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[Implemented] Data merge

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+1 for data merge.

My specific need: Batch merge PDF creation and save.

I know it will be added and Affinity will do a good job. I think people are surprised it’s not in the initial release, now that we live in a time of high data and personalization.

Keep up the good work.

* Mac user.

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Hi there! The data merge function is so crucial to me that I decided to create an account here to add my +1 to this thread.

I am happy user of Affinity Design/Photo and I would be so glad if I can switch to Affinity Publisher. Unfortunatelly that is not possible without the data merge funcionality.

Is there a way how to be notified once you add this function?

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I really REALLY *REALLY* hope there will be data merge (from csv/xls ecc. to table layout) of some sort. I think that’s the last step publisher needs to accomplish to let professionals finally say goodbye to InDesign.

So far i’m in love with affinity publisher, until now i had only little 1 crash and almost no bugs (project was a 12 page booklet). It almost didn’t feel like a beta. Nice work Serif!

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4 minutes ago, s.mancuso said:

I really REALLY *REALLY* hope there will be data merge (from csv/xls ecc. to table layout) of some sort. I think that’s the last step publisher needs to accomplish to let professionals finally say goodbye to InDesign.

Oh, there are many things needed for many/most professional shops before they can switch. And for many, they simply will never be able to. 

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On 10/17/2018 at 7:49 PM, grapher said:

Erm, well, maybe you missed one little thing :) im not from Serif...  

Honestly, I don't really care if you are an alien from the dark side of the moon! I will forgive you because English is not your first language. But I did not "demand" anything. and the number of +1's on here is proof how critical the data merge function is if Affinity want to have a serious dent in Adobe's market share of commercial designers out there. not plebs making designs for school projects.

Every month Affinity take to add fundamental changes is another month they are falling behind. The latest updates from Adobe are leaps and bounds ahead of Affinity. But customers will still be happy to change to Affinity if they can do the basic tasks needed.

I just hope the AFFINITY team are listening and have added this to their Agile plan - If you are reading this guys (read product owner) please just let us know its in the pipeline and will be in the paid product version when it officially launches.. That is all I, and every other designer on here (this thread) cares about!


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Perhaps they have planned on it, but because they were trying to get the Beta version out, they just haven't done the programming for it yet?  I think we need to give them the benefit of the doubt.  They are a brilliant company with brilliant designers and programmers.  Certainly there is merge on the horizon, as they are too smart to leave out that function.  I am just so grateful that they have offered this Beta version for us to try out.  I opened a 209 page pdf file and it opened so fast and slick as a whistle.  Affinity/Serif, they just Rock!

Edited by Jennymac
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+1 to data merge

Just want to say that data merge is something I use on daily basis and it's a must for me.
I mostly use it for personalised letters, brochures or numbered tickets, so nothing complicated.

I wonder if it would be possible to data merge pictures too, for example to create IDs.

W11, Dell G5, i7, 64GB, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2600, Wacom Intuos Pro M + iPad Pro 2018.

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 for me. 

Needs tab delimitted  and excel formats.  Tab delimitted is better than CSV as there is no confusion with ‘, “, chars, etc  

Xml / Jason would be great. 

Absolute must. 


I have written my own Javascripts to automate this in Photoshop and InDesign and have built in logic to place images and text on the page to produce a pro result  

I would move from these products in a hearbeat because, despite the fact these features are in Adobe products, Adobe does not understand real world workflow and their implementation is clunky, non intuitive and close to a nightmare to debug, even for experienced developers .


There is a real opportunity to steal a big leap on Adobe. You will also get the designer who will adopt your other products if they start to use Publisher  

I also deal with lots of photographers  who need this functionality. I would be happy to recommend Affinity Publisher to all these people if the functionality exists.

I will wait patiently for news on this feature   . Without Datamerge there is no point in me continuing to spend time on the Beta as I will not be able to use the product.

Fingers crossed.  

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While I've already done a 20 page newsletter/magazine on the beta Publisher with ease, the other annual project I have definitely requires a data merge feature for me to make the full switch. I use it to compile a membership listing from a spreadsheet, and having to go in and format 300 entries by hand would be KILLER. With data merge, I simply tell ID which fields should be formatted in which way, and then let my computer churn away creating the merge.

Please please please tell me this is on your priority list for features to add to Publisher! For me, it's the only critical thing missing to make the complete switch.

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