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Hello Everyone, 

I'm Sharon and I have been a die hard user of Serif Software for years now but all I did was layout and design with camera ready art.  I would love to be able to draw/create my own art.  If anyone can point me in the direction of step by step tutorials on drawing with Affinity, I would be so grateful.  I'm so happy Serif finally came out with something for Macs...I've been asking them about that for 4 years.  Can't wait till the rest of the suite is available!


Hi all. I'm Dave Harris and I'm another of the Affinity developers. I have been mostly responsible for text, printing and some of the vector import and export formats.

Hey! I'm Dale Lewis and have been involved with graphics and publishing since I purchased a Lisa and an Apple PS printer back in the 80's (nineteen eighties!!). I've been a mac fan obviously for a good portion of my working career and now that I'm semi-retired am so happy that Serif has decided to include Mac products into the family. I use the windows versions now and enjoy the competition with Adobe products.  Just a question on plans for Publisher... I would assume (but I'm asking) that facing page and printers flats will be an included feature. It's a very important point to those of us who do large print documents. Again, wonderful to see this happening! It will extend the working life of senior designers who still have the fire in our bellies.


Hello Everyone, 

I'm Sharon and I have been a die hard user of Serif Software for years now but all I did was layout and design with camera ready art.  I would love to be able to draw/create my own art.  If anyone can point me in the direction of step by step tutorials on drawing with Affinity, I would be so grateful.  I'm so happy Serif finally came out with something for Macs...I've been asking them about that for 4 years.  Can't wait till the rest of the suite is available!

Hi hardtfelt, welcome to the forum that matters.


You have plenty of choices: good ol' Drawplus has loads of material, Youtube forms and if can get hold of them Resource Guides/CDs.

Secondly you can be cheeky and visit www.lynda.com and see some free sample/videos of Adobe Illustrator tutorials. The skills should be transferable, if you can transpose the various commands and tools etc.


Thirdly there are chunky magazines in WHSmiths based on digital art: go visit! Finally you can have a really search here on the forum and find out who are talented artists are and badger them for hints/tips/resources etc. A bit of flattery goes a very long way.

MacBook pro, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB, OS X 10.11.6




Hi Kirkers,


4 years!!! How did you cope? I managed one and it's killing me. Never saw the addiction warning on the splash screen.  ;) No wonder that Serif Labs/Affinity kept a CIA approach to their first born. That would have added an extra year or so of pre-development avalanche of E-mails etc.


Just imagine this Biil Gates aka Mr MS Windows asking Linus Torvalds aka Mr Linux for help on security issues on Windows 9. You really couldn't make this up or could you? Meanwhile, back in Nottingham:


Q: "Err hello Serif Affinity team, how do we woo back our ex customer-base?" Said the worried caller from the AI team.

A: "You don't: that's our job....We could tell you but we'd have to kill you!" :ph34r:

Q: "Well what do we do now?" 

A: "We need someone to take the rubbish out!" :lol:


DrawPlus and co - THE only reason for having Windows. Go AD, Go and kick Adobe!

MacBook pro, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB, OS X 10.11.6




I decided to stop lurking and offer a mountain of thankyous to everyone here, not least of all the dev team.


After a disappointing couple of years knowing that fireworks has entered the legacy stage of it's life cycle and finally turning my back on  Quark Xpress quirk depress forever, I see light at the end of the tunnel.


I know freehand users and a lot of people previously working in Adobe environments also feel they have recieved the rough end of the pineapple, so it's great to see an organically developed toolset forming around what groups of designers are asking for.


As I get time I'm sure I'll find and adjust to the way AD handles the tasks I normally include in my workflows.  


Thanks for providing a beacon of hope that some day soon I can cease constantly opening and re-formatting files all over my applications folder.



Rough end of the pineapple? I'm not sure we can get cream for that.

MacBook pro, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB, OS X 10.11.6




Hi, my name is Manu Roig. I have worked in the animation industry in London for almost 20 years, the last few years mostly as a designer using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Very happy to see some new blood appearing in the world of Mac graphics applications.


Affinity looks really impressive for a version 1. Congratulations. I hope you guys will keep pushing Affinity to be as good as it can be.


I'm a noob with Designer. just discover it few weeks ago. And now it is realized, I'm just curious to experiment and see how it can be inserted in my workflow.

I'm an illustrator and a graphic novels author.

Here is my website for the curious one : www.arnaudboutle.com


aboutle, very nice work. What other software do you use for your illustrations.


OS X Version 10.14.6 iMac 27" 3.2 GHz i5- 32 GB  Huion Kamvas Pro 20

iPad Pro 12.9" IOS 13



Howdy. I am a Lutheran pastor, Seminary President (developed online curriculum and teach), former Math teacher, former Naval Intelligence Officer, former analyst at Fortune 100 company. I have been a Mac user since 1990, and a computer user (first was top of the line Fortran IV on IBM 360 computer in college). Obviously I don’t have a lot of extra time, but I also want to keep up with changes in Mac software. I have published stuff since the PageMaker days, later Adobe CS 4 Premier (which I gave to my son/dil/grandkids).


I signed up for the beta and worked some with it. And just purchased the software today. I also look forward to the Publisher program, especially since there is not much good quality, unless one goes high end, Adobe or Quark.


