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    Zurich, Switzerland
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    design, multimedia, sailing, ham radio

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  1. Each app starts in under 4 seconds ready to use on my MPB M1 – wow, what a performance!! Thanks a ton.
  2. Because of two reasons: This changes my design to something I didn't want – the elements are too close to each other – another flaw, IMHO: why would expand to strokes change the appearance at all? I want a professional software in which I don't need to make workarounds to get (such a basic!) the result, I want. This is now gut feeling: The time I spend to correct/work around stuff is too high in relation to the result/success. See screenshot: upper left after expansion, lower right is still original – that's just not the same in a way professional graphic design works.
  3. I agree – and have reported other, related stuff – Serif/Canva has to have a look onto export. These variations are absolutely unprofessional. Can't sell that to my customers, that way. Thanks.
  4. Yes, please find the file attached. AD-Export-Discrepancy.afdesign
  5. When it comes to accuracy I have some serious problems achieving my goals in AD, recently. See screenshot: the very same graphic exported as eps and png:
  6. That was it! I use this on Photoshop, too, thanks, pal! BTW: Phtoshop shortcuts and ways of handling stuff are way more productive. One sample: Setting the point of origin of an element: PSD: Option + click on element AD: click on icon, zoom out too see the centre of your element, drag the element to the approx. point, zoom back in to find the exact spot, click
  7. Maybe not a bug, but then again: not useful this way: Can I make the steps of this effect smoother? Smoothing slider does smooth the whole, including the borders, which is not intended in my design.
  8. Ah, I see. Obvious, when you think about it! 🙂 Thanks.
  9. I copy the logo from one open file into another open file to find it unusable. please see movie. The target doc has 96dpi – when I change it to 300dpi it works as it should. But that process should be resolution independent. AD C-P-Vector.mp4
  10. I change document to a colour space and save it but AD keeps the old space when reopening the file. Is it a bug or a feature? Am I overlooking something? AD-Doc Colour.mp4
  11. So many voices in here singing the same song of frustration and waste of (a really lot of) time – I assume the case is quite clear.
  12. You point out exactly the problem: You need PDF the most. Others SVG or TIF. Making a list of <20 items configurable as you suggest is possible but using a sledgehammer to crack a nut IMHO. I'd even prefer a individually sortable list over that. Honestly: How fast would you learn that PDF is on line 15 and I that PNG is on 16? For the rest of it neither of us would spend more than a second in choosing the right format. Considering that Publisher is somewhat different to AD and APh in the way that PDF is definitely its most used export format I agree to your suggestion for (of?) Publisher having a dedicated command for the PDF-export.
  13. Uh, that sounds really complicated to me. Three apps, three different sorting orders. It can be as easy as that: PDF > look for somewhere around "P" Compared to: PDF.... ah, I'm in...wait... Publisher! let's see... that must be... on top. While PDF is the most simple example. It get's far more difficult with other formats. And please also consider that formats tend to belong to more than one sorting-group: PDF might was well be in "vector" as in "print" or "office" or even "online". SVG may be in "online" but also gains more and more importance in "print" as well. Then there are all the exotic formats – I consider to start writing a booklet "formats in the affinity apps and their grouping" and it would become a bestseller ;-). Please don't do that. I've been there, trust me, in more than one beta-apps-discussions. There is a reason, Adobe decided for this one: alphabetical order is the one most users will understand immediately.
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