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Hi All

My name is Abe Lincoln Jr. and I'm an illustrator and designer in Brooklyn NY. I work as a UX.UI Designer as well. My site is girlsbike.com some of it is NSFW but for profanity as opposed to sexual content. Its all urban art street art stuff but I think its pretty rad. Check it out if you want! I'm really excited to be a part of this, my workflow in illustrator is so ingrained that I am having a hard time doing basic stuff in Designer, I also rely heavily on plugins to make certain things wayyy easier. SO I hope to start experimenting with this program and posting new work in it soon!

Thanks :)


Hello all.


I'm an artist from the Highlands of Scotland and having recently moved to an iMac, I'm looking for a reason to move away from Paint Shop Pro with which I create my works on. Mainly it's for creating curious creatures known as eejits.


I use Paint Shop Pro as it allows me to use vectors for smooth outlines and raster layers for colouring and shading/highlighting. I also use vector shapes for objects my creatures may be carrying or using at times.


I have been on the hunt for a program that allowed me to continue this workflow but also allowed me to control vector paths better and have lines that smoothed out to taper ends (something that PSP doesn't do). I have bought or downloaded trials of Pixelmator, Manga Studio, Sketchbook, iDraw, Illustrator and Photoshop and have been frustrated with each of these on differing levels. As luck would have it, I stumbled upon an article on CreativeBloq that praised Affinity so I decided to give it a whirl.


It has everything I need. Again, there is a definite learning curve but hopefully I'll stick with this one and be able to continue my library of cartoon creatures using Affinity. Hopefully, it'll enable to make products and expand my brand......


Thanks guys, I look forward to exploring the program more. :D






eejits: curious creatures with curious ideas - www.eejits-online.co.uk 

SUPPORT eejits on PATREON. Early access to comics and more! www.patreon.com/eejits

Get eejits COMiCS and occasional NEWS direct to your inbox  https://eejits.substack.com

  • Staff

Hi George!


Welcome to the forum! It sounds like Affinity Designer should be a really good fit for you needs - mixing raster and vector together is what it does best :) Let us know how you get on - I'll be very interested to know what you think!


p.s. Your website looks great - I really like your work!





Hi George!


Welcome to the forum! It sounds like Affinity Designer should be a really good fit for you needs - mixing raster and vector together is what it does best :) Let us know how you get on - I'll be very interested to know what you think!


p.s. Your website looks great - I really like your work!





Thanks Matt! Appreciate you taking a look at my website. I'll let you know how I get on.






eejits: curious creatures with curious ideas - www.eejits-online.co.uk 

SUPPORT eejits on PATREON. Early access to comics and more! www.patreon.com/eejits

Get eejits COMiCS and occasional NEWS direct to your inbox  https://eejits.substack.com


Hi, My name is John Newton and I have been using serif software since 2006 and have been asking then for years when they were going to provide Mac software this is a fabulous breakthrough and I look forward to seeing the entire range.


Hello all,

I'm totally new to Serif software; I've always been a Mac user and only used native software. I found a link to Affinity Designer through a response to an article on "Tera Talks" and thought I'd check it out--always on the look out for interesting new software. So far, I've found Affinity Designer to be pretty good, though I've only used it to test, not for an actual project. It's great that you've included EPS as an export option, something not available in iDraw, which I use as well as Adobe CS 5.5 Web & Design Premium. I like the "Personas", what a wonderful thing to be able to switch instantly between raster and vector tools/options. Looking forward to the release and the other 2 apps--Photo and Publisher. I'd rather own than rent.


Hello all,


My name is Peter Loader. I'm a graphic designer and use Mac as my preferred design platform. I have been using Idraw as a replacement for Adobe Illustrator and Pixelmator as a replacement for Photoshop. Since learning of Affinity Designer and downloading the beta I have been greatly impressed by this application. As a long time user of Corel Xara in my PC days I think Affinity is on the right track to become my Illustration program of choice!

2009: 27 inch iMac / Intel Core i5 / 2.66 GHz / 16 GB Memory / System: Yosemite 10.10.3 – PRINCIPAL DESIGN SOFTWARE: QuarkXpress 9.5.1, 10.5 and 2015 / Pinegrow Web Designer / Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo / Acorn


Hi, I'm William.

Mac-adept, DTP/design since 1988, former Freehand addict (since v1) and extremely happy to have found a very serious competitor for the expensive dragon named Illustrator - which I was forced to love the day Apple killed Rosetta.


Affinity designer feels great already - even while not finished.

It reminds me somewhat of Laserpaint, the first app ever to combine vector and bitmap, ages ago. I feel so young again!

I hope AD will get a good plug in system like AI once had [e.g. scriptographer (now http://paperjs.org/)]

Will do my best to give feedback and make AD mature to the max.


So, I got the ßeta and would love to aquire an official license - but how do I buy one? :huh:

  • Staff

Hi Everyone,


Great to have you on board! :) I'm sure your experience is going to really help us during the beta (and after!) so I look forward to your input.


