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  1. @Eink In the meantime maybe look at Tables. It's not ideal but might be useful sometimes.
  2. There seems to be a lot of transparency going on so maybe use PDF/X-1a to flatten the PDF and then check in Sumatra. The way that printer RIPs handle transparency is not always predictable. Also, maybe change the text colour from RGB to CMYK.
  3. Hi @Iztok The latest retail version is 2.5.6 (on Windows). There is no 2.6 retail yet. So you shouldn't expect to open a 2.6 Beta file on a 2.5.6 Retail.
  4. To be honest I would always use Indesign for anything that needed global layers. If you search the forum for global layers you will find discussions about workarounds.
  5. Hello @Jessica Linefors Global Layers is a much requested feature but it doesn't exist yet in Publisher. There are various workarounds but none have the simplicity of InDesign layers.
  6. Yes, on Windows there are Presets which can save print dialogue box settings and then be reused for later use. But the saved settings doesn't include items listed in the Properties tab. As far as I know InDesign is the only software that does this and I find that very useful.
  7. Affinity Publisher on Windows actually does have print presets but they are basic and aimed at home printers. All printing to my A3 laser printer is done by exporting to PDFs and then using InDesign CS6 print presets which can remember print driver settings such as paper size, different X - Y scaling, tray number, paper weight etc. Obviously none of this is relevant if you are just exporting PDFs for trade printing, but I'm just making the point that IMO Publisher printing is less powerful than InDesign printing.
  8. Thanks @Alfred You are right - it does do a grid step and repeat. I'd looked at it a while ago and then forgot about it.
  9. Here are a few other features that Affinity Publisher doesn't have: 1) Object frames - text, pictures, objects etc - cannot be converted to circles etc 2) Print presets 3) Tabs/table conversion 4) Step & Repeat in a grid Having said that, there are many things that Affinity software does that Adobe software doesn't.
  10. I know this might be a Windows 10 problem rather than an Affinity problem but it is really annoying. Recently the Acrobat icon is replaced by the Affinity Designer icon in Windows dialogue boxes. I have tried various things to stop this happening but nothing works. I can try to change it in Windows file manager or "Change Default Application by File Type" but it immediately it immediately reverts back to Affinity Designer. Anyone else had this experience?
  11. Using a double page spread with an image that spans the 2 pages, why not just duplicate the image and use the Vector Crop tool to crop each image to the edge of each page or bleed? Then you can go to single pages and see both images on their respective pages. Obviously you can't then start changing just one of the images without having to change the other.
  12. On Windows it works for me when the overset text is displayed but not when it is hidden. Is that new or has it always been like that?
  13. Hi @PaulEC It's not the bleed that is showing on page 2 of Test2.pdf - it's the left edge of the blue rectangle. The blue rectangle on the Publisher document extends onto page 2 so it should display on page 2 of the PDF, which it indeed does. If you have a photo that is meant to go on pages 2 and 3, then that would display correctly on pages 2 and 3 just as the blue box displays correctly on pages 2 and 3. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem. I'm not sure why there is a 10mm bleed rather than a 3mm bleed on the document but maybe that was to emphasise the issue.
  14. Hi @PaulEC Would you be able to supply a sample 4pp file with this issue? Use any dummy images that highlight the problem. If you are saying that images from a facing page are being shown in the bleed area when viewed in Acrobat, then that would be expected and any imposition software would get rid of that. I think you might be saying something else but I can't work out what it is so the sample 4pp document would help.
  15. Thanks @MEB for clarifying that. I do seem to have reinvented the Layers wheel in my post. I have other Layer panel issues which I might raise later in a separate post.
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