So, I may come with dumb questions, but gotta ask somewhere. Thanks for the forum.



old, slow, and confused...

but at least I’m inconsistent


aboutle, very nice work. What other software do you use for your illustrations.

Thank you :)

Mainly I use CC for most of my work and I use sketchbook pro for rough. I'd like to use manga studio instead of photoshop, but it still have some limitations to me. I've dropped of illustrator few years ago because it was too expansive for my little use of it.


Hi, I'm Frank, an English as a foreign language teacher in Mexico. I'm happy to be here and very excited about Affinity Designer. I just recently cancelled my Creative Cloud subscription, so stumbling upon AD was truly a good thing. I dabble in digital art, including iPhoneography on my iPhone and iPad. I am a true Apple Fanboy both at heart and in practice.


I am mostly interested in Affinity Designer for illustration work that I incorporate into iBooks using the iBook Author program by Apple, Inc.


I look forward to meeting many of you and learning and sharing while we discover all that Affinity Designer has to offer now and in the future. I use Procreate and Inkpad on my iPad and hope to see a robust version of AD for the iPad sometime in the future (especially if the 12.9-inch version really comes to fruition).


:) Frank

Frank Stonehouse

Morelia, Mexico


Hi There. Here it's Marco and italian design and art director in London. I have 16 year experience now in the business and now i'm busy as art director and design in a skin care company. Obviously we use Adobe but i have to admit this is a piece of art and really could be a good alternative to Illustrator.

Like Pixelmator you have a really impressive software with stunning quality and it's really quick.


I don't know if i will move the team on it but I can say it will be on my macbook pro instead of £££ adobe creative cloud.


P.S. we just need some adjustment here and there ... but I notice you have a huge list for the nest release.

Can you just add ... a image link panel. I think at the moment file are to big when you embed images in it and could be useful to link them  ;)


By the way really really good. When will be available the DTP on beta? I would really like to have a look and give my advice  ;)




Hi, I'm Matt a former web and software developer who is now working for a large US software and hardware company, currently working in London and living in Cornwall.


I've been using Xara for years and in fact kept a Windows VM just for running that. Those guys really missed a trick not porting their app to Mac OS X. Communication with the Xara developers was a black hole, so I'm really happy to see you guys operating in the modern world on social media and this website and so on. Thanks!


Anyway, there we have it. Looking forward to see where you guys take the Affinity suite.



My artistic name is Jobalou, and I'm a professional designer and illustrator too.
I just bought the app... I'm working with it. I think its very intuitive and easy to work with. 

Very powerful with gradients, transparencies, effects and styles too.

I am very happy with it. I think that is an app with large capacities to confront with others apps in the market... cheaper than others too.


I will cherish this app. Love it.


Thank You



I'm Nigel a full time graphic designer, part time university lecturer in Adobe Illustrator, and sometimes contributor to the now defunct Digital Artist magazine in the UK.

I'm a long time user of Illustrator and the Astute Graphics suite of plugins.

I've only just downloaded Affinity Designer, but am hoping to get to grips with it and post some designs up asap.


For the curious, here's a link to my site showing the sort of stuff I do.






Nice work, Nigel! Hope to see some of your Affinity work soon! :D

Thanks Matt,

I'm looking forward to creating with Affinity Designer and will post something up when done.




Hi, I'm Alina Marquardt, professional graphic designer and frontend designer / developer from Germany and I've just quit my private Creative Cloud subscription after extensively testing Affinity Designer.

Really great job everyone!

  • Staff

Great to have you with us, Alina! :D


If you ever have any questions, just ask - although it sounds like we might be asking you instead! :)


Hi, I am Zoran Jovanovic, Prepress Manager in medium size printing company from Canada.

I am always on lookout for new software and new ideas.

Adobe desperately needs some competition and I have a feeling this might be viable contender.

I just bought Designer and installed it, no time yet to play with it but from the video it looks impressive.


I am looking forward to contribute to community and expect some tough questions and features from professional prepress techie.


Good luck.


Hi all,


I just did a spontaneous purchase. I spend most of my free time with music and photography.

I know my way around Lightroom and Photoshop, however, I am very new to vector graphics. I've always been interested in vectors and I would love to digitalize some artworks that I put on paper.


I hope I will get used to Affinity Designer quickly although I am not familiar with similar programs.




as my nick suggests I live in a large city in central Europe. I'm currently studying business. Last month a friend and I started developing a small game for smartphones. After finding out that Adobe no longer sells but just rents their software, I was looking for an affordable alternative to do some graphic works for the game. Luckily I found your software - and still managed to get the introductory discount :)


Hi everyone,


I'm a graphic designer from Belgium.

I used to switch between Freehand and Illustrator since the very beginning around 1990, before sticking definitely to Freehand.


I can't wait to give Affinity a try but that means upgrading to Lion, i.e. loosing the Freehand compatibility of OSX 10.6.

So I'm trying to explore the features/lacks of Affinity by reading this forum.

From what I understand, some improvements are to be made on the grid and snapping features, which I appreciate a lot in Freehand.

Also, what happens when Affinity imports a multi-page Freehand document ?

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