We're aiming to move out of beta (hopefully) around mid-September, but the official date is October (just so nobody gets too disappointed if we're not finished as soon as we're hoping!) and we'll make sure that the product is rock solid and genuinely productive before deciding it's ready. At that point, we'll release it on the Mac App Store - estimated price is £35/$50. The App Store version allows us to turn on iCloud load/save which is a very handy way to work with your files across multiple devices, so is a nice feature to have...


Until then, please enjoy the beta and let us know how you're getting on with it - we'll do our best to make it as enjoyable as possible :)





My name is Ronnie. Unlike many other people here I am not familiar with any of your products. I have been designing for quite sometime....here comes the shameless plug (mixmediasalad.com) and I have  been using Adobe products for all of my professional life. I am not convinced on the whole subscription base model Adobe got going on these days. I am currently subscribed to the Creative cloud but I am always interested in finding and supporting tools that are not widely known and see how well they can be utilized across other mediums of creative communication. I am looking forward to playing with this application. My goal will be to see how I can utilize and communicate your application with other tools like Sketch3, Cheetah3d and perhaps Apple Motion.


So, far I have to say the tool is pleasing to my eye. I already have a couple of questions but i save those for the appropriate thread. I am currently looking for new job/project opportunities. I think I have some time to spare to dig in on this.






“Hi, my name is David and I’m a Macaholic!”    


My graphic design career has spanned the time when all graphics had to be produced manually as pasteups (started in 1974 with that mode of operation) to the present day when it is all digitally produced. 


My first Mac was an SE bought near the end of 1987 (or was it 1988?  Recall is fuzzy now on that), and my first major application that I purchased was Adobe Illustrator 88 (that was the version that came out just prior to Illustrator Ver. 3, I believe).  After that purchase, it wasn’t long till I also had obtained Photoshop (version 3, I believe it was) and PageMaker.  


Through the years I bought many upgrades to Adobe products (Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat, etc.) as well as Adobe fonts and utilities such as Adobe Type Manager.  I graduated from PageMaker to QuarkXPress way back when.  Later, Adobe came out with their bundle called the Creative Suite.   I upgraded everytime that Adobe came out with an upgrade to the CS suite…. I still have disk sets for CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5 and CS6.  


Alas, that’s where it will end since Adobe has made its decision to do subscriptions only.   Their vision of a business model is unacceptable to me.  I do not like the idea of paying forever and then, if I stop paying, I have nothing to show for it application-wise, and I also then have no access to files made in the various Adobe proprietary formats. 


As I mentioned in another post on this site, with the way Adobe has things set up now, they are effectively proclaiming: 




And so, it is with great anticipation and hope that I now follow the development and, hopefully, deployment of the Affinity line of products.  I am VERY hopeful that this suite of applications will become a major player in the design industry and thereby provide a viable alternative to the Adobe hegemony. 


Contrary to what others have expressed, I think the choice of starting with a vector application (Designer) is a good choice.  There are currently no other viable, full-fledged and/or Mac-native vector drawing programs out there that I’m aware of, so it is good that Serif is starting with that one first. 


If Designer can prove to be a well thought out and viable product, then it will act as an introduction to Affinity products for design firms and thus allow a foothold to be gained in an otherwise Adobe-dominated world.  


So, I salute the people at Serif/Affinity and I wish the best for your development and product line!  I hope to be one of the first to buy Designer (and your other products) when they become available for purchase! 


All the best…..


   - David  



3D with Cinema4D & Moi3D

2D with Adobe Designer CS4


I'm using Illustrator since Illustrator 3.

What I like in Illustrator : bezier curves, precision and basic tools (scale & deformation, rotate, move, duplicate, select tools, mask, patterns).

A lot of tools are ridiculous and I never use its.

Some of tools are good but could be better : gradient (cinema 4D has a very good gradient shader. Many types, easy to add colors with precision, many interpolations between colors, noise), effects (too much memory required), text on path is getting worth version after version.

What I hate : 32bits version (don't know about CC) crashes very often with huge files (imported pictures, multi-effects on shapes), no instances (master shape and clone shapes), no dimensioning tool (like plug Hot Door) and the new marketing politic. I don't want to be a gogo.


I hope Affinity would be an Illustrator killer.


First impressions are very positive : historic, snapping, effects on shapes, transform menu, layer effects, brushes with complex objects.

Interface is very clear and easy to understand.

Some basic functions are missed : we can't rotate or scale an object with a chosen point on the page, bézier curves are not easy to create (can't change the direction of only one vector), no text on curves.


But it's a very good job !




i am Rene, from switzerland`s little big city Zürich.


Many years ago, in 1989, i started with my first MAC and was addicted to FreeHand.

Unfortunately FreeHand died and there was only Adobe Illustrator as an alternative. Never really like that Illustrator.

Now i found Affinity Designer!

