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  1. Hello, Serif team and @Serif Info Bot . I haven't had this issue for a long time, but unfortunately, as soon as I updated Affinity Photo to version 2.5.6, I started getting this error again and very frequently at that. I am saving on a local Nvme disk (on my desktop), not a network drive. Update: I traced the problem to 4 image layers. I'm not sure what their problem is, but when I delete these 4 image layers, I can finally save the file. At a glance, there is nothing abnormal about these layers. I have other similar image layers in the same document that don't cause this problem. It's as if these 4 layers are cursed. I have still not closed the problematic document. Let me know if there's anything we can do with it to resolve this problem.
  2. Hi, Nothing major or urgent, but I though I would report this anyway. The preview image in the Export window gets a bit cut off when zoomed in, preventing the user from properly inspecting the parts around the edges. Please check the video below, which should make it clear. export-preview-image-cut-off.mp4
  3. Interesting. I tried this again today and it doesn't cause a crash now. Go figure. I normally do this to quickly scroll through the blending modes without having to expand the list first. I use Windows 10 Pro x64 version 22H2.
  4. Hi. I've got a document which displays incorrect colours when "Hardware Acceleration" is turned on. This seems to be caused by an Unsharp Mask layer in the stack. If I delete it, the colours are correct again. This doesn't happen if I disable "Hardware Acceleration" in the settings menu. Please check the images below. Unfortunately, I can't share this particular document publicly, but I can share it privately with the Affinity technical support team.
  5. Hi. Affinity Photo 2.5.5 crashes when changing the layer blending modes. A colleague of mine who is still on version 2.5.3 doesn't experience this issue. Below are the steps to reproduce this and a video I recorded: Start Affinity photo 2.5.5. Open a document that contains at least one layer. Click on the layer blending modes selector with the middle mouse button. Scroll down with the mouse wheel. affinity-photo-255-MMB-layer-blending-modes-crash.mp4
  6. Hi, @stokerg . I don't really know how these were added. I would assume that they were made, manually or automatically, in a CAD program. I've just uploaded the PDF to the Dropbox link. Thanks for looking into it.
  7. Hello. I've got a PDF that I have to import in Affinity Photo, but when I do so some objects are missing (the elevation markers). Same thing happens in Designer. I don't get any error messages or windows when importing the PDF. Please check the screenshots below.
  8. Ah, that's a shame. Bug or not, these lines shouldn't be there. Nothing that the user didn't willingly put on the canvas should be.
  9. Hi. I've noticed that Photo creates white lines around the borders of documents when zooming in or out. They interfere with the images I'm editing and sometimes it looks like I have bright elements at the edges which is not the case. They disappear completely when viewing the document at 100% zoom. I don't use OpenCL hardware acceleration. Please check the screenshot below:
  10. Thanks for fixing this! Undo works as expected now with live filters and adjustment layers in version 2.5.
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