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  1. You can set the bleed, but the function described in the help text to change it seems missing. Only margins can be corrected. As a workaround I would probably open a new document with an adapted bleed, and copy everything there. Not ideal, a measure of last resort.
  2. Well, basically it is about vector graphics and pixel graphics. Vector are the curves you draw on top of the Google earth picture (which itself is pixel graphic). A vector is described by a mathematical formula - which means you can enlarge, distort or twist it my way, without it getting broken up in many little pixels (dots). The „engine“ will work on the mathematical curve, always displaying it in top quality. If you tilt your drawing to give it an onlooking perspective (like from birds view), it will retain its quality when it is vector based. All the fills and design elements overlaying the curves are now pixel objects. They can be applied by brushes (like painting in the lakes, greens and the rough), or places as objects, like the trees. Pixel objects have richer detail, but don’t tolerate distortion as easily. Working on Pixel objects, they may degrade in quality with every processing step. You can mix vector and pixel objects by stacking layers, the top layers clouding the view on the layers below. Through blending modes you can define how the layers interact. For details and examples, you will find a lot of stuff in YT.
  3. Bleed settings are in New Document, Tab Margin & Bleed - at least on my iPad, in Publisher 2.0. Bleed adjustment when the document is open is in the „hamburger“ 3 horizontal lines menu, Document Settings, and then at the bottom right (scroll down). May be it’s called a little different, had to translate from German:
  4. Nobody told me you need to allow me in ...
  5. This thread is about folks with a sack full of 1st world problems, like exchange rate nickbicking and VAT vs. cost of living rants. Can we just shut up this nonsense ? We got some pieces of fine new software at our hands, and should focus on mastering their abilities instead of wasting time of trivia.
  6. When you go to the help page in the client (desktop or iPad), you find a link to Online-Tutorials. These are maintained by Serif directly - an advantage to YouTube tutorials, that often refer to older versions of the app. You can access them directly as well - here for example the iPad tutorials for Affinity Photo: https://affinity.serif.com/en-gb/tutorials/photo/ipad/ Because there are many tutorials, I would only watch a few basic ones initially. Good practice would be to watch them on one device, and follow the steps on a second one running the App. Learn the basics of the user interface first, then add a few (!) practices you want to employ. Don’t try to learn „all“ - you won’t make it, you won’t need it and because of a lack of practice you will faster forget than progress. If you want to see a top Affinity specialist doing incredible things, you can watch this YT channel: https://youtube.com/c/OlivioSarikas
  7. Hello guys, the continent doesn’t seem to be so cut off in the end. Just received my Publisher Workbook here in northern 🇩🇪. Christmas holidays, 6 chapters and more than 500 pages lying ahead of me 🤩 Have to hurry now, download the stuff needed. Well done, happy holidays, stay safe.
  8. Some printers have a different margin at the edges of the paper. They offset the printed content by this extra margin. Often it can be found in the manual or the settings.
  9. Was immer helfen kann ist der Ersatz einer alten HDD durch eine SSD. SATA-SSDs im 2,5“ Format bekommt man gerade nachgeschmissen. 4GB RAM sind definitiv zu wenig. Die älteren Macs sollten sich da doch noch relativ einfach aufrüsten lassen ? Auch RAM kostet nicht mehr due Welt. Beides macht aus einem 11 Jahre alten Mac jetzt keine Killermaschine, aber helfen sollte es.
  10. Maybe you post your Affinity settings performance page here as well.
  11. Especially for photo Restauration you will find the iPad version with the pencil most useful. Just take your time to learn the gestures (1, 2, 3, more fingers ...), because the iPad version relies heavily on them.
  12. Get both - the Mac version for the full workflow, the iPad for everything related to the pencil, and some nice quick workflows. Use iCloud to save to the same storage - the file format is identical and allows to start on one device, and continue on the other.
  13. Have you ever checked your fonts with the Macs font book for irregularities ? Just open the font list and move down the list font by font (I use the down arrow for that). If a font has a problem, it will show a yellow triangle at the bottom (if there are many subcontinent in a package, you need to scroll down to the end of the font page) and offer a fix. Beside this Catalina is quite sensitive for the privacy & security settings. Go to the Macs settings, Security & Privacy, open all tabs and categories, scroll down each list and check all options related to Photo. Takes a moment, but needs to be done only once.
  14. Apart from that: A good router is in the 150-200$/€ - Range, at least for a consumer product. If you go for a new WiFi6-Router maybe 250-300$/€. It speeds up everything you do. I agree that IT equipment is expensive (especially if from a fruit shop), but the Router is among the less expensive components. My router is a top of the line model rented from my ISP for a small (5€) monthly fee, and I have bought a repeater to improve my WiFi by setting up a mesh network. Maybe your ISP is renting Routers as well, so not a significant investment needed. If you have got one from your ISP and it is old, maybe it is just a phone call to get it replaced by a new one free of charge.
  15. Well, you copy an URL you want to analyze. You open that page: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ There is a field where you can enter any URL you want to analyze. You click on analyze, and the analytics page will call the URL posted, and give a result. It will tell how fast the reaction was compared to other pages in the web, which page elements braked down the page, and what could be done to speed things up. This will tell you if the delivery of the page To the Internet is slow, or if the problem is with your setup or software. If a page is delivered fast in general (which this analysis is testing), but slow with you, you know the problem is local. If a page is slow in itself, maybe your fast equipment is just idle waiting for the web site to be delivered. I have used the URL of this page to test it, and the Forum got a bad overall ranking:
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