You guys made a really good job, looking forward for the final version and the other promised apps.

And thanks for not making any subscription pricing plans.


Hi all,


My name is David and at 63 I am essentially in the process of retiring from the graphics industry, but down the years I have enjoyed Freehand ... and then lamented its demise, I have pulled out my hair (what's left of it) over Illustrator (and believe Adobe has shot itself in both of its corporate feet with 'cloud' subscriptions) and so am thrilled to see Affinity Designer for Mac - its simplicity and functionality look great, and all I need now is more work to try it out fully, so maybe my hair will grow back again one day (vain hope of course!).


Much of my work is now web-based, so on the strength of Affinity Designer I really do hope the guys at Serif are working hard on a Mac version of WebPlus which, as far as I'm concerned, is their flagship package for Windows PCs, and I reckon if they concentrated their efforts on producing an equally-capable Mac version they could take the market by storm. CMS (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal etc.) is all very nice'n'easy but it has big disadvantages, so go for it Serif, you know you can do it!


Hi -


I'm Pete. I'm a professional photographer and Apple devotee going back to green screen, pre-Mac, days.


I read about the in-progress Serif Affinity Suite of applications on the MacInTouch webpage forums just this evening and quickly came over to get information and lend some support.


I have 0 abilities in the land of the "little pen" (vector) but I'm looking forward to gaining some basic experience to aid in motion graphics content creation.


I'm especially excited to see what the Affinity Photography and Publisher programs will offer.


Best to all,


Mac Pro (early 2009)

2.66GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon w/8GB



"It's Stuff I Like, You Might Too..."




I am a spaniard (a guy from Spain - Europe). I live in the northern Spain. A city of 350.000 souls called Bilbao. It has the rights to be “Villa” since the year 1300. It was (and is) famous because of the Gugenheim museum.


Well. Let us go to the point. I will say some words and you will know what my background is:


Macintosh LC, QuarkXPress 3, Photoshop 2.5 and tadaaaa! FreeHand 3. Spaceship Warlock CD and Bryce, Fontographer, Typestyler and things like that.

I studied Graphic Arts. I worked all my life in press, ad agencies, film bureaus and I made lot of stuff. I have draw a lot of vector lines in my life. FreeHand is for me nearly a second nature for me. Lot and lot of hours working with this great application. Fast and productive and anti-bloatware. No Fireworks, no circus, no nonsenses effects, no anti-productive routines and methods...


Well. I am impressed with Affinity Designer and I send several works made in FreeHand MX 11.0.2 for research to the staff of Serif.


I have a great feedback and hope that I will post a sentence in a FreeHand Forum that say: I use Affinity design and I feel so good using it as I was using FreeHand!


Keep the good work!!!!

Graphic designer from Bilbao (Spain) FreeHand forever. Affinity Designer rocks! - Diseñador gráfico de Bilbao (España). FreeHand forever. Affinity Designer ¡mola!

  • Staff

I hope we can make a product good enough you can say that too, Krollian!  :D


(and maybe one day we'll even get your signature updated to say 'Affinity forever!' - tee hee!)


Hi there!


My real name is Slavomir (or...is it?), I'm from Slovakia (Central Europe).


 I've just got my first Macbook, and coincidentally found Afinity website, and it got my attention because KEWL NEW ZTUFF!! (for me, I used mostly Adobe programms)


Self learner I am, with portfolio including comics, book illustrations, game graphics, app design and growing (hopefully), so I am looking forward on using and learning Affinity Designer.


It seems nice so far.

good luck on developing :)


Hello I'm David - an enthusiastic amateur at graphic design, mainly working on posters and displays for clubs/associations. Having given up on Adobe products further to their handling of hacked of accounts and subscription policy, it's great to see Affinity coming up with what should be a good competition for Mac users. So far Designer beta shows good potential, but can't wait for the beta of Publisher. Keep up the good work, there are many discontented Adobe customers wanting you to succeed.


Hi! I'm Jen and I found Affinity after looking for Serif programs for the Mac I've just purchased after dumping my PC. I've been a PagePlus user for several years although only using a small part of the program in my work as a greetings card and mixed media designer for a web shop.


Dia Duit from Ireland!

I'm a 'green screener' (Sega, Apple IIe and Commodore 64) from the '80s too. I'm looking forward to learning Affinity Designer as it seems like (finally) there is a worthy contender to take on Adobe's Illustrator.     In honour of becoming part of the forum, I shall now go and dig up a cat avatar somewhere.




Hello All! My name is Sara and I'm a MacGirl. Have no official design experience (mostly pootled about in PSE) but am really keen to learn Affinity so shall be checking out all the tutorials as they land. Have downloaded the Beta and am finding my way gingerly around it. Total noob! I've not figured out yet how to zoom with my mouse wheel but not doubt that will dawn on me.


Love being creative just for the hell of it and for absolutely no reason at all.


Great App guys - You deserve lots of cake

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