the frame on page 11.
  9. Hmmm, I only use the Light mode, so that too explains why I didn't see it. And many other items. Makes me wonder if there are tools available but their icons are clear so we don't know about them.
  10. Apply the layer effect to the actual object, not the Warp Group.
  11. Did you mean to include the .DXF file twice, or did you mean to include the .afdesign file as well?
  12. I will on occasion go out of my way to use it. But that is only because I want to add Erudite to my self imposed title of "Bon Vivant Raconteur". I would say that one consideration is the size of the hard drive on the machine, larger is better because of the "swap files" being restricted to the computer's hard drive, we cannot use external hard drives. These swap files come into play when we have huge* files and limited RAM. * in the 100s of megabytes file size